View Full Version : MK9--Back to the Range After Mods

01-04-2017, 08:40 PM
I made my third trip to the range today with my MK9 (purchased used this past summer). This time I was rocking not only my new Lakeline G10 grips (and fancy 1911 screws, btw), but also the new Wolff guide rod/spring set up.

I had one FTE in the first 20 rounds fired, but after that it ran buttery-smooth for 100+ rounds. I don't know how many rounds the original owner put through it, but it feels like it is still breaking in/smoothing out. It is now, without a doubt, the sweetest shooting pistol I have every owned in a defensive caliber. The new grips bring the ergonomics to a whole different level, and between that and the sublime trigger it is amazingly easy to shoot accurately.

Next step is to see if I can carry her comfortably. The weight will take some getting used to, which is my only concern. I've got a Mitch Rosen IWB and a Mitch Rosen OWB. I love the classic look of those, but was thinking of adding one of the more modern, wider-based setups to disperse the weight a bit.

Question: Are the MK triggers different than those on the CM and PM pistols? If not, I may consider adding one of the lighter Kahrs to my collection.

01-05-2017, 12:03 AM
The triggers are all the same. And, my PM9 can share holsters with my MK9, although not simultaneously. :)


01-05-2017, 07:33 AM
You can get a shorter trigger on one of the manual safety/lci Kahrs but, other than that, Al is right: all the triggers are the same.

01-05-2017, 09:47 AM
Woah, major violation here hombre....where are the pics? They are mandatory with any range report.

01-05-2017, 12:47 PM
Woah, major violation here hombre....where are the pics? They are mandatory with any range report.

My bad.

I'd do it now if I could just figure out how to load photos. Me and technology don't get along.

01-05-2017, 01:02 PM
The triggers are all the same. And, my PM9 can share holsters with my MK9, although not simultaneously. :)


Do they share mags, too?

01-05-2017, 01:19 PM

01-05-2017, 04:16 PM
Whenever you feel as if the MK is a bit heavy, just remember, the extra weight helps in the recoil dept., which makes ME as an owner, more confident in a shooting kind of way...............carrying an MK versus polymer.

01-05-2017, 08:10 PM

Awesome. That news just made my day. With exchangeable holsters and magazines, that makes a polymer purchase practically free (Well, sorta. At least that's what I'll tell myself!).

Ed M
01-06-2017, 07:09 AM
While my MK9 fits all the holsters I have for my MK and CM9, my CM9 does NOT fit very well in my leather holsters for the MK9.

Oddly enough, the kydex ones for the CM9 fit both just fine. One would think it'd be the other way around, but not the case on mine...

Mic'd both:

Slide at muzzle end:
CM9 = .90"
MK9 = .90"

Frame at muzzle:
CM9 = .967"
MK9 = .855"


01-06-2017, 08:32 AM
While my MK9 fits all the holsters I have for my MK and CM9, my CM9 does NOT fit very well in my leather holsters for the MK9.

Oddly enough, the kydex ones for the CM9 fit both just fine. One would think it'd be the other way around, but not the case on mine...

Mic'd both:

Slide at muzzle end:
CM9 = .90"
MK9 = .90"

Frame at muzzle:
CM9 = .967"
MK9 = .855"


Good to know. Thanks....