View Full Version : Maxxtech ammo and 380

10-18-2016, 03:15 PM
Has anyone tried the Maxxtech ammo through their 380. https://www.cheaperthandirt.com/product/maxxtech-by-pobjeda-technology-380-acp-full-metal-jacket-brass-cased-95-grains-1049-fps-100-round-plastic-cylinder-ptgb380-3877000251513.do

Ed M
10-18-2016, 09:17 PM
I've shot this stuff in 9mm, but not 380. Heard it is imported by the same folks that bring us Perfecta (Tula). From the description on the CDT website:

".....packaged in a re-sealable plastic cylinder that is about the size of can of beans...."

Price looks pretty good - might be worth a try, but if it works like Perfecta does in my CW380, you'll wish you bought a can of beans instead. :p

The 9mm stuff I tried shot fine, FWIW. Good luck....

10-18-2016, 10:23 PM
I tried the Maxxtech 380 in my P380.....it was a no-go. Repeated failures to feed. Mine seems to like Remington UMC, PMC, PriviPartizan FMJ. It doesn't have problems with most JHP rounds, such as PDX1, HST, Hydrashock, and my carry round, Speer Gold Dots.

10-19-2016, 04:09 AM
Thanks guys ... just looking for something cheaper to play with .... we have shot a lot of Winchester's white box and some PMC with no problems ... would hate to buy a thousand rounds that wouldn't work in our 380's ... might try the PMC

11-07-2016, 05:03 PM
I bought 250 rounds of the MaxxTech ammo and shot a hundred rounds or so through my untouched CW 380 ... several failures to feed with the MaxxTech ... I then tried tigman250's solution with the extractor http://www.kahrtalk.com/showthread.php?26232-Found-solution-to-FTF-and-failure-to-return-to-battery-on-CW-380 ... the MaxxTech had a thicker rim than other ammo I had been shooting with zero problems but after filing the extractor lug the cw380 now feeds and ejects the Maxxtech just fine ... I always sling shot the slide with zero problems.
I will post some pictures of the different ammo I have used without any problems and a sheet I have wrote some specs on. .... the only ammo I've tried that the cw380 doesn't like is the Tula steel casing which I don't like the steel casing either (didn't realize it was steel casing until I had it home) I can still sling shot the slide but with a little force ... it will shoot and extract fine once loaded.

http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a310/Dubbya1/Guns/Group%20Ammo_zpscoeltxum.jpg (http://s14.photobucket.com/user/Dubbya1/media/Guns/Group%20Ammo_zpscoeltxum.jpg.html)

http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a310/Dubbya1/Guns/Spec%20Sheet_zps8fnpv2kd.jpg (http://s14.photobucket.com/user/Dubbya1/media/Guns/Spec%20Sheet_zps8fnpv2kd.jpg.html)

I also bought 500 of Legendary ammo from http://ammoseek.com/ $98.50 ... I really like this ammo for practice, it's reman brass and brass nickel casings ... no failures to report ... I'm going to order another 1000 to play with.

http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a310/Dubbya1/Guns/Legendary%20Bulk_zpswcovd4gk.jpg (http://s14.photobucket.com/user/Dubbya1/media/Guns/Legendary%20Bulk_zpswcovd4gk.jpg.html)

http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a310/Dubbya1/Guns/Legendary%20Sticker_zps6ctycnpc.jpg (http://s14.photobucket.com/user/Dubbya1/media/Guns/Legendary%20Sticker_zps6ctycnpc.jpg.html)

All ammo was shot with stock mag and firing pin but have changed both out since with MagGuts http://magguts.com/shop/kahr-380 ... and LakeLine firing pin htps://lakelinellc.com/product-category/kahr-pistol-accessories/kahr-striker-solutions/t (https://lakelinellc.com/product-category/kahr-pistol-accessories/kahr-striker-solutions/) ... still zero problems.

11-07-2016, 05:18 PM
My carry choice is a bronze cw380 with a Vedder kydex holster ... I also have an MK9 (used) that I've never fired with Clinger kydex holster (Vedder hands down for me) I just bought a cw380 stainless for my son ... so far he has just shot the Winchester white box flat nose with zero problems (stock gun & mag) I have a new extractor ready for his cw380 as soon as I see it fail to feed the MaxxTech ammo :) ... he also has a cw40 that has been flawless in everyway ..... the cw380 is the pistol that turned me on to Kahr ....

Here is some of our toys. (I have removed the laser from the bronze 380)

http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a310/Dubbya1/Guns/Kahrs%20ans%20NAAs_zpsladvarb3.jpg (http://s14.photobucket.com/user/Dubbya1/media/Guns/Kahrs%20ans%20NAAs_zpsladvarb3.jpg.html)

http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a310/Dubbya1/Guns/Kahr%20MK9_zpslxhzfd2j.jpg (http://s14.photobucket.com/user/Dubbya1/media/Guns/Kahr%20MK9_zpslxhzfd2j.jpg.html)

http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a310/Dubbya1/Guns/Kahr%20380_zpsvzsqys5m.jpg (http://s14.photobucket.com/user/Dubbya1/media/Guns/Kahr%20380_zpsvzsqys5m.jpg.html)