View Full Version : New Member from Northern Virginia

01-30-2017, 06:25 PM
Greetings Kahr Talk - newby from Quantico area here. I have two Kahr's - a CW380 from last year and CM9 just bought this month. I really like the CW380; I only have a box of ammo thru it but it's been 100% so far. I haven't yet fired the CM9 - mostly because it's quite a drive and $20 an hour to shoot around here. I have the same (minor) problem with my CM9 that's been mentioned here on KT - mags are difficult to release. That said, I'm just going to leave it alone because I agree with what several posters have said: I don't want a mag to drop at a critical time and would rather have stronger retention than the possibility of having a dropped mag.

I'm a geezer and a retired Army type who lived in Germany for 16 years prior to returning to the US in 2014. The only other thing to mention - I would like a Trijicon tritium front sight for the CM9 but I see (here) that they now won't be in stock until mid-March ... :(

01-30-2017, 07:12 PM
Welcome. My wife and I just retired and moved from that area, (Stafford) down a bit further south away from the traffic. Are you shooting at The Range off Route 1? They charge $10 per half hour. Good luck with the Kahrs.


01-31-2017, 05:02 AM
Thanks for the info sir! I will have to check them out. I have only been to Elite Shooting Sports in Manassas. Large range but tends to be pretty busy. I do not go often; the last two times I have been there they have put a rifle shooter close to me on the pistol line. The noise was awful since both were firing AR's. I can't wait to get my CM9 out though - I've ran a bunch of alu snap caps thru it so it should be loosened up a little ...

01-31-2017, 07:24 AM
Elite opened just about the time I moved from that area. You may want to check out another facility not too far away. http://www.range82.com/ is on the way from Stafford to Opal, VA where the famous Clark Brothers is located. Range 82 is a federal training facility that offers memberships when not in use by feds. Has a 200 yard range. Worth a drive. If you've never been to Clark Bros., it's an outdoor pistol and rifle range, 100 yd length, free to use if you buy ammo.

01-31-2017, 10:08 AM
Howdy from Austin, Texas!

01-31-2017, 05:06 PM
Thanks Gents! True story - I can't wait to try out my CM9. I've read lotsa good comments here about them (and thus, I joined). I'm afraid I won't be much good on Kahr expertise ... :( Had a dental exam today - lotsa bad news so I think no more new Kahr's until next year ... :(

01-31-2017, 09:24 PM
Welcome. My every day pocket carry is the Kahr CM9.