View Full Version : 2nd Range Trip with My PM9

02-08-2017, 10:36 PM
I knew going in that my new PM9 would need a break in period, so I didn't mind getting through the first few boxes of ammo and all the failures I knew it would entail. But I was pleasantly surprised when I only had a couple of FTE and FTF in the first hundred rounds, and then one more at around 125. After that, the next 100 were smooth sailing.

Still, I insisted on seeing a longer string of success before I could comfortably put my PM into my EDC rotation. So today was the ultimate test. I brought 150 rounds of ammo with me to the range, which I thought was a reasonable round count to determine if I had a reliable pistol on my hands.

The result? One FTF at about the 40 round mark, which I attribute to sloppy loading of the magazine (I sorta knew I wasn't paying sufficient attention just before the failure). After that point I made sure to seat every round properly in the magazines, and I went through the remainder of the 3 boxes without a hitch.

So...I think I've got a reliable little carry pistol in my possession. I'll eventually upgrade to night sights in the next couple of months, but even as it is this one is gonna spend a lot of time on my hip.

02-09-2017, 07:41 AM
I have 4,000 rounds through my PM9 (my PM9 is NOT ammo sensitive) and have only had a handful of malfunctions and ALL those have been with the 7 round mag.

Kahr recommends you load using the slide lock lever…is that what you are consistently doing?

02-09-2017, 09:52 AM
Yes. I slingshotted a few just to see if it would work (because that is how I'm trained, and how I'd probably do it under stress), but I primarily use the slide lock lever to chamber the first round.

02-09-2017, 09:55 AM
And the slingshot method should work just fine if you do it properly and with gusto.

The trick is making sure you get it pulled completely to the rear and let er rip. But you probably already know that.

The Kahrs are a bit stiff and difficult to rack, I think the factory recommendation is to prevent issues with those who don't or even can't properly sling shot. Saves a lot of grief for them I'm sure.

02-09-2017, 10:56 AM

02-09-2017, 11:46 AM
Good news to hear, gents, about reliability. I have yet to fire my CM9 but have had zero problems, with a caveat, with my CW380. I always use the slingshot method - and I found out why (at least) the CW380 does not like to feed the first round that way. I found, using snap caps, that the protruding striker was causing the first round to hang up. From then on, I just cycle the slide to partially re-cock the striker and I've had zero problems loading the first round (since the striker is no longer protruding). I'm pretty new to Kahr's, but I'm guessing this isn't a problem during actual firing because the slide has a chance to build up momentum before the last part of the feeding cycle.

Forgot to add: I have also resorted to just reaching under the slide and manually setting the striker back.

02-09-2017, 03:58 PM
I never had a single problem with my PM9, eats everything I've ever tried ammo wise, like my dad used to say, "runs like a sewing machine".

02-09-2017, 10:18 PM
I never had a single problem with my PM9, eats everything I've ever tried ammo wise, like my dad used to say, "runs like a sewing machine".

That's a good way to describe it!

02-10-2017, 12:05 AM
Congratulations on welcoming a PM9 into the fold.

With my PM9 I had exactly 1 FTE at about round 70. After that, 2,500+ rounds later it has been sewing machine reliability. I confidently carry it all the time as the tool to defend my life in summer months.


02-10-2017, 07:49 PM
Sounds like your PM9 is ready for duty! :D

02-10-2017, 09:48 PM
I knew going in that my new PM9 would need a break in period, so I didn't mind getting through the first few boxes of ammo and all the failures I knew it would entail. But I was pleasantly surprised when I only had a couple of FTE and FTF in the first hundred rounds, and then one more at around 125. After that, the next 100 were smooth sailing.

Still, I insisted on seeing a longer string of success before I could comfortably put my PM into my EDC rotation. So today was the ultimate test. I brought 150 rounds of ammo with me to the range, which I thought was a reasonable round count to determine if I had a reliable pistol on my hands.

The result? One FTF at about the 40 round mark, which I attribute to sloppy loading of the magazine (I sorta knew I wasn't paying sufficient attention just before the failure). After that point I made sure to seat every round properly in the magazines, and I went through the remainder of the 3 boxes without a hitch.

So...I think I've got a reliable little carry pistol in my possession. I'll eventually upgrade to night sights in the next couple of months, but even as it is this one is gonna spend a lot of time on my hip.

Sounds like your new PM9 is getting ready for carry.
What ammo have you shot to break in your PM9, inexpensive range ammo or actual self-defense ammo you intend to carry? If you have not tested the actual carry ammo with it, it is critical that you try shooting at least 50 rds of it regardless of how many rounds of range ammo your gun has shot successfully - just to make sure that your PM9 also works well with the particular carry ammo of your choice.

02-12-2017, 05:58 PM
Sounds like your new PM9 is getting ready for carry.
What ammo have you shot to break in your PM9, inexpensive range ammo or actual self-defense ammo you intend to carry? If you have not tested the actual carry ammo with it, it is critical that you try shooting at least 50 rds of it regardless of how many rounds of range ammo your gun has shot successfully - just to make sure that your PM9 also works well with the particular carry ammo of your choice.

Yes, all my shooting has been with Speer Gold Dots, which will be my defensive carry now and into the future.

02-12-2017, 09:37 PM
All right! Carry it in good health!

02-18-2017, 09:53 PM
I wanted to post another quick follow-up regarding the progress of my PM-9. I got the opportunity to shoot at my buddy's backyard range today, and I shot about a dozen mag's worth of rounds, both FMJ and JHP, through her. Not a single malfunction, and slingshotting rounds into battery worked like a charm.

I couldn't be more pleased with my little Kahr at this point, and can't imagine a better 9mm EDC anywhere near this profile.

p.s. And the trigger keeps getting better and better. I had the chance to shoot Kimbers, Springfields, Glocks, etc etc today, and the Kahr really stands out in the crowd in that regard...as smooth as it is, you'd swear that I'd sent this pistol away for custom trigger work.

Oh, Kahr, where have you been all my life?!?!

02-19-2017, 04:20 PM
The CM9 is my perfect pocket pistol every day carry; size, power, sights, trigger.

white cloud
02-20-2017, 07:33 AM
I wonder why these pistols are not more popular. They have excellent sights, reliability and trigger pull and hold more ammo than any J Frame S&W. I am not bashing J Frames either. I have several but can shoot the CM9 much better. Mine has been 100% reliable from day one and that is getting to be a few years ago.

02-20-2017, 08:38 AM
I couldn't be more pleased with my little Kahr at this point, and can't imagine a better 9mm EDC anywhere near this profile.

p.s. And the trigger keeps getting better and better. I had the chance to shoot Kimbers, Springfields, Glocks, etc etc today, and the Kahr really stands out in the crowd in that regard...as smooth as it is, you'd swear that I'd sent this pistol away for custom trigger work.

Oh, Kahr, where have you been all my life?!?!

Exactly. The CM9 has been my pocket carry since cool weather set in and its the summer gun if I'm wearing jeans. Only light shorts cause me to go to my J frame for pocket carry.

02-20-2017, 08:49 AM
I wonder why these pistols are not more popular. They have excellent sights, reliability and trigger pull and hold more ammo than any J Frame S&W. I am not bashing J Frames either. I have several but can shoot the CM9 much better. Mine has been 100% reliable from day one and that is getting to be a few years ago.

I think Kahr gets a bad rep from the few problems people have but in my opinion their 9mm are the best single stack out there. They led the way with the K, MK, P, and PM series before others did and now we get to reap the benefits in the CW and CM series.:)

I actually got rid of my last Glock this past weekend with no regrets. I had more failures with the G19 than I ever have had with any of my 3 Kahr 9mm's (which has been NO FAILURES). Now I do still have 3 XD's that have never failed but they are a different platform than the Kahr.

white cloud
02-20-2017, 10:47 PM
You are probably correct about the bad rep but it doesn't seem fair. I have two SIGs that I really like. They cost 2.5 as much as the Kahr. These have been flawless but so has my CM9. I am an older shooter and have carried a J Frame for a very long time. I think there is a certain old school coolness about them but the CM9 would be at least twice the gun if the chips were down.

02-22-2017, 09:30 PM
I think the whole "200 round break-in" plays a role in Kahr's relative reputation compared to Glock, Sig, etc. Most shooters don't have the patience for a gun that won't run 100% guaranteed out of the box, and would rather pay the money up front rather than spend the additional $$$ for range fees and ammo.

Me? I sorta like a pistol that grows better with a little age. As great as my PM9 was out of the box, it is SO much nicer now, and I feel a certain pride in achieving that. Then again, I had the luxury of lots of ammo, cheap range availability, and other guns I could EDC until I got this one right. Not all shooters have those advantages.

jg rider
02-22-2017, 10:38 PM
Please let me get my $.02 in. I've worked on a total of 8 K & PM 9's to allow reliable sling shoting and do away with the 200 rnd. break in. The 2 most important Kahrs to work on were my wife's K & PM 9. Because of arthritic hands, she has trouble pulling back the slides all the way. I strongly believe the problems are the extractors for going into battery. That's why some can sling shot and some can't. I mod the mags also. I haven't found a round that our Kahr mags won't feed.

I've modded the extractors and mags for her 2 Kahrs, my K & PM 9's, my son's PM9, and 3 others. My final test is to insert a fully loaded mag, pull the slide back just far enough to get just behind the case rim and release for a controlled feed. The slide can be pulled back an additional 1/4" or more, but I don't bother testing from there.

Also we chamber the first round by locking the slide back dropping a round in and then releasing the slide. No damage to our original 2001 extractors. For this, my test is releasing the slide by pulling it back and riding it forward a bit and then release it. In most cases the extractor will hop over the case rim and go into battery. The times it doesn't all it takes is a light tap with the palm.

This is what works for me.

02-24-2017, 07:09 PM
After cleaning I always load my PM9 and CW 380 by dropping a round in the chamber and releasing the slide lock and then inserting a full mag. It has always worked and I've never had a problem with the extractors.

02-25-2017, 01:46 PM
to add to Boscobarbells' post, they're unwilling to put in extra time to refine basic the skills little guns require. put in the range time and good results will follow. :)