View Full Version : Hillary Clinton's Gun Control Plan... This will solve everything!

11-04-2016, 04:38 AM
9 Ways Hillary Clinton's Gun Control Plan Could Change Gun Ownership in AmericaClinton believes these proposals are vital to reducing incidence of gun violence.

Rich Duprey
(TMFCop (http://my.fool.com/profile/TMFCop/activity.aspx))

Oct 30, 2016 at 2:12PM

We're finally in the home stretch of what has been a divisive, acrimony-filled election year. While most of us will be glad when it's finally over, win or lose, there are important issues on the ballot along with the candidates, even if you're not actually pulling a lever for them.
Whoever follows President Barack Obama into the Oval Office is going to need a plan to address these issues. And one of those issues that has been polarizing the country is access to firearms.
Because the next president will be appointing a Supreme Court justice to fill the vacancy created by the death of Antonin Scalia, the nominee's vote will certainly tip the balance one way or the other. In all likelihood, either current gun ownership rights will remain, or access to firearms will be restricted as a means of curbing gun violence.

Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton believes she has that prescription for America. This time around, we're going to take a facts-only look at her nine-point plan (https://www.hillaryclinton.com/briefing/factsheets/2015/10/04/clinton-believes-its-time-to-tackle-gun-violence/) to address the gun issue.
1. Comprehensive background checks.
Hillary Clinton argues that as many as 40% of all gun purchases in the U.S. are done without a criminal background check being performed on the buyer. And since the Brady Bill was signed into law by her husband Bill Clinton in 1993, more than 2.4 million prohibited gun purchases have been blocked.
Putting those two data points together, Clinton calls for an expansion of the background check program, a move she says is supported by 90% of the U.S. population. The Pew Research Center largely backs up her claim for widespread support, finding that even three quarters of supporters of Republican nominee Donald Trump endorse further criminal investigations, though the policy institute pegs total support slightly lower, at 83%.
2. Close the Charleston loophole.
Under federal law, licensed gun dealers can transfer a firearm to an individual after three days even if the criminal background check hasn't been completed. Dylan Roof, who killed nine people in a South Carolina church, had ostensibly obtained his weapon under such circumstances.
Although his drug possession charge wasn't a federal drug charge, as alleged, a crime that would have automatically precluded him from obtaining a firearm (rather it was a misdemeanor offense under state law), it's still possible the FBI examiner would have flagged it.
3. Close the gun show loophole.
Similarly, Clinton wants to expand the definition of who needs to be licensed to sell firearms to include those selling large volumes of guns. The so-called "gun show loophole" is an imprecise term since all federally licensed firearms dealers are required to conduct criminal background checks whether at gun shows or not. And individuals not "in the business" of selling firearms are not required to do so, also regardless of whether they are at a gun show or not.
While some may argue the "high-volume gun sellers" Clinton wants to include are already covered by existing federal statutes since anyone regularly selling a lot of guns is already required to be licensed, she says if Congress won't act on it, she will issue executive orders to do so.
4. Hold gunmakers responsible for crimes committed with a gun.
Acknowledging that while most manufacturers and gun dealers are responsible and safe actors, Clinton wants to repeal the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act that prevents businesses from being held accountable for crimes that are committed with guns. If a store is robbed by a criminal using a gun, or someone is murdered by a firearm, she wants the gun store that sold the gun or the manufacturer that made it to be held responsible.
Clinton voted against the bill in the Senate in 2005 and declares she "will lead the charge to repeal it as president."
5. Revoke licenses of dealers that sell to criminals.
Clinton charges that gun stores are allowing illegal firearms to "flood our communities." As a result, they are the leading cause of death for black males between the ages of 15 and 24.
The problem, she says, is that the agencies responsible for conducting checks of gun shops do not have the funding necessary to follow up on all the stores, so she will provide them with the money needed to carry out their function. Anyone found illegally selling guns will have their federal firearms license revoked.
6. Prohibit domestic abusers from buying or owning guns.
While domestic abusers who are married are currently prohibited from owning or buying firearms under federal law, Clinton says the protections such bans offen are not extended to those in dating relationships or convicted of stalking. She will push to expand the gun ban to any domestic abuser, married or otherwise, and include stalkers, too.
7. Make "straw purchases" a federal crime.
Buying a gun with the intent to turn around and sell or give it to someone else is called a "straw purchase." When you fill out the application to purchase a firearm, Form 4473, you're asked whether you are the "actual buyer," meaning you intend to own it and not give it to someone else.
Lying on the form, as the Supreme Court decision in Abramski v. U.S. made clear, is a federal crime, punishable by up to five years in prison and a $5,000 fine. Clinton deems the offense to be simply a "paperwork violation" and wants to change the law.
8. Improve existing mental health laws.
Pointing to the Virginia Tech mass shooting, Clinton calls for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms & Explosives to "finalize its rulemaking to close loopholes" so that mentally ill people who are involuntarily committed to outpatient treatment will not be able to purchase guns.
9. Ban assault weapons.
Declaring "military-style assault weapons" a danger to law enforcement and our communities, Clinton says they do not belong on our streets and she will push for legislation that bans them.
Will they work?Of course, the big question is whether her proposals would lead to the reduction in violent crime she is seeking.
On the one hand, the number of mass shootings that have captured headlines has increased dramatically in recent years, and a common denominator of many of them appears to be the mental health issues of the perpetrators, as well as their taking antipsychotic medications.
At the same time, the FBI says the number of violent crimes committed have dropped to decades-long lows. Many law-abiding citizens may feel her prescriptions are a shotgun approach to a problem that may have more narrowly defined limits. Implementing her policies will undoubtedly escalate the fractious debate that already swirls around the gun control issue.
Are Hillary Clinton's policies the right ones to fix the problem that seems to have a nexus between crime and guns? In less than two weeks, you'll have the chance to help swing that debate one way or the other.


11-04-2016, 04:43 AM
WikiLeaks: Obama Rejected Hillary Clinton’s Executive Gun Control Plan, Sparked Furor
http://media.breitbart.com/media/2015/10/obama-hillary-clinton-AP-640x480.jpgOlivier Douliery/picture-alliance/dpa/AP Images/Charlie Neibergall (http://www.apimages.com/metadata/Index/DEM-2016-Clinton/e15bbf1368d4483f85dea68e44afcb4a/69/0)

by AWR HAWKINS (http://www.breitbart.com/author/awr-hawkins/)20 Oct 2016258 (http://www.breitbart.com/wikileaks/2016/10/20/wikileaks-obama-rejected-hillary-clintons-executive-gun-control-plan-sparked-furor/#disqus_thread)


An email from WikiLeaks’ Podesta release shows Hillary Clinton’s campaign staff exasperated by President Obama’s rejection of Clinton’s executive gun control plan.The email (https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/21669), dated October 7, 2015, was sent by Ann O’Leary, senior policy director of Hillary for America. In it, O’Leary forwarded an email containing a Washington Post (https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/plum-line/wp/2015/10/07/obama-administration-has-doubts-that-key-hillary-gun-proposal-can-work/?utm_term=.402d3a490345)article revolving around the Obama administration’s rejection of Clinton’s executive gun control plan.
The WaPo reported, “The Obama administration has already taken a long, internal look at the same executive-action proposal Clinton has promised to undertake, and has doubts over whether it can be made to work in practical terms, according to current and former senior administration officials.”
The heart of the matter was Clinton’s plan to use executive orders to further expand background checks, thereby closing the “private seller loophole.” Doing this would require deciding how many guns a private individual needed to sell each year before being considered “engaged in the business” of selling guns. The Obama administration investigated this approach to gun control, only to discover that instituting a threshold for such sales proved futile and created more problems than it solved.
O’Leary responded to this as “really annoying” and warned the other Clinton staffers to be ready for things to worsen on certain fronts.
She wrote (https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/21669):

Being really annoying.
We should all check in with our folks there about it – health care (Robert Pear article); guns; and it is going to get worse…
It is interesting to note that President Obama did find some executive gun controls for his administration to issue on January 5, but they have proven to be of little impact. The ones that did have impact, like the order requiring background checks for people named in trusts for weapons regulated under the National Firearms Act, only increased the burden on law-abiding citizens.
AWR Hawkins is the Second Amendment columnist for Breitbart News and host of Bullets with AWR Hawkins (http://www.podcastone.com/bullets-with-awr-hawkins), a Breitbart News podcast. He is also the political analyst for Armed American Radio. Follow him on Twitter: @AWRHawkins (https://twitter.com/AWRHawkins). Reach him directly at awrhawkins@breitbart.com (awrhawkins@breitbart.com).

11-04-2016, 07:25 AM
To think any of those measures will reduce crime requires a high level of detachment from reality. The ivory tower elites definitely possess that detachment. Whether it's naivete or evil intent is the only question. I believe it's a mix of both.

11-04-2016, 07:55 AM
As usual they are going after the WRONG people!
As we all know Chicago has very strict gun laws and look where it's gotten them!

Punishing law abiding gun owners is like punishing all drivers because some people drive drunk!

11-04-2016, 09:46 AM
Heres a plan to stop gun violence. the federal government can provide for every law abiding (and tax paying) individual a discount coupon and a tax credit to purchase one 6 shot revolver, 2 boxes of ammo, and 2 speed loaders per person in the household. A training class and range time is provided for those that have never shot a gun. Owning a gun is required. then if they own it they are allowed to carry it wherever they like concealed. then the bad guy doesn't know who has a gun and who doesnt.

The island of Manhattan is vacated and turned into a prison colony. Any violent criminals are sent there and fend for themselves. Allagators are stocked around the Island so no one can swim to NJ.

anyone got anything to add???

11-04-2016, 03:35 PM
Get government out of the parenting business. Stop welfare for parents who never married their baby daddies. Teach people in schools to love one another in the Christian way (doesn't have to involve religion, just follow Jesus' commandment). Teach kids not to kill, lie, steal, to respect their parents.

11-04-2016, 08:46 PM
Heres a plan to stop gun violence. the federal government can provide for every law abiding (and tax paying) individual a discount coupon and a tax credit to purchase one 6 shot revolver, 2 boxes of ammo, and 2 speed loaders per person in the household. A training class and range time is provided for those that have never shot a gun. Owning a gun is required. then if they own it they are allowed to carry it wherever they like concealed. then the bad guy doesn't know who has a gun and who doesnt.

The island of Manhattan is vacated and turned into a prison colony. Any violent criminals are sent there and fend for themselves. Allagators are stocked around the Island so no one can swim to NJ.

anyone got anything to add???

You Sir (I assume), are a Genius!! Some solutions are Soooooooooo, Easy!

11-05-2016, 03:09 PM
Didn't read the thread.
But just the thought of The Hildabeast made me upgrade my AK74 pistol :Amflag2:

11-05-2016, 04:59 PM
Wow Barth, what do you call that thing…..other than GOOD!
Seriously, what's the brand and model number?

11-05-2016, 08:08 PM
Wow Barth, what do you call that thing…..other than GOOD!
Seriously, what's the brand and model number?

When we had the last big ammo/gun shortage full size AK/AR guns were unavailable.
But the, at the time, unpopular AK/AR pistols could still be had.
Bought this Arsenal SLR-106U 5.56 NATO short gas system pistol at that time.
Bulgaria being a member of NATO actually produced 5.56 NATO chambered AKs.
And techincally it's clasified as a 10.5" high cap pistol.
So it's not covered by 922r requirement of 10 U.S. parts.
100% Bulgarian AK from Арсенал АД running AR15 ammo sounded like a winner to me :D
Then came along the Sig Brace turning AK/AR style pistols into semi-SBRs.
The Preppergunshop is selling the SB-47 brace, with no box, for $89.99 and I folded like a cheap lawn chair - LOL!
It fits perfect and looks great.
Going out at the break of dawn to have a shootout between the Arsenal SLR-106U and my Hk SP5K.
This should be fun...
Hk SP5K (my other PDW)

11-05-2016, 08:52 PM
When we had the last big ammo/gun shortage full size AK/AR guns were unavailable.
But the, at the time, unpopular AK/AR pistols could still be had.
Bought this Arsenal SLR-106U 5.56 NATO short gas system pistol at that time.
Bulgaria being a member of NATO actually produced 5.56 NATO chambered AKs.
And techincally it's clasified as a 10.5" high cap pistol.
So it's not covered by 922r requirement of 10 U.S. parts.
100% Bulgarian AK from Арсенал АД running AR15 ammo sounded like a winner to me :D
Then came along the Sig Brace turning AK/AR style pistols into semi-SBRs.
The Preppergunshop is selling the SB-47 brace, with no box, for $89.99 and I folded like a cheap lawn chair - LOL!
It fits perfect and looks great.
Going out at the break of dawn to have a shootout between the Arsenal SLR-106U and my Hk SP5K.
This should be fun...
Hk SP5K (my other PDW)
mmmmm nice

11-06-2016, 09:49 AM
Range Update:
CQC fast fire - Winner Hk

11-06-2016, 11:36 AM
I'm likin' my Sub2000.

11-06-2016, 11:44 AM
I'm likin' my Sub2000.

Love to have one if I could find one.
In all fairness that's a 16" barrel rifle right? :p
(Hk is a pistol with a 4.53" barrel)
Still, great rapid fire shooting.
And a really interesting gun.
I've looked for a Sub-2000.
But they seem to be very hard to come by.
Plus I've blown my annual gun budget this year - LOL!

You don't happen to have a source for those things do you? :)
Always thought one in 40 S&W would be a sweet carbine.
Forget that last question, no more guns this year.
I'll say it again so maybe I'll believe it this time :rolleyes:
No more guns this year!!! (I hope)

11-06-2016, 05:44 PM
Stop welfare for parents who never married their baby daddies.

Better solution to the Babie Momma/Daddie problem. ALL babies MUST have a fathers name on the birth certificate to qualify for any welfare.
NOW you have a Daddy on record responsible for the child's costs, not you and me....

11-06-2016, 06:42 PM
Better solution to the Babie Momma/Daddie problem. ALL babies MUST have a fathers name on the birth certificate to qualify for any welfare.
NOW you have a Daddy on record responsible for the child's costs, not you and me....

How about - All Anchor Babies get deported with their Illegal Alien Mommies :Amflag2:

11-09-2016, 07:07 AM
God Bless the USA and
God Bless Donald Trump!!

11-09-2016, 07:08 AM
Hillary's gun control plan is officially a MOOT POINT.

11-09-2016, 10:20 AM
Everything Clinton is officially moot! One of the guys said he hoped she just faded away. I prefer she is just vaporized. Poof. Forget the name. Ovomit at the same time, he's still young though, he'll be a burr under our saddles for a long time.

11-09-2016, 01:01 PM
Think Hildabeast was being kept alive on life support anyway. If her batteries fail? That will be the end of her...

11-09-2016, 02:04 PM
They have sooooooooooooo much money, and it didn't buy the power, which is what she really wanted. Now they will do what Oblamea will do. Kick back, write some stupid books, and in the Clinton's case, she will hang with Chelsea, while Wild Bill finds some young girls to diddle.......................

11-09-2016, 02:20 PM
Sure beats staying at home, poor Bill.

11-09-2016, 03:57 PM
Ole Bill ain't looking so good these days and I don't think he's long for this world but if I were forced to live with the Hildabeast every day I would rather be dead....May they both slither away to wherever they came from and we never hear her screech again.....Thank God they're gone and God Bless the United States of America where the will of the people and their vote still counts....

11-09-2016, 04:08 PM
Ol' Bill looked pretty sad - he knows she's gonna be around all the time keeping an eye on him. Sad for all his girl friends.

Anyway, several states had a bunch of anti-gun referendums/propositions on their ballots. Wonder how those turned out?

11-09-2016, 06:09 PM
Ol' Bill looked pretty sad - he knows she's gonna be around all the time keeping an eye on him. Sad for all his girl friends.

Anyway, several states had a bunch of anti-gun referendums/propositions on their ballots. Wonder how those turned out?

1) 10 round mag max
2) Background checks for people buying bullets
3) Crime not to report lost or stolen guns

11-09-2016, 06:11 PM
Guess I'll have to play outlaw or find a way around California to get to Reno if I go again this year. No wait I'm ok.

My PM45 and 1911's don't hold 10. I'm good. Just call me legal beagle. What was I thinking.

11-09-2016, 07:41 PM
I am buying all my ammo in Nevada....Kali aint getting the $$

01-26-2017, 04:07 PM

01-28-2017, 01:37 PM
Sorry, but it will never work. The climate is too cold for allagators.

Heres a plan to stop gun violence. the federal government can provide for every law abiding (and tax paying) individual a discount coupon and a tax credit to purchase one 6 shot revolver, 2 boxes of ammo, and 2 speed loaders per person in the household. A training class and range time is provided for those that have never shot a gun. Owning a gun is required. then if they own it they are allowed to carry it wherever they like concealed. then the bad guy doesn't know who has a gun and who doesnt.

The island of Manhattan is vacated and turned into a prison colony. Any violent criminals are sent there and fend for themselves. Allagators are stocked around the Island so no one can swim to NJ.

anyone got anything to add???

01-29-2017, 06:46 PM
Good picture knkall. If it would have been that way, maybe not so many would have been slaughtered.

01-29-2017, 09:57 PM
Sorry, but it will never work. The climate is too cold for allagators.

Hmmm, maybe circle it with a net and stock it with sharks.

02-05-2017, 05:58 PM
Sure glad we don't have to worry about any of that OP. :)