View Full Version : Proper replacement?

01-18-2017, 01:04 PM
Just after Christmas my son chose my much loved S&W Mod 64 3" to bring home to TX as a house gun. I needed a replacement and was discouraged at the lack of availability and the sky high prices of these wonderfully balanced guns. Yesterday while checking the website of my local LGS I saw they just got in a Ruger SP101 with 3" barrel. Having never owned anything but S&W revolvers I quickly researched the comparisons between K,L, and J frames vs. the 101 series from Ruger.
It looked like it fell right in between the J and K frame I was looking to replace. Then I remembered Ruger triggers are not always the best but further research told me I could fix that rather easily, soooo......

I got to the LGS, looked at the gun and lo and behold the gun fit my needs perfectly. It points naturally and has same sights as my now gone Mod.64. As a bonus, It had Hogue grips, a half dozen speedloaders, AND the previous owner had sent the gun off for a really nice trigger job that rivals any of my custom J frame triggers. I shot it last night and hit the back wall of the range with every shot.


01-18-2017, 02:29 PM
Minute of back wall is plenty good enough for me. I like it.

I put a spring in my wife's SP101, it's some better but not as good as I'd like. Wait, that was her 638. I still need to address the Ruger........

01-18-2017, 04:48 PM
It's hard to beat an older model 64 or 65........................Got the Wiley Clapp so I had some sights, changed out the hammer and trigger springs and gave it a bit o polish on the inside. Made the trigger silky smooth, so smooth in fact, the wife carries it. They are kind of sharp on the edges from the factory, but a bit of love, and they can be a good pistol. I think that an XS front sight would finish it off, but the wife likes it as is. She likes the factory grips, but I would have to get something in wood, a bit larger. The factory grips are nice though. The SP101 can be made in to a very slick revolver without too much work or cash. The 3" are a bit harder to find, and usually cost a bit more. I changed out the 14# hammer spring to a 10#, and changed the trigger spring from 10# to 8#. I had read about light strikes, but the wife has had no issues with such. Finishes may vary:p

01-18-2017, 06:49 PM