11-15-2016, 07:04 PM
My wife and I will be vending at the gun show at the Jacksonville Fairgrounds this weekend... 19th and 20th. A few personal firearms, lots of Glock or "for Glock" mags, ammo, and MagClaws.
I'll have my unfired MechTech Conversion Carbine in .45 ACP and lots of accessories including dedicated unfired G21 SF lower for complete weapon. All in picture above for $1,100.
I'm willing to sell the CCU with some accessories, but will keep the G21 SF lower until CCU is sold. I won't sell it first. I installed the extended mag release, extended slide lock, and the Ghost 3.5 Connector in the lower and all OEM parts are included. Main pricing will be based on current MT prices or less for some items. Best package with lots of options is all in the picture for $1,100. CC/Debit OK.
The magazine is a Kriss 30-round upgraded magazine, not available without the CCU.
The Telescoping stock, not the wire one, is a military-spec M4 made by IMI Defense... Israeli, with buffer, spring, and wrench. Two-point sling adapter added.
My wife and I will be vending at the gun show at the Jacksonville Fairgrounds this weekend... 19th and 20th. A few personal firearms, lots of Glock or "for Glock" mags, ammo, and MagClaws.
I'll have my unfired MechTech Conversion Carbine in .45 ACP and lots of accessories including dedicated unfired G21 SF lower for complete weapon. All in picture above for $1,100.
I'm willing to sell the CCU with some accessories, but will keep the G21 SF lower until CCU is sold. I won't sell it first. I installed the extended mag release, extended slide lock, and the Ghost 3.5 Connector in the lower and all OEM parts are included. Main pricing will be based on current MT prices or less for some items. Best package with lots of options is all in the picture for $1,100. CC/Debit OK.
The magazine is a Kriss 30-round upgraded magazine, not available without the CCU.
The Telescoping stock, not the wire one, is a military-spec M4 made by IMI Defense... Israeli, with buffer, spring, and wrench. Two-point sling adapter added.