View Full Version : Transfer of a firearm

11-16-2016, 04:17 PM
I would like to transfer a firearm to our son as a gift. Unfortunately we live in MI and he lives in NV. I talked to our FFL and she says a Michigan FFL would not take care of that, they would be worried about shipping it. I told her that we would be traveling to NV in Dec. and the again in Feb.,
She said I should check with a FFL in NV. Our son says you can transfer a handgun without paper work. Plus I know that a new gun law past in Nov., so everything may have changed. Anyway, I'm confused and want to take care of this legally, so I'm asking for some advise.

11-16-2016, 05:36 PM
Take it to him and hand it directly to him.

Here in Washington this year they passed a law where all handgun have to be transferred thru an FFL.

I'm still seeing very very few transfers for what they call private transfers.
The only real difference is at the gun show. You can't buy from a private party and walk out, you have to go to an FFL table and transfer the thing.

I would not hesitate to transfer the gun to a family member and probably wouldn't lose any sleep transferring to somebody I know. No way to track it.

If you know that your son isn't qualified to own a gun (not likely), that's a different deal. It's a gift.........

I thought NV was pretty good on stuff. But I can't say for sure.

11-16-2016, 05:44 PM
pm sent

11-17-2016, 08:11 AM
Doing the same thing with my son who lives in TX. Assuming there is no reason he/she would not be allowed to have a firearm, pack and declare it in checked baggage and give it to him on arrival.

11-17-2016, 08:55 AM
Interesting your FFL wouldn't do it. The three closest to me in Kalamazoo would, they do it all the time.

11-17-2016, 12:26 PM
Texas is a Free State as are neighboring states. Weapons tranfers unless it is Class 3 weapon is a case of handing it to them. Really nothing more here or in other Free States.

11-17-2016, 01:30 PM
Thanks for all the replies.
One more question, do I have to let the Michigan Police know that I no longer own the gun? I think I'll call them.
Our son is solid but if the gun is ever stolen I don't want it to still be in my name.

11-17-2016, 03:52 PM
If you're concerned about being a past owner, make a bill of sale to your son and each of you keep a copy. The police won't care if you sell your guns, at least I hope our country hasn't come to that yet.

11-17-2016, 04:41 PM
When in doubt, check the laws. Each state has firearm site, here in California its the Attorney Generals site.

Here, found this http://www.michigan.gov/msp/0,4643,7-123-1878_1591_3503_4654---,00.html

11-17-2016, 05:09 PM
I agree with check laws. After sister and her husband's house burned to the ground a couple years back I "gave" them several firearms to help get them back in business. They live in PA and I'm in Colorado. PA requires ownership transfer paperwork, even wrt gift to family members. PA does, however, allow loaning guns between CC permit holders. So these are now on hand delivered, permanent loan. Colorado requires transfer paper between private parties. Though that's been not at all well received by gun folk LE and often considered unenforceable, my precautionary solution when I wanted to give a fellow permit holder an SKS was to indefinitely loan it to him even though it's cold firearm.

11-17-2016, 06:51 PM
The Michigan law is permit to purchase, or carry. Nothing needed to get rid of, and private sales are allowed without background check, according to the Wiki page.

11-18-2016, 08:10 AM
Thanks for all the reply's.
I'm going to get into Michigan's laws and at the very least write up a bill of sale to show that I no longer own the gun.

Michigan law can be strange. Last year I transferred two firearms to our oldest son who is a LEO and he lives in Michigan and we had to go through the State to make the exchange legal. Since then the law has changed (May 2015) and I wouldn't have that hassle.

We have a friend who is a Navy Captain living in Virginia, and he had to file out Michigan paper work to transfer a firearm to his father in-law who lives in Michigan.

11-18-2016, 10:35 AM
If you ask there's laws and hoops to jump through to do just about anything.

Don't ask.

11-18-2016, 03:07 PM
Sorry all, didn't mean to sound like a Richard Cranium (figure it out...lol). I don't like to give advice on gun stuff, because if Im wrong, I get someone in trouble and their only retort is "well, such and such said...." which really won't get you out of a scary place.

11-18-2016, 04:28 PM
If you're concerned about being a past owner, make a bill of sale to your son and each of you keep a copy. The police won't care if you sell your guns, at least I hope our country hasn't come to that yet.

I definitely plan to do that, if fact I already have it all written up with serial number, caliber etc.

11-18-2016, 05:43 PM
When I was in the gun biz... we had just a few checks on 4473s to owners who no longer had the guns. Only ATF can check that stuff, btw. Locals can ASK, but we'd tell 'em to pound sand. Those are Federal forms, not open to the locals, even if they pass a county or state law... they still got "pound sand", with no reprisals.

However.... a few times we had customers of ours, good folks, not scabs or crooks, asked about the disposition of a gun, by ATF. Hell, it happened to me once. No big deal. Are you still in possession? No. Do you know the person you sold it to. They were a casual acquaintance. Do they still own the weapon? Dunno, go ask them if you can find 'em. And that was the end of it. No bill of sale, no nothing, as the law does not require it. I've only ever done it once on private transaction when selling, but will oblige on purchase if the seller is a nervous Nelly.

02-17-2017, 06:27 PM
Update on the SUCCESSFUL transfer of a firearm to our son in Las Vegas. I gave him the firearm on Dec. 20th, which was easy because at that time NO paperwork was necessary. A new law took effect Jan 1 (Grrrrrrrrrr) that all transfers require a background check…double Grrrrrrr….it's family.
Anyway, my other concern was making sure the firearm (a five seven) was no longer listed as owned by me in Michigan. I called the State Police Firearms division
(honestly, they have always been very good to me…it was my third time dealing with them over the phone on gun matters) and they listed the information they needed to ensure their records were correct concerning me not owning the firearm. So I sent them a letter, and a couple of days ago I got the reply that they had the information and that the gun was no longer under my name. They also said (cya) that our son was obligated to observe all NV gun ownership laws.

02-18-2017, 11:42 AM
Take it to him and hand it directly to him.

Here in Washington this year they passed a law where all handgun have to be transferred thru an FFL.

I'm still seeing very very few transfers for what they call private transfers.
The only real difference is at the gun show. You can't buy from a private party and walk out, you have to go to an FFL table and transfer the thing.

I would not hesitate to transfer the gun to a family member and probably wouldn't lose any sleep transferring to somebody I know. No way to track it.

If you know that your son isn't qualified to own a gun (not likely), that's a different deal. It's a gift.........

I thought NV was pretty good on stuff. But I can't say for sure.

Flew to Oregon and handed twin Ruger LCPs to my daughter as a wedding present.
She was very happy about that :D

02-18-2017, 08:28 PM
Wow, great job!
If your kids are solid it's great to help them defend themselves!!

02-19-2017, 06:38 AM
A 5.7 is a heck of a nice gift. I'm sure your son appreciates the gun and the trouble you went through for him. :yo: Gave my son a Glock 19 for Christmas and I was happy to see he was carrying it next time I saw him. Guess he liked it.

marshal kane
02-19-2017, 07:39 AM
Some States will want you to show them that you can levitate, gargle peanut butter, and do long division to make a transfer. I'm with Bwanna on how to do the transfer.

02-19-2017, 08:33 AM
The five seven was in my will to him, but I decided to gift it to him instead because I wasn't shooting it much. The gun didn't fit my hand and I didn't want a grip reduction on that gun.