View Full Version : Cw45

01-13-2017, 07:05 PM
Purchased a CW45 that was supposedly plagued with issues. Completly dismantled this pistol and polished any metal to metal contact points with dremel on 2 (you are not trying to remove material just polish ). Degreased the pistol and treated with Frog Lube.Best aplication of this product is to heat all parts apply then let cool to room temp and buff off.Previous owner had alot of issues with only 50 rounds through this weapon.

So far it has ate over 5000 rounds of handloads with only two issues ftf. The loads I made are 185 swc lea,200swc lead and 230 fmj.

Also this is the second Kahr that was supposedly a junk gun I rescued and worked on and the gun has no issues I tend to think many people dont read what is in the Kahr manual. Granted I do more than what the company would even recomend but it works for me .I shoot USPSA so I guess I am enharintly a tinker when it comes to pistols.

01-13-2017, 08:20 PM
Nice post. I also have a cw45 that I polished all metal to metal contact (most to almost mirror shine) and its smooth as butter too.

have you replaced your recoil spring yet and if so how many times? I'm at 1500 rounds and haven't replaced mine yet but thought about it recently.

01-14-2017, 05:46 AM
Welcome. Good post.

01-14-2017, 09:54 AM
All good except the Frog Lube. I wouldn't put that stuff on grandma's back screen door hinges. All the rest well done.

01-14-2017, 03:18 PM
Frog Lube in my opinion is a excellent product.I use it on all my weapons big issue with some people is failure to follow directions with it. If a person does not know how to completely disasemble a fire arm Frog Lube can be bad. Every part must be buffed off any residue or heavy coating left on parts will affect reliability of the weapon. With proper application I feel and have seen the difrence in how my pistols run. The diferance I really see is in my USPSA open gun.Slide operation and how clean it looks even after shooting and ease of cleaning after a 300 round match is amazing.
My recoil spring is still the stock one but I will be purchasing a few from WOLF. Some of my handloads are plus p plus so I am going to try a heavier spring and see what happens it operates great but just want to reduce punishment to the pistol with a heavier spring.Also I use the Starline plus p brass pretty much for all my handloads I used to use 45 super brass for even standard loads but the plus p has even thicker case web than the 45 super.

01-15-2017, 05:35 PM
Plain synthetic motor oil is hard to beat and a quart lasts a longgggggggggggggggggg time

Longitude Zero
01-16-2017, 05:51 PM
All good except the Frog Lube. I wouldn't put that stuff on grandma's back screen door hinges. All the rest well done.

Agreed. If you live in a cool/cold climate it is about the worst lube to use. Friends in the cold north have had their guns seize up because it became almost a solid mass. Now if you clean/lube frequently like comp shooters it may not be an issue. But for a CCW weapon I know it is strongly discouraged by many instructors and some of the "big names" in the training arena.

01-16-2017, 07:00 PM
Have a detective at work who is also a SWAT Sniper. He drank the Frog Lube kool aid and he's extremely OCD. Got the treatment kit. Thoroughly cleaned, heated with a heat gun, applied the conditioner. Followed to a T on both his Colt 1911 Rail gun and his Robar custom Sniper rifle.

First the Rail Gun balked. I was there when he disassembled it and everything was tacky and sticky. He frog lubed the heck out of that poor gun. Thumb safety detent and spring were practically glued in the tunnel. Took forever to get all that stuff off.

Then during monthly Sniper qual, his rifle didn't go back. It would shoot one, miss a few, shoot another.

Told him to bring it in. Same thing, firing pin I could pick up hanging from the bottom of my finger, it was that tacky.

Hit it in the solvent tank, chastised him for lubing something that should be left dry, especially in winter and he went right back up and shot 60 rounds with no issues.

No Frog Lube for me. I was actually going to try it on some of my stuff, heard good things but not a chance now.

03-30-2017, 06:58 PM
I love Froglube. Been using it on all my firearms. It is soooo easy to clean up my AR after a loong range session. 500-1000 rounds between cleanings and not one issue.

03-31-2017, 06:22 AM
Personally, if it takes a bit longer to clean my firearm, I'm good with that. I can't be walking around with a firearm that has cotton candy inside.......................

03-31-2017, 08:47 AM
My AR15 is an Anderson with RF-85 coating. No lube at all.

03-08-2019, 08:01 PM
Break free CLP is what the US Marines Corp uses and is what Glock Inc. uses. That's what I use.