View Full Version : So what's with all the MK9 posts the last few days?

12-09-2016, 11:55 PM
All these posts about folks picking up a MK9 or revisiting threads about their recoil assemblies and such......it's a conspiracy I tell ya..
I pop into my favorite local shop today to test out Al's (Lakeline LLC) new stainless steel striker guide for the XD-S and what do I spy in one of the cabinets?
Yes sir, a used MK9. I can't recall ever seeing a MK anything in this shop other than a MK40 one of the guys there carries from time to time. The MK9 has a few wear spots and the grip screws are beat up a bit, but overall it's in good shape. It's not a consignment gun and as I've never fired a MK anything, I ask to put a few rounds through it and they oblige. Bad move, the friggin gun shoots great for me (almost as well as Genin's at ten yds (http://www.kahrtalk.com/showthread.php?29948-My-New-MK9-and-Introduction).). I can't resist, this might be Excalibur...so I'm the proud owner of a used, but sweet shooting MK9.
Here's a photo of it after cleaning up the screws and blasting the few wear marks (it's sitting on top of the target I used to test it):
As an added bonus, the magazine that came with it has one of Kahr's old metal followers in it and it works great so far:)

For any XD-S users out there, Al's new striker guide looks like to be a winner (worked as advertised for me this afternoon:cool:):
This puppy ain't going to crack like the OEM plastic one can.


Ed M
12-10-2016, 01:35 AM
Congrats on your find, Greg.

She's a looker, for sure! There's something about the steel framed Kahrs that just screams quality.

Some of the things I find appealing about Kahr pistols:

- thin, compact design.
- easy to conceal. They just seem to vanish in the right holster, and are super comfortable to carry.
- very good factory sights. The bar dot sight system is quick and easy to obtain a good sight picture.
- simple design that is easy to disassemble, clean, and maintain.
- that wonderful Kahr trigger....
- excellent ergonomics. So comfortable, and easy to shoot.
- low perceived recoil. Even better with steel framed ones.
- looks. All Kahrs look appealing to me, but those steel framed ones....
- build quality. Kahrs are just well made. Great basic design.

I'm sure I could come up with more things I like about Kahr's designs. To me, the MK9 takes the Kahr basic design to it's highest level. The only negative I typically hear is weight. Yeah, a CM9 is lighter, but 22 oz is pretty light in actuality. I have no problem pocket carrying my MK9. In anything but dress slacks, it's not uncomfortable at all.

Stupid analogy, but comparing polymer framed Kahrs with the steel framed ones is like comparing a very talented rookie athlete to a veteran athlete at the peak of their career. Smooth and refined, they're the best at what makes them great.

12-10-2016, 05:39 AM
Where else you going to find a stainless micro 9 of that quality for the money? The pretty little guns have them all beat! A real value

12-10-2016, 06:05 AM
I agree with posts by everyone. I haven't been able to stop laughing at myself on Cabelas screw up and keep thinking if I am on their radar next time I swing thru their library.

I like the metal follower better then the plastic one.

12-10-2016, 07:44 AM
It looks brand new after your clean-up, congratulations. I bought mine used from Buds and I couldn't ever find any evidence of it being used either.

12-10-2016, 07:55 AM
oh baby that's sweet! Fantastic shooting and definitely just as good as I. Those grips look cool, almost like a rubberized version. Are they just a different factory style from an earlier version or an aftermarket grip?

12-10-2016, 09:21 AM
Didn't they used to come with rubber grips, like the K9? When I had both, I ordered some rubber K9 grips from Kahr and chopped them down to fit my MK9. Ended up selling both guns, often wish I still had the K9. But I have a CW9 and CM9 that are 80-90% as good but they're lighter and easier to carry. The only difference to me between the metal and plastic Kahrs is that the metal ones look better, feel better in the hand, and have only a slight advantage in recoil absorption. The other patented features do great things for recoil in the plastic framed model. If a gun were a fashion statement I'd carry a K9 or MK9 or T9 open carry!

12-10-2016, 09:36 AM
Great find Greg! Count me as an MK fan.

12-10-2016, 10:21 AM
I like mine for very compact carry, accuracy, and reliability.

12-10-2016, 10:52 AM
I was thinking the same thing about the grips as far as looking like the K9 rubber like feeling grips. Good find.

I also like when this subforum gets fired up.

12-10-2016, 12:15 PM
Hey everyone,
Thank you all for your comments, very much appreciated:)

Ed M, Kahr should hire you to do marketing for them.

As to the grips, they are not rubber. They are made by Hogue and have more of a nylon feel to me. My MK9 is a GAO9XX serial number gun (circa 1997), so I guess Al's G10 grips are out of the picture (disappointed at that as I like the look of them). I recently reacquired the older K9 I used to own (a little worse for wear, so I might refinish it), so here's a shot of it (with rubber grips) next to the MK9:
These two are probably within a year or so of production dates.


12-10-2016, 04:28 PM
Nice find ... The MK9 is a fine piece of equipment ...

12-10-2016, 05:09 PM
Hey everyone,

As to the grips, they are not rubber. They are made by Hogue and have more of a nylon feel to me. My MK9 is a GAO9XX serial number gun (circa 1997), so I guess Al's G10 grips are out of the picture (disappointed at that as I like the look of them).

I thought this might come up when I read this post the first time.

I have a thought on how we might be able to fit the G10 grips to the GA frames. It would probably take a drill press to accomplish if you are interested.

The basic problem is the early MK grips are thicker, like the K series grips, by .050 inch. The later grips were made thinner, but the boss was added to give enough material for the screw in the thinner grips. I'll have to check all the dimensions again, but if there is room for the screw head to stay below the surface of the grips, it would be possible to remove the boss and do a thin counter bore from the back with a drill press that will allow a fairly thin stainless washer to be epoxied in to support the screw. If that isn't clear, I could draw it up. The question I have to check is whether the screw head will still be below the surface of the grip. That depends a bit on the washer that is used. It wouldn't be a huge project if a good washer could be located that is thin, strong and stainless.

Just thinkin....

12-10-2016, 08:44 PM
I thought this might come up when I read this post the first time.

I have a thought on how we might be able to fit the G10 grips to the GA frames. It would probably take a drill press to accomplish if you are interested.

The basic problem is the early MK grips are thicker, like the K series grips, by .050 inch. The later grips were made thinner, but the boss was added to give enough material for the screw in the thinner grips. I'll have to check all the dimensions again, but if there is room for the screw head to stay below the surface of the grips, it would be possible to remove the boss and do a thin counter bore from the back with a drill press that will allow a fairly thin stainless washer to be epoxied in to support the screw. If that isn't clear, I could draw it up. The question I have to check is whether the screw head will still be below the surface of the grip. That depends a bit on the washer that is used. It wouldn't be a huge project if a good washer could be located that is thin, strong and stainless.

Just thinkin....
Hey Al,
Thanks for the post! I understand what you are saying about removing the boss on the back of the grips, then counter boring the hole for a glued in washer to prevent the screw from pulling through (of course, I did go back and look at the 22 page MK9 G10 grip thread;)).
The grips on my MK9 are in good shape and I like the thickness, so I have no real need (other than liking them) for the G10 at this time, but will keep this in mind. Thanks again Sir!

12-10-2016, 09:46 PM
I was just thinking about it really. Since I figure if you wanted to do it, you would figure out how to get it done. So, I mainly just thought "how would Greg do this if he was going to." Anyway, your MK9 looks like a score and this has been a fun thread.

12-10-2016, 10:44 PM

That mag plate sure fits flush against the bottom of the gun. There are many people on this site that are envious of you.

12-11-2016, 03:15 PM
Nice find Greg. I bought a MK9 when the first came out and it's a GA series with the nylon Hogue grips and like a dummy, I sold it to a friend but was fortunate enough to get it back so I won't be making that mistake again. Like the nylon grips so much that I looked for a while to find some for my K9 and finally located a set so both of them feel them same now except for the size. Nice shooting too!

12-11-2016, 08:56 PM
Cokeman & Shadetree, Thank you for your comments!
Good to read that you got your MK9 back Shadetree:)

I'm still feeling the conspiracy theory.

I look on eBay for an extra magazine and the first one I see has the old metal follower....so, it's on the way:cool:
Then, I look in my 1911 parts stash and sure enough I have exactly 4 stainless hex screws. I also quickly locate some stuff to build a jig to grind/file the 1911 screws down to the length of the Kahr screws. This is all going too, too easy...I'm telling ya.http://i68.tinypic.com/2hmiqo7.jpg

12-11-2016, 10:31 PM
Looks great. I've never found a mag with the stamped follower. Congrats!

12-12-2016, 06:44 AM
Man the universe is loving you Greg! I love the hex screws you used. I am not a fan of the factory ones. I'll have to follow in your footsteps in the future.

12-12-2016, 09:01 AM
Looks great. I've never found a mag with the stamped follower. Congrats!
Thanks! I'd only seen photos of the stamped follower until I picked up this MK9 and now I find another mag with a stamped follower:w00t:

Man the universe is loving you Greg! I love the hex screws you used. I am not a fan of the factory ones. I'll have to follow in your footsteps in the future.
It is! I was thinking about adding some VZ grip screws (https://vzgrips.com/accessories/hardware/1911screws) to the MK9, but found they are a little pricey. That's when I thought to check my parts stash.
I guess I need to inventory the stuff I have laying around and tucked in dark places. I had a similar experience when shopping for Ruger grips a while back.

12-12-2016, 09:46 AM
OH MY LORD! Why did you have to post a link to those sweet VZ screws?! They look great. Darn you. Now I'm tempted to buy some of those, sand down the length a tad but leave them a bit longer, and rock some o-rings like I do my CZs. You are a bad influence my friend...or a good one.

12-12-2016, 11:39 AM
Many of the thin 1911 grip screws list themselves as compatible with Kahr pistols.

12-12-2016, 12:04 PM
MK9...................Ser.# LTDXXX.....................I also have the metal follower. I wish that they would have continued that practice:faint2::faint2:

12-12-2016, 12:13 PM
Many of the thin 1911 grip screws list themselves as compatible with Kahr pistols.
That's a good point.:yo:
The screws I used were "regular" ones and were only about 3 threads too long.

12-12-2016, 12:30 PM
That LTD is nice berettabone! Kinda rare too:

12-12-2016, 12:32 PM
OH MY LORD! Why did you have to post a link to those sweet VZ screws?! They look great. Darn you. Now I'm tempted to buy some of those, sand down the length a tad but leave them a bit longer, and rock some o-rings like I do my CZs. You are a bad influence my friend...or a good one.
:angel:...don't you have a set of G10 grips on the way?

12-12-2016, 12:42 PM
Wow! Those G10 grips are beautiful.

12-12-2016, 01:24 PM
Wow! Those G10 grips are beautiful.
I found that photo of the G10 grips with a Google search that linked the photo to thetattoohut.com, but I think the photo may originally be from Al's site:

12-12-2016, 01:58 PM
Maybe Al's doing tattoos now? Been thinking about getting one myself. I skeered of needles though.

12-12-2016, 02:06 PM
:angel:...don't you have a set of G10 grips on the way?

Hahahaha, I do have them on the way and I already ordered a set of fancy cool hand luke thin/short 1911 grip screws like the ones in these pics. Will be super duper cool.

12-12-2016, 05:04 PM
Maybe Al's doing tattoos now? Been thinking about getting one myself. I skeered of needles though.

No, I'm not a needle guy either. And, that's not my photo. I don't have any grip screws that cool. I've thought about getting them, but unless we offered some I wouldn't want to have them in our photos and create an expectation I can't deliver on. They look great though.

12-12-2016, 05:38 PM
That LTD is nice berettabone! Kinda rare too:
I thank you for that sir!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

12-12-2016, 11:46 PM
The MK9 is nice but I prefer my MK40 with night sights. I think it's the same size, but with a bit more punch

12-13-2016, 09:20 AM
The MK9 is nice but I prefer my MK40 with night sights. I think it's the same size, but with a bit more punch
Nice shooting! Most people can't handle a 40 that well, including me.

12-13-2016, 09:58 AM
Thanks for stopping in O'Dell, you've been quiet far too long my friend.

I have a K40 magna ported and it's still a handful. I can still shoot it for extended periods but it's a handful. Plenty of muzzle flip. At least I could last time I shot it but it's been awhile. Hands are suffering the test of time of late.

12-13-2016, 01:06 PM
.40 cal............................nuttin but the best.............................................. .....

12-13-2016, 01:26 PM
Nice shooting there O'Dell:cool:

12-14-2016, 07:19 AM
Wow!! I starting to really like the G10 grips as I looking at purchasing the checkered wood grips but has me rethinking what I will do next.

Liking the all black finish also. What is the best way to go about refinishing?
All the accessories I am adding is costing me more than what I paid for mine but thats ok. LOL

12-14-2016, 10:45 AM
Wow!! I starting to really like the G10 grips as I looking at purchasing the checkered wood grips but has me rethinking what I will do next.

Liking the all black finish also. What is the best way to go about refinishing?
All the accessories I am adding is costing me more than what I paid for mine but thats ok. LOL
Hard to say what's best for you.
Here are some options for finishing stainless steel in black (I've probably missed some):
Paint: This is probably the lowest cost option. Cerakote might be the most durable of the DIY paint finishes, but you'll probably get an argument from folks that use Duracoat, Norrel Moly Resin, Gun-Kote, Wheeler Cerama-Coat, Aluma-Hyde, et al. Some require baking to cure while others will cure by air (takes about a week for reasonable durability, with full hardness in about a month). Prep is very important with these products. If you don't have the proper equipment to use these products, there are quite a few folks that do it commercially.
Professional(or proprietary) paint/spray & bake coatings : Black T, Roguard, Poly T, et al.
Bluing: Some stainless steel can be blued with Oxynate No. 84. Robar also says they can blacken stainless using oxidizing compounds but don't say what they use: https://robarguns.com/custom-firearm-finishes/blackened-stainless-steel/
Other: Ionbond DLC (would probably be my choice).

Then, if needed, there are the costs involved with shipping firearms.

Personally, I prefer to leave stainless naked as I can touch it up as needed in my garage.:)

I just finished blasting the 1911 screws I went to on my MK9. While at it, I decided to give the nylon grips a light bead as well:

12-14-2016, 10:58 AM
Ionbond is what I am thinking if I do decide to go that route but man bead blasting certainly made yours stand out. Nicely done greg!

12-17-2016, 07:13 PM
Wow, pretty looking MK9.

I picked up a used MK a few months ago, added the Kahr wooden grips but quickly found that, to my mind, they made the gun too bulky. I was looking at the G10 grips, and I think this thread made up my mind.