View Full Version : Picked up my CM9 today.

Ed M
12-19-2016, 05:46 PM
Musta got a Friday production run gun.

The spring is grating on the trigger bar making it feel as smooth as an old screen door. Easy fix.

Nice finish on the slide stop pin. It'll actually grab cloth. I can fix that too, but I shouldn't have to....

Gonna have to bust on the guys at the mother ship next time I swing by for a visit. As I see it, they at least owe me a free decal for my efforts. :biggrin1:


12-20-2016, 07:20 AM
I would say they owe you more than a sticker. More like a magazine. You shouldn't have to do the finish work. Stuff like this diminishes the brand.

12-20-2016, 01:46 PM
if your into finish work, try some flitz on that nickoled barrel and hood just for grins; it gets a lot of hard looks from the range ROs.


Ed M
12-20-2016, 09:53 PM
if your into finish work, try some flitz on that nickoled barrel and hood just for grins; it gets a lot of hard looks from the range ROs.

Yeah, I'm not too fond of that dull finish, so Flitz and a felt tip on the dremel has visited all my Kahrs. The feed ramp on this one took a bit more work - Kahr just polished it (sorta) and there were easily visible grooves on it. While I had the 800 grit out for the trigger bar and slide stop pin, I fixed that too.

When I blasted the striker channel with brake cleaner, SOMETHING shot out the firing pin hole - a black blob of alien goo of some sort. Ewwww! It didn't move when it hit the driveway, so I just left it outside to freeze.

I really don't mind doing finish work - at least it's done to my satisfaction. The trigger is butter smooth now, the slide stop pin "navel" is gone, and it's all shiny, lubed, and ready for boolits. I'm pretty confident it'll run 100% reliable - let the games begin. :cool:

12-21-2016, 11:51 AM
Congrats on the new gat! :cool:

Ed M
12-23-2016, 11:29 AM
Congrats on the new gat! :cool:

Thanks Greg!

I never heard the term "gat" before. I actually googled it, and the Urban Dictionary said it was commonly used during the prohibition era as a slang name for a Thompson submachine gun.

How appropriate, considering Auto Ordinance is part of the Kahr Arms Group.

Guess I need to get out more, but I'm not sure I'll be using the Urban Dictionary too much. Some of the definitions there could make a sailor blush. :2eek:

12-23-2016, 04:27 PM
Congratulations on the new CM9. Sorry to hear you had to do some finish work on yours, but I'm thinking it might make it special to you now. I was lucky in that my new CM9 came nicely finished with a great trigger and faultless functioning. It is now a favorite, and my EDC (in a N82 pro IWB holster).

Enjoy your new Kahr and have a Merry Christmas!


Ed M
12-24-2016, 12:57 PM
Thanks Bob - Merry Christmas to you too!

Well, I headed out to the local indoor range today, and got there right as they opened.

I was the first and only shooter in the range - along with 5 RSO's. All retired LEO's. I brought 120 rounds of ammo along (100 FMJ, 20 JHP). Figured I'd just run that through the CM9 and take it home for a cleaning. No hurry to break it in all in one shot.

As I layed out my weapon and the 7 mags I brought along, one of the RSO's came over to say hi, and told me I could take as much time as I needed, and not to worry about the 1 hr timer. Cool. I ran all 7 mags through the gun - no issues, smooth as silk. Sensing someone behind me, I turned to find all 5 RSO's behind me trying to see what the little beast was that I was drilling bullseyes with. One exclaimed "It looks like a 380, but it's a 9!" LOTS of questions followed. I asked if any of them had ever shot a Kahr. One of them replied, "Yeah, and a few trucks too." One of the RSO's was retired NYPD. He just grinned.

Feeling the need to defend my little CM9, I loaded up all the mags and asked if any of them would like to shoot it. They all did. And they all loved it! I told them Kahr recommends a 200 round break in period. More ammo suddenly appeared. Long story short, we ran 340 rounds through the CM9. I checked to see if it needed any lube every 100 rounds or so, but it didn't. It just chugged along like a champ - not one problem.

It may have started life as a diamond in the rough, but turned out to be a true gem.

12-24-2016, 01:33 PM
You lucky dog! Great gun, and then a super cool range session! Guess you consider it broken in, and so did all the RSO's shooting it. Good story.

12-24-2016, 01:50 PM
Great range report Ed M!
It's also excellent to read that the retired Coppers loved your new roscoe:)

Ed M
12-25-2016, 12:05 AM
It's also excellent to read that the retired Coppers loved your new roscoe:)

OMG. From the Urban Dictionary:

Roscoe -
"old (30s-40s) term for a handgun: same vintage as gat, heater, cannon, etc.
He pulled a roscoe and ventilated the gorilla."

And so, my CM9's name is Roscoe. :cool:

12-26-2016, 12:25 PM
I know these terms gat,heater,roscoe, so I guess I'll really date myself; how many out there in Kahr land also know what the term hog leg means?



12-26-2016, 02:09 PM
I generally refer to what ever I'm wearing as my hog leg. I also ask for officers hog legs when I need to look at them.

Is that old school. Crap, maybe I dated myself too.

12-26-2016, 02:49 PM
To my mind, "Hog Leg" generally denotes a handgun chambered in a caliber that begins with .44 or larger (of course, too much above that they become "cannons" :))
Here's a couple of "Hog Legs" mixed in with some "Pea Shooters".

Ed M, I think Roscoe is a most appropriate name for your CM9 :cool:
