View Full Version : Lakeline mag followers
02-18-2017, 10:41 AM
Earlier I posted on this forum how much I love my CM9 except for the occasional nose down jams with the top round hanging up on the barrel feed ramp. This has happened in two separate IDPA matches and a couple times during practice sessions. I've called Kahr Arms customer service to question whether or not that hump in the magazine follower contributes to the malfunction and one of their reps suggested the Lakeline aluminum mag followers as a remedy.
Meanwhile, I ordered a fourth magazine from a website and it arrived with a smooth follower, so I called Kahr again to see if they had gotten the message and changed followers. Apparently not, because they sent me some replacements (free of charge) that still had the humps.
I'd love to think the Lakeline followers would solve the problem but they are rather spendy at $20 apiece and if they don't provide an iron-clad solution, then I've just added another $60 loss to my woes with this gun.
So tell me: do these followers absolutely, unequivocally solve the nose down problem? Or, should I take my chances, spend an extra $10 and order a couple more magazines in hopes that they will have the smooth OEM followers (they are about $30+). Thanks for your input.
02-18-2017, 10:44 AM
Why don't you smooth the ones you have. A dowel and some sandpaper and a bit of time. Use the smooth one you got as a pattern.
I've heard nothing but good about the Lakeline followers and other parts as well but I have no first hand experience.
02-18-2017, 11:51 AM
Earlier I posted on this forum how much I love my CM9 except for the occasional nose down jams with the top round hanging up on the barrel feed ramp. This has happened in two separate IDPA matches and a couple times during practice sessions. I've called Kahr Arms customer service to question whether or not that hump in the magazine follower contributes to the malfunction and one of their reps suggested the Lakeline aluminum mag followers as a remedy.
Meanwhile, I ordered a fourth magazine from a website and it arrived with a smooth follower, so I called Kahr again to see if they had gotten the message and changed followers. Apparently not, because they sent me some replacements (free of charge) that still had the humps.
I'd love to think the Lakeline followers would solve the problem but they are rather spendy at $20 apiece and if they don't provide an iron-clad solution, then I've just added another $60 loss to my woes with this gun.
So tell me: do these followers absolutely, unequivocally solve the nose down problem? Or, should I take my chances, spend an extra $10 and order a couple more magazines in hopes that they will have the smooth OEM followers (they are about $30+). Thanks for your input.
"So tell me: do these followers absolutely, unequivocally solve the nose down problem?" I can't confidently answer that in terms of absolutely or unequivocally; there are just too many variables: gun to gun, ammo to ammo, and shooter to shooter. I will say that I think the Lakeline follower is superior to the "hump" style OEM follower (I haven't tried the new style).
I also believe that Bawanna's advice about modifying followers you have is a valid point.
Below you'll find a post I made in your other thread and I'd like to also link to this video I made:
....I have the Lakeline follower in my CW9's primary magazine. I believe it's a superior product that makes chambering a round from slide lock with the slingshot method less technique sensitive. It also holds the top round in place better than the OEM follower when carrying the magazine in a pouch or pocket. Finally, it virtually eliminates the chance of a broken front follower skirt. ( )
With that said, I still use modified OEM followers in the rest of my Kahr 9mm magazines. They have the same operational attributes of the Lakeline followers, minus the durability aspect (especially in regards to the front skirt)
If I used my 9mm Kahrs more often I would go with the Lakeline follower in more magazines. The exception being my MK9, which has magazines with Kahr's old all metal follower....
02-18-2017, 02:12 PM
Bawanna - Is there enough material in that hump to be removed with sandpaper? I'd hate to sand it all the way through.
02-18-2017, 02:51 PM
It worked for Greg. I've never had to do it myself but watched the process described in Gregs video. It worked perfectly for him and I thought it was brilliant of him to try that. That was also quite some time back so like Studebaker he's way ahead of the rest of us.
I suspect there is plenty of material and since you were planning to just take a chance and order new ones, you got nothing to lose by giving it a try..
Looking at one, it doesn't take much to remove the hump.
02-18-2017, 06:31 PM
I'd like to get the lake line followers but the cost is almost as much as a complete magazine.
02-18-2017, 08:33 PM
gb - Can I assume the rounds you chambered with the easy slingshot went completely into battery? Obviously, I didn't see you shoot the gun, but if it works that well, it might be worth the investment. As Bawanna says, I can always go back to the stock followers with the hump if my sandpaper experiment doesn't help (or break down and buy the Lakeline followers).
This is all a bit frustrating for a Glock-lover because I've got nearly 1,000 rounds downrange with several of these malfunctions. That's never been an issue with any of my Glocks.
02-18-2017, 09:39 PM
gb - Can I assume the rounds you chambered with the easy slingshot went completely into battery? Obviously, I didn't see you shoot the gun, but if it works that well, it might be worth the investment. As Bawanna says, I can always go back to the stock followers with the hump if my sandpaper experiment doesn't help (or break down and buy the Lakeline followers).
This is all a bit frustrating for a Glock-lover because I've got nearly 1,000 rounds downrange with several of these malfunctions. That's never been an issue with any of my Glocks.
Yes, those rounds went completely into battery. I haven't made a video shooting with the Lakeline follower installed.
Modified OEM followers can work just as well, but the performance can vary with how well the modification is done.
Good to read that you haven't had an issue with your Glocks. My track record isn't as good with them. I had an early G30S that had the failure to return to battery issue that many folks experienced and a GEN3 G19 that had stovepipes until I replaced the MIM extractor.
02-18-2017, 09:45 PM
As I can only include one video per post, here's a video from when I had my CM9 (it's magazines had modified followers in them)
02-19-2017, 01:30 AM
I wanna know what kind of bandsaw that is. From the looks of the table it looks like a good one.
I'm pondering upgrading to a bigger one myself. Something I can put thicker blades on and rip slabs better. Be a real time saver.
The follower mods obviously work quite well for hand racking.
02-19-2017, 10:20 AM
gb - Can I assume the rounds you chambered with the easy slingshot went completely into battery? Obviously, I didn't see you shoot the gun, but if it works that well, it might be worth the investment. As Bawanna says, I can always go back to the stock followers with the hump if my sandpaper experiment doesn't help (or break down and buy the Lakeline followers).
This is all a bit frustrating for a Glock-lover because I've got nearly 1,000 rounds downrange with several of these malfunctions. That's never been an issue with any of my Glocks.
Just so you know, that follower mod was perfected over time, used by many, and has become the standard mod for most all Kahrs...not just Greg's.
The "new" follower being shipped by Kahr is almost an exact replica of the that mod, but I don't expect anyone from Kahr to acknowledge this, and it's been a crap shoot so far as to what follower (old/new design) you will get if you order one.
One BIG draw back of mod'ing anything, is it's hard to add any material...only remove it:p
So that "new" Kahr follower may have more material added to it somewhere but that's about the only difference that I can see, I don't have a "new design" follower for comparison.
At the cost risk of ruining a follower, just mod one and test it :boink:.
You'll be glad you did, and buy a Lakeline or "new" Kahr follower for carry if you don't trust the mod'ed follower.
just sayin'
02-19-2017, 10:38 AM
OK - So I've sanded off the humps, followed by some fine steel wool to polish the surface a bit, and have reassembled. I'll probably head to the range (read: AZ desert) this week and run through four mags of my carry ammo, which is Federal HST 124 standard pressure. I'll also try some speed loads from my mag carrier and watch to see if that top round has started forward at all. I some times think that if I shove those spare mags down all the way to the bottom of my Fobus paddle mag carrier that the top rounds get a bit dislodged, which might contribute to a nose down jam when I insert the round into the chamber. (I usually use the slide catch lever instead of slingshot because that's what I've been doing with my Glocks for nearly 20 years without incident.)
I'll shoot the gun in a BUG match in a couple weeks and report back.
Snowbird,I bought four Lakeline followers for my CM9 and have not had a problem with them after close to 1000 rds. between the four mags; having said that, I did not have any nose dives during load/make ready(slingshot) with Kahr followers. two of the Kahr followers were broke and also sometimes the top rnd. would leave the mag while still in the pouch;these were 7 rndrs. IDPA rule change has forced me to return to shorter mags,so swapped followers. I will be getting two more followers for my 7rnd. carry mags.
02-19-2017, 08:38 PM
Thanks for the information Bugs. I'll see how they work with the hump sanded off in the BUG match and an upcoming IDPA match ... where I thought it was OK to use the 7-round mags in the BUG division, they just couldn't be loaded beyond six. Now, maybe my club is a more lax than others when it comes to local club matches. At this point in time I'm not thinking of shooting my CM9 in any sanctioned matches where it could make a difference.
02-19-2017, 09:59 PM
I just purchased a used CM9 with the lakeline followers already installed, put 200 rounds so far no malfunctions at all.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
02-20-2017, 08:44 AM
Thanks Don. If my CM9 works without issues in the BUG match and the IDPA match, I'll stick with what I've got. Any issues and I'll be ordering some Lakeline followers from Alfonse.
02-20-2017, 10:26 AM
I wanna know what kind of bandsaw that is. From the looks of the table it looks like a good one.
I'm pondering upgrading to a bigger one myself. Something I can put thicker blades on and rip slabs better. Be a real time saver.
The follower mods obviously work quite well for hand racking.
Bawanna, That's a Harbor Freight saw, 14" and 4 speeds. I picked it up pretty cheap from a guy that just wanted it gone from his patio.
It has some fans and there's quite a bit of info about it and modifications for it on the web.
Here's a link to the saw on HF's site:
Snowbird, your 7 rndrs. are OK for club matches if you load only 6; IDPA has changed BUG box specs for 2017 rule book by shortening the guns height spec.,but that is only for sanctioned matches. maybe you'll get the BUG bug (I have) and try your State Match sometime.
I have started to sand down the humped followers for grins,plenty of material there unless you go nutso! I'm using a med.coarse grit paper on a 3/16 rod to dehump follower and finish with 1000 grit paper for that factory finish.hope your squad mates are properly impressed by you and your CMs' performance :)
02-20-2017, 02:59 PM
Thanks Bugs - I shot the AZ State Championship in 2016 with a Glock 26 and had a pretty good run, given my age (66), eye sight, and other infirmities :-) I actually get sort of a perverse pleasure out of shooting my bone-stock CC guns with factory ammo against the other guys who are shooting full sized guns with mag wells and all the other allowable modifications that IDPA has in the rulebook. I never expect to actually WIN any of the matches - at the club level or higher - but I truly have developed a great sense of appreciation for my CC guns and I'd much rather deal with malfunctions in IDPA matches than on the street. If nothing else, one learns what the potential problems are and how to deal with them with that damn electronic timer ticking away in your ear as you get back into the action.
that's right; I'm 70 so we're both Distinguished Seniors.LOL
02-21-2017, 10:29 PM
Anyone know when lakeline will have the followers back in stock?
02-21-2017, 11:37 PM
Al should be along soon and will let you know. He's a frequent flier around these parts.
I heard he was getting something in this week but I don't remember what it was.
If he had me on the payroll I'd be able to answer easy questions like this one.
02-22-2017, 01:15 PM
He had them in stock at the end of last week. Whether or not he still has them might be answered at the Lakeline website.
02-22-2017, 01:25 PM
Thanks! They must have just come in. Ordering three.
My cm9 has not given me any problems, but my cw9 will nose dive the first round if i baby the slide at all. I should be able to tell right away if they help.
02-22-2017, 04:40 PM
Looking forward to an update AugWest. I'll also get back to this thread on my efforts next Saturday in the BUG match.
02-22-2017, 08:28 PM
They are in stock. Their temporary absence from the market seems to have spurred demand. But, don't worry, we'll make more.
02-22-2017, 09:16 PM
I'm 100% sold on the one I use. Looks like I'll have to open my piggy bank and come up with the $$$ for 3 or 4 more.
02-24-2017, 03:37 PM
Looking forward to an update AugWest. I'll also get back to this thread on my efforts next Saturday in the BUG match.
Got them in two days. Nice bit of machining Alfonse.
From purchase, my cw9 would 100% nose dive unless I racked the slide like Chuck Norris. I just rode the slide 3-4 times like a baby and it chambered butter smooth, almost Glock19 laziness. My cm9 never had a problem, just a small grunt at the chamber and that seems gone too. I will shoot sometime soon and post back if there are any problems, but I doubt it.
Best $20 bucks spent on a kahr.
02-25-2017, 08:26 AM
Good news, AugWest. Looking forward to the range report. A week from today I plan to shoot mine in a BUG match with the sanded followers; I'll check in afterward.
02-28-2017, 05:45 PM
100 round through the cm9 with new mag follwer and all is well.
Switched out after 100 through my p09 and instantly noticed the smooth kahr pull. love it.
02-28-2017, 05:45 PM
100 round through the cm9 with new mag follwer and all is well.
Switched out after 100 through my p09 and instantly noticed the smooth kahr pull. love it. Amazing rapid fire for such a dmall gun
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