View Full Version : Heaviest trigger pull on the planet

11-05-2016, 09:01 PM
I just picked up this little beast, a Romanian Carpati Model 74 in .32ACP. At the price I couldn't pass it up but when I got the little varmint home I discovered the heaviest DA trigger I have ever felt, even worse than a VP70! SA wasn't too horrible, and after a thorough scrubbing the DA improved from utterly unbelievable to simply atrocious. No one could ever claim an accidental discharge with this gun. It also had a 3/8" thumbrest on the left grip to make ATF import points, that went away on the sander in the garage and now the grip is pretty nice even with my oversized paws. Good looking little gun, obviously copied from the Walther PP series.
http://i1208.photobucket.com/albums/cc372/DeaconKC/100_2806_zpsjw2lmdt2.jpg (http://s1208.photobucket.com/user/DeaconKC/media/100_2806_zpsjw2lmdt2.jpg.html)

11-07-2016, 07:53 PM
My PPK has the second worst DA trigger then. At 12 pounds it's useless. Runs like a sewing machine in SA though.

11-07-2016, 08:06 PM
My cheap gun was an unissued Bulgarian Makarov.
Was shocked to find the DA trigger wasn't bad at all... :D

11-08-2016, 06:40 PM
Congrats on the new to you .32 :) It is a good looking little pistol.
In regards to the heaviest trigger pull on the planet thing: a local shop has a Detonics Pocket 9 that might give the Romanian a run for the money:

11-11-2016, 10:53 PM
Well, hit the range with it yesterday. Didn't even bother with the DA and the SA trigger shot very well. Small sights are a challenge but this little beast is well made and shoots well. 3" 6 shot groups at 10 yards off hand. I thought the first group was a fluke, but it delivered that 4 times. It might actually go from trade fodder to sticking around.

11-12-2016, 11:25 AM
after a thorough scrubbing the DA improved from utterly unbelievable to simply atrocious

Well that's great news! :)

The DA pulls on both my Charter Arms were like a medley of gravel and Lock-tite. Lots of dry firing smoothed things up to the point they're slick and good to go. In fact, they are smoother and better feeling than either of my two Smith's - a little J frame and a Z frame. To be fair, the Smiths have had little use.

If the pull is just heavy ... probably not much can be done, as the weight of the spring, its tension on the hammer, very well could be part of the recoil system, and you just might have live with it. To a point, the mainspring will limber up some with use, just like a Kahr recoil spring.

11-12-2016, 05:02 PM
I hate heavy trigger pulls. The only thing worse it a gritty, stacking heavy trigger pull.

11-13-2016, 06:05 PM
Well, at least it no longer gritty, just long and heavy. With the military springs there is nothing to be done. It is shootable in SA, actually surprisingly accurate. It might just stick around for a while.