View Full Version : More damascus - anyone recognize this knife?

02-12-2017, 02:31 PM
I picked this up at the gun show: damascus with buffalo horn per the seller. There are no markings and I have no clue about it's maker. I did find a pic of a similar knife made by Moor Haus Knives. https://www.google.com/search?q=damascus+and+buffalo+horn&rlz=1C9BKJA_enUS649US649&hl=en-US&prmd=simvn&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&fir=vBRFOTaNjwFBoM%253A%252CAgoYuZKbliQfDM%252C_%2 53Bbn7-skdv9U0j7M%253A%252CN0NwjDf3nxXuLM%252C_%253BP6tRi DJqaa405M%253A%252ClXyZvfeGs_BJtM%252C_%253Bx1c7Z6 F98YmtxM%253A%252CZrsjxG5d0Hz6XM%252C_%253BSd1Simq 0FilmyM%253A%252Cv3tGgsVcA4c-IM%252C_%253BIqHc-LoqQIcF9M%253A%252CvyPbRK7teT-ytM%252C_%253Bqe5BsDbUtZRqHM%253A%252Cx1oQzM-a6qvzpM%252C_%253Bw9HjqM6PS6qkXM%253A%252ClXyZvfeG s_BJtM%252C_%253BQvEO7_SVL3yW9M%253A%252CSTm-KyGeSzacuM%252C_%253B5SHyZ_leR3OoaM%253A%252CZTmVG UMK9AlGIM%252C_&usg=__DsV-Tt8LdV46OONbLZo9V0ynUpk%3D&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiy_JTop4vSAhVG6yYKHaBEAt0QsAQILA&biw=1024&bih=653#imgrc=UlquHUMUyyx1fM:

I'm just curious if anyone knows anything about it. Here's a pic next to a Case junior trapper.

02-12-2017, 02:52 PM
Can't say myself but it's a great looking knife. Seems like if it was Moorhaus it would be marked though.

02-12-2017, 06:47 PM
^^^ Thanks. It just kinda jumped out at me. Couldn't help myself. I'm happy with it. BIL got a real nice Colt Detective Special...vintage early 70's. I had to buy something. Peer pressure you know. ;) Other BIL got out of there with just a magazine for his H&R .22 rifle. We made him buy lunch.

02-12-2017, 07:24 PM
I had an early 70's Colt Agent and it got stolen from my rental house.

I replaced it with a Colt Cobra about the same vintage that I have to this day. Wouldn't part with it for the world. Great shooter although I don't shoot it much any more. I'm told it's got some value too but don't matter if I ain't gonna sell it anyhow.

I don't blame you one bit for getting the knife, it's a beauty and the peer pressure ya know. Not to be outdone.