View Full Version : CW380 having reset failures, sent to Kahr for repair, was returned with same issue

01-20-2017, 04:23 PM
So my brother got a CW380 recently and has been having some problems with the reset. It only has ~250 rounds through it, but the trigger has a couple times failed to reset. During dry fire, this will happen 100% of the time if upward pressure is put on the slide while racking it.

I disassembled the pistol and compared it to my CW380, and noticed a couple things immediately. The first was that the little disconnector bump on my brother's has a flat top to it and looks like it's been ground down, where mine is rounded. I also noticed that, in the top forward edge of the disconnector relief in his slide, is a burr that juts out into where the disconnector rides. I'm no expert but I figured these things could be related. I'm presuming this burr has, over time, damaged the disconnector so that it doesn't always positively reset the trigger.

I called up Kahr last week and the man I talked to was very polite. I explained the issue, he said they'd take a look at it and sent me a prepaid shipping label. I wrote down the RMA and a description of the problem, including what I had noticed about the disconnector and burr, and packaged it with the pistol as requested.

Today I got the pistol back and it still has the exact same issue. The burr is still there and the trigger bar is still damaged. The work sheet for the repair says, "INSPECTED BY AT, REPLACED STRIKER, UPDATED REAR EXTRACTOR PIN, POLISHED EXTRACTOR, TESTED OK". That's all well and good but there was never a problem with the extractor, and the reset issue is almost definitely related to the disconnector.

On the worksheet I noticed that, under "Problem Reported" is simply, "FTRESET 1 K386". I'm presuming this is a service code for a common issue related to the reset? So was everything I said and wrote about the disconnector and burr not even relayed to the armorer in charge of fixing my pistol? It seems they just brushed it off as another known reset issue related to the extractor and striker and gave it to an armorer for a standard once-over. There is no mention of anything I had told them.

I tried getting them on the phone today but kept being redirected to the answering machine, so I left a message. From what I've been told about CS, I should call them again Monday instead of relying on them to call me back.

Overall I'm not impressed. After the rather pleasant exchange with them on the phone a week ago I had expected this to go better than when I had to call Magnum Research's customer service department, but no dice.

Any advice here? I know sending a gun to Kahr and having it come back with the same problems isn't uncommon. My brother's pretty annoyed and just wants to sell the pistol. Is it worth continuing to send the CW380 back and forth with Kahr until they fix it? Any estimation as to how many trips that will take?

01-20-2017, 04:35 PM
SHOT is going on now and everybody from Kahr probably including the janitor is in Vegas for that.

This is no excuse for not fixing your gun nor answering the phone.

I've found emails dealt with better but I haven't had to deal with them much lately.
I'd call again Monday as you mentioned and get another label and send it back. I agree there must have been a failure to communicate. The gunsmith should have gotten your note with your gun though. That part confuses me.

01-20-2017, 05:00 PM
Oh yeah, I almost forgot SHOT was going on. They must be busy showing off those Gen 2 pistols that will totally be coming out next quarter, like they were at SHOT 2015 and 2016.

Thanks for the advice about the emails though. I'll send them one if I can't get them on the phone Monday.

01-21-2017, 09:10 AM
When I sent mine back they fixed my functional issue but did nothing about the things I described in the letter I sent with it,I was a bit frustrated and annoyed that they didn't address or respond to the other problems.
The side cover was bulging out when the trigger was pulled,I ended up just relieving the backside of the cover plate myself.

gun papa
01-21-2017, 03:29 PM
Yeah, but I bet the return time was phenomenal!

01-23-2017, 06:45 PM
Thanks for all the input. They emailed me back this morning and were very apologetic, and sent another shipping label. They said to include a detailed note for the gunsmith to read so I'm confident they'll address it this time around. I know I've been a bit salty about this whole thing, but I'm optimistic they'll prove me wrong and get it right.

01-23-2017, 09:18 PM
Nothing wrong with being salty.


gun papa
01-24-2017, 12:52 AM
I had an early Sig 556. Canted pic rail, I mean almost off paper at 50 yards. Sent back to Mother's hip and returned with same issue. I sold the gun even though I wanted to love it. Bad customer service breaks trust and faith.

01-24-2017, 08:47 AM
I don't know, maybe it's just me, but I won't deal or own any .380's anymore. Just too many issues with them. It's not worth the hassle. Prefer the larger calibers anyway..................I just see no reason to deal with .380 when 9mm is available.

01-24-2017, 02:42 PM
Size, and my cw380 runs perfect. I don't run tul or feochie though. I'll have to give them a try soon. Only 900 rounds, but the last 800 have been flawless.

01-25-2017, 08:50 PM
I don't know, maybe it's just me, but I won't deal or own any .380's anymore. Just too many issues with them. It's not worth the hassle. Prefer the larger calibers anyway..................I just see no reason to deal with .380 when 9mm is available.

I've had a few different .380s and have had no issues. I've had the LCP, TCP, Micro Desert Eagle, and CW380 and all work great.

My brother's had a bunch too and this is only the second that gave him trouble, the first was a TCP that kept failing to eject. Off the top of my head, he's had an LCP, LCP Custom, Taurus TCP, two or three Bersa Thunders, a SIG P232, and a Beretta 84BB. I'm probably forgetting some others.

There's nothing inherently unreliable about .380 pistols, I think it's just because so many are made cheaply that they don't get the same kind of quality control larger, more expensive models do.

IMO until they find a way to make 9x19mm pistols as small as the LCP and CW380, .380 will have a place.