View Full Version : Thanksgiving Day. First morning off in a while and just signed up!!

11-24-2016, 10:05 AM
I would like to introduce myself to the forum. My name is Brian and I live in Lancaster Pa. Im not Amish but spend much of my day in their presence. I am the foreman at a locally owned lumber yard and we cater to all builders/contractors of the area, many of course who are Amish. I wont go too much into their lifestyle but will stay on topic and mention that as a whole, they do love guns. From hunting to HD they have them too, and dont only expect the double barrel!

I was in the USN from 86 to 92 as a visual communication specialist or "SM". I was also on the chaff launcher loading crew which was a defensive system for incoming missile threats. I spent all my sea time on one ship, USS Lynde McCormick, a Charles F. Adams class destroyer. We were deployed as support for both the USS New Jersey battle group and the USS Enterprise battle group, which is where we came into combat ops against the Iranian Navy. Their surface fleet was basically cut in half over a three day period. Believe it or not we actually considered Iraq one of our allies at that time.

Most importantly I have been married since 1996 to my wife, Julie. Together we have three daughters, Samantha, 18, Victoria, 15, and Alexandra, 10. Sammi, Tori and Ally. I love them to death but there has been more than one or two nights that I've come home to three, sometimes four, high pitched voices in some sort of heated debate/argument. I keep a chair in the garage for these very moments if you know what I mean.

As far as Kahr products I have had a PM9 for over six years which has been flawless from day one. I recently picked up a used Auto Ordnance 1911 for four hundred dollars. This one was on my radar for a while, just took time to actually run into one. Then just yesterday I stopped into my local shop and took home a K40 for $290 plus tax and pics (Pa insta check system-$5 fee). This one I feel I stole. Ill get some pictures up soon but in the meantime........Hi.

11-24-2016, 01:08 PM
Welcome bripro, excellent introduction.

I've never been around Amish too much but spent some time with the Menonites in Missouri. Good people.
Some of the stores in my home town even had provisions for their buggies and horses when they came to town.

You for sure stole that K40, I have one and wouldn't consider selling it for twice that.

Any pictures of the daughters, oh forget I said that, I been hanging around Jocko and CJB too long, just slipped out.

Sounds like your close to the fighting off the boys stage. That's my forte. I've run off a bunch. Daughter finally found one that passed muster and married. 2nd grandchild is due any day now. Probably by the weekend.
Even had friends who had me run off their daughters suitors too. Kind of proud of it really.

Probably got it from my father in law, he run me off a few times back in an earlier life.

Glad you found us. Pull up a stool or a rocking chair and hang out.

11-24-2016, 09:26 PM
^^Actually as far as the boys go, My 18 y/o is more particular than I could ever be and anyone she has ever been involved with has "passed" with flying colors. My 15 y/o luckily just hangs out with friends for now but the time will come for her too.

Heres is a picture of that K40 as it sat in my shops display case. I actually agreed to buy it at 319 but was then told they were having a pre Black Friday sale and everything in store was 9% off. It even came with a decent Kydex holster. No box and only one mag but Im still tickled with the purchase. This is the type that I usually read about other people falling into. I'm glad it was finally my turn.

The next two pics were after it's first cleaning and lube (with me) and on my hip in the included Trident Concealment holster after the range trip where I put slightly under one hundred rounds of both my carry Ammo and some cheap aluminum cased fmjs through it without a single issue.

BTW where does the forum recommend I pick up a few more mags?




11-24-2016, 10:24 PM
Nice intro Brian. Welcome to the forum. I just sold my Mag-na-ported P40 that I bought used off the Marketplace here. I got a chance to buy a new black P40... about 8 ounces lighter than the K40... important to me as I wear shorts most of the time down here.

I carry my knife in the pocket on the opposite side of my pistol so that I can grab it with my left hand if my right hand gets busy, as if fighting for control of my pistol in a close-quarter situation. It's my backup. I carry a spare mag on that side, too, in a Kydex on the belt carrier... a 7-round extended grip... K720G.

Watch for mags in our Marketplace and you can use Google to find them. Not all of the large outlets carry Kahr mags, but there are some on eBay:

http://www.ebay.com/itm/KAHR-K40-ALL-Kahr-40S-W-except-T40-TP40-6-Round-Magazine-K420-FAST-SHIP-/221931851178?hash=item33ac2b4daa:g:GQMAAOSwKIpV~ji O

Consider all costs... shipping free and no tax, as well as price. $30 buck or less shipped would be a great price. This is close.

Here's another: lower at Buds but shipping extra: https://www.budsgunshop.com/catalog/product_info.php/products_id/27382

I would look a little more, but I'm trying to clean up after our dinner and watching TV late!

Remington 180-gr Golden Sabers are some of the best .40 ammo.

Wynn :)

.40 S&W Magazines

CM40, PM40, MK40, & .40S&W Covert Models (http://www.kahr.com/kahr-mag-guide.asp#pm40mk40mag) | CW40, P40 & K40 Models (http://www.kahr.com/kahr-mag-guide.asp#p40cw40k40mag) | TP40 & T40 Models (http://www.kahr.com/kahr-mag-guide.asp#tp40t40mag)

KS520 (http://www.kahr.com/Magazines/Kahr-5-Round-40-SandW-Magazine.asp)
5 rounds, stainless steel with flush baseplate (Fits Kahr Covert, MK, PM & CM models)

KS620 (http://www.kahr.com/Magazines/Kahr-6-Round-40-SandW-Magazine-W-Grip-Extension.asp)
6 rounds, stainless steel with with grip extension (Fits Kahr Covert, MK, PM & CM models)

K420 (http://www.kahr.com/Magazines/Kahr-6-Round-40-SandW-Magazine.asp)
6 rounds, stainless steel (Fits all Kahr .40 S&W models except T40, CT40 & TP40)

K720G (http://www.kahr.com/Magazines/Kahr-7-Round-40-SandW-W-Grip-Extension.asp)
7 rounds, stainless steel with grip extension (Fits all Kahr .40 S&W models except T40, CT40 & TP40)

K720 (http://www.kahr.com/Magazines/Kahr-7-Round-40-SandW-Magazine.asp)
7 rounds, stainless steel stainless steel (Fits all Kahr .40 S&W models)

11-29-2016, 08:15 AM
You did steal it...............................and .40, my favorite caliber. I never find those deals around here...............................:) and apparently, you know how to post pics. You have my condolences on having all of those women in the house:o

11-29-2016, 09:44 AM
Great buy, $319 was a steal already.

11-29-2016, 09:51 AM
Nice popper, Brian! Em er some pretty guns, the K's. Welcome!

12-03-2016, 03:34 PM
Thanks for the warm welcome. I've already picked up some good information and plan to stick around for a while.