View Full Version : Help. Older used Jericho 941 FTE issues

02-10-2017, 10:52 AM
I have an early 90s style Jericho 941(9mm) thats been having issues since i purchased it recently this year. At least once per box I have been getting stovepipes and failures to eject from a range of 9mm loads from 115 to 147gr from various manufacturers. I've put around 600 rounds through it and I have even replaced the extractor and the spring with a more powerful wolff extractor spring. I've noticed spent shells landing at my feet( around 10-15 per box ), last spent round falling out of the magwell when I reload, and stovepipes in every direction ( up, down, forward and backwards ) otherwise ejection is about 8-10 feet at 3 o'clock( new extractor and spring didnt fix issues ). I've tried death grips to weak holds on the gun, 1 hand / 2 hand, and left compared to right hand with no noticeable difference in the guns reliability.

I've had one or 2 failures to feed but the mag is old and beat up so i have 2 new ones ( not fired yet ) although i doubt it has anything to do with the FTE . Dry cycling by hand with a spend shell and dummy rounds results in weak/no ejection regardless of new/old mags or if i hold the slide or let it go. When I got it i did a detailed take down and clean and made sure to pay attention to under the extractor and spring and even gave a good cleaning to the mag. I keep it well oiled and have tried the rails with a few drops of oil to a light coating of grease between range trips. The gun cycles easily by hand ( easier then my glock 19 and 1911 ) and i dont feel any binding( did minor polish to the rails ), there was no rust on it when i got it but it does have its dents and scratches and came with a broken decocker that I've repaired.

I think the recoil spring could be part to blame but I'm not sure if it would be too stiff or too worn out. I have ordered a replacement for it with a wolff 14ib spring but I'm not sure if 14lbs is a good weight for an old full size steel Jericho. My ejector looks very worn ( pics in album comparing to 40 cal baby eagle compact ) has rounded edge and it seems like the firing pin plate that holds the pin and spring in place on the back of the slide will sometimes rotate during field stripping and during reassembly hit the ejector ( not sure if thats what caused the rounded edge ). Simply turning the plate back in place allows smooth reassembly but its something that needs to be watch for. I'm starting to think maybe this is an issues caused by the ejector but am unsure if the sear cage from a compact baby eagle would fit a full size jericho. I'm frustrated because I wanted to run this gun in IDPA a few times and id like to salvage this gun instead to selling.

Heres a link to the imgur album showing pictures...


Here are notes from my last range trip:

remington 115gr
1 stovepipe / last round didnt eject / some/few weak ejection

lawman 115gr
1 stovepipe / 2 failures to eject last round / weak ejection

pmc bronze 115gr
3 stovepipes / very weak ejection

blazer brass 124gr
1 stovepipe / failure to eject last round / some weak ejection

winchester white box 147gr
1 stovepipe / failure to extract from barrel completely causing new round to jam into it / failure to eject / some weak ejection

lawman 147gr
stovepipe / failure to eject last round / failure to extract from barrel completely causing new round to jam into it / some weak ejection

02-10-2017, 12:51 PM
Welcome to the forum.

First I'll say I know nothing as I'm relatively new to CZ type pistols, but I've had weird issues with extraction/ejection caused by recoil springs on other pistols. I had intermittant fail to extract and stove pipe issues when the recoil spring was weak one time. How that caused it I dont know. I think Wolff sells a "tuning" recoil spring pack with different weights that you could try.

Hang in there we have a couple of general guru's on here that might be able to help.

02-10-2017, 02:08 PM
Welcome to the forum.

First I'll say I know nothing as I'm relatively new to CZ type pistols, but I've had weird issues with extraction/ejection caused by recoil springs on other pistols. I had intermittant fail to extract and stove pipe issues when the recoil spring was weak one time. How that caused it I dont know. I think Wolff sells a "tuning" recoil spring pack with different weights that you could try.

Hang in there we have a couple of general guru's on here that might be able to help.

Thanks for the welcome! I saw the tuning kits after i ordered the 14 lb spring. Hopefully that helps but i am concerned about how my ejector looks but I'm not sure what issues can arise depending how the ejector is worn and when I've asked around nobody had much to comment about it.

02-12-2017, 09:52 AM
Bump. Hopefully someone else out there can give me some advice.

02-12-2017, 10:21 AM
Welcome to the forum:)
Have checked how well the extractor holds an empty case? By that I mean doing something similar to that described in step one of this 1911 extractor tuning guide:

02-12-2017, 11:50 AM
Welcome to the forum:)
Have checked how well the extractor holds an empty case? By that I mean doing something similar to that described in step one of this 1911 extractor tuning guide:

Thanks you for the welcome. My new extractor holds the case well...I can shake it with reasonable force and it holds a spent case and a full bullet in place. The area under the extractor is completely clean of dirt and grime. The original extractor shown in the link I posted has wear so I bought a new one and a wolf extra power spring for increased tension on the case. After testing the new parts at the range and seeing no change I can assume extractor tension isn't at fault here and my guess is maybe the ejector but looking at it I'm unsure if it is to blame.

02-21-2017, 12:29 PM
Update. So I've tried a new extractor,mags,ejector,recoil/extractor springs,all types of ammo, and all types of ways to grip the gun with no luck. Still get stovepipes about once a box.

02-21-2017, 11:03 PM
... Dry cycling by hand with a spend shell and dummy rounds results in weak/no ejection regardless of new/old mags or if i hold the slide or let it go. ....
I recently purchased a Tanfoglio Poly Witness that performed in similar manner. I removed some material from the area indicated by the red arrow placed in your photo below. I also rounded the bottom edge of extractor (green arrow) where the rounds would feed up to and under. Doing this improved ejection when cycling by hand and brass ejected consistently to my right rear, about 3 to 4 yards away, when firing.

02-22-2017, 01:46 PM
I recently purchased a Tanfoglio Poly Witness that performed in similar manner. I removed some material from the area indicated by the red arrow placed in your photo below. I also rounded the bottom edge of extractor (green arrow) where the rounds would feed up to and under. Doing this improved ejection when cycling by hand and brass ejected consistently to my right rear, about 3 to 4 yards away, when firing.

Thanks for the tip! Next time i shoot it will probably be my idpa shoot if i decide to risk qualifying with it. Ill do the mod like you showed and hopefully next time i post here with an update ill have some good news lol.