View Full Version : Most reliable RANGE ammo for CW380

02-27-2017, 05:10 PM
I have the CM9 and love it. Feed it Fiocchi and no problems. For my birthday (happy birthday to me) I'm buying the CW380. I have read several times the 380 does NOT like Fiocchi. If that's the case, would someone recommend the best reliable RANGE ammo? Precision One for carry. But what is cheap and reliable for range?

02-27-2017, 05:17 PM
I have a P380, and Magtech has been really good for me. Seems to run pretty clean too.

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02-27-2017, 06:08 PM
CW380. I've run... Monarch brass case (Sports Academy, 13-15 bucks- rebranded PPU from Serbia), Win White Box blount nose, Remington UMC, PPU, Blazer, and American Eagle. My CW380 has been polished and tuned and I have only rare problems- and then usually only after gun is dirty. In fact, I don't think I have ever had a failure in the first 30 rounds or so. (last range day, ~200 rounds, zero issues first 100 or so, then a weird FTE after it was getting dirty... and even then it may have been the casing, not the gun). While cheap, I don't use Tula since the groove is narrower than most 380 ammo. One of my other 380s hates it so I don't recommend it at all. By the way, ran into a guy who shoots 380 and is SO meticulous, he uses a CALLIPER to measure each bullet and only shoots those that are within his desired spec. I said, is there THAT much difference in bulk ammo? He said yes. I have no first hand experience. that's just what he said. (I'm not that meticulous).

02-28-2017, 09:29 AM
CW380. I've run... Monarch brass case (Sports Academy, 13-15 bucks- rebranded PPU from Serbia), Win White Box blount nose, Remington UMC, PPU, Blazer, and American Eagle. My CW380 has been polished and tuned and I have only rare problems- and then usually only after gun is dirty. In fact, I don't think I have ever had a failure in the first 30 rounds or so. (last range day, ~200 rounds, zero issues first 100 or so, then a weird FTE after it was getting dirty... and even then it may have been the casing, not the gun). While cheap, I don't use Tula since the groove is narrower than most 380 ammo. One of my other 380s hates it so I don't recommend it at all. By the way, ran into a guy who shoots 380 and is SO meticulous, he uses a CALLIPER to measure each bullet and only shoots those that are within his desired spec. I said, is there THAT much difference in bulk ammo? He said yes. I have no first hand experience. that's just what he said. (I'm not that meticulous).

Unbelievable with the caliper and the ammo. Either he is the most careful person, or it's OCD.

I use PPU for the Snubby. But then again I use Fiocchi for the CM9. So that's why it's good hearing what range ammo works well with the CW380. So I'll start of with Magtech and Remington UMC - and see how it goes from there.

02-28-2017, 12:53 PM
By the way, ran into a guy who shoots 380 and is SO meticulous, he uses a CALIPER to measure each bullet and only shoots those that are within his desired spec. I said, is there THAT much difference in bulk ammo? He said yes. I have no first hand experience. that's just what he said. (I'm not that meticulous).

Actually that wouldn't surprise me. I've seen terrible quality control issues with some of the bulk ammo (especially WWB) like high primers and missing case rims (not machined into the case). The .380 is such a small round that little variations in OAL or rim depth/thickness can cause issues, especially in small guns like the Kahr. So you either have to run premium ammo through them or keep an eye on the quality control of the ammo you use.

02-28-2017, 01:45 PM
Remington UMC works great in mine, as well as Blazer and American Eagle. I mostly run American Eagle, now. I've shot one box of PPU without issue. I can shoot WWB blunt nose, but every now and then I have to help the slide home. I guess if you can get it cheap enough and don't mind, that would be fine for range use, but I don't care for it. With the exception of Fiocchi, most brass, round-nose ammo will work fine, and there is a fix for the Fiocchi issue. I haven't done it, yet, but might do that this spring.


02-28-2017, 06:31 PM
With the exception of Fiocchi, most brass, round-nose ammo will work fine, and there is a fix for the Fiocchi issue. I haven't done it, yet, but might do that this spring.

I must have missed the memo somewhere. What is the issue with Fiocchi ammo in these guns., and what is the "fix"? Of course I've got a couple boxes of Fiocchi ammo and could find out myself, the hard way...

02-28-2017, 09:47 PM
Shot about 125 rounds thru my P380 today. 50 box of PPU were the best. 50 box of Remington UMC were not so great. I won't buy them. again. Shot a clip of Magtech and that wasnt so great, but need to shoot more to trulu tell. Shot a clip of Hornady Critic Defense and those went through perfect. With that being said, I only have a total of 150 rounds through the gun. So its not technically broken in. I'm hoping it will get more reliable with time.

02-28-2017, 11:03 PM
I shoot Freedom Munitions at the range and rely on Hornady Custom XTP's for my edc in my CW380.

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03-02-2017, 09:20 PM
I must have missed the memo somewhere. What is the issue with Fiocchi ammo in these guns., and what is the "fix"? Of course I've got a couple boxes of Fiocchi ammo and could find out myself, the hard way...
Fiocchi 380 will jam with prejudice. Each round. There is an explanation somewhere here but basically something like the brass is like a thousandth of an inch thicker.

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03-03-2017, 09:51 AM
I must have missed the memo somewhere. What is the issue with Fiocchi ammo in these guns., and what is the "fix"? Of course I've got a couple boxes of Fiocchi ammo and could find out myself, the hard way...

It involves removing a small amount of material from the extractor.


03-04-2017, 12:43 AM
Interesting. I guess once I'm done figuring out the source of my current malfunction issues I can try running some Fiocchi through my gun in case I feel like troubleshooting it all over again.

03-22-2018, 04:19 PM
I just bought a CW380 and two boxes of Fiocchi at the same time. Failure to feed and or go into battery on at least 70/100. Multiple stove pipes. Failure to extract on at least 20/100.

Very painful on the hands forcing the slide into battery. Lots of cuts (actually only one) trying to get the empty cases out.

I am reluctant to use another 100 to complete the break in period.

I am aware of the mod to the extractor but really, I would prefer to stick with different ammo. I was just searching the forums for recommendations and I noted these down from others:-

Winchester white box
American Eagle

Not tried them yet. But based on my experience with their 9mm versions I'll try Blazer/Winchester then American Eagle then PMC.

I also bought a box of Hornady FTX as well.

FYI - the whole box of Hornady FTX behaved perfectly. I purchased another.

Ed M
03-22-2018, 06:06 PM
Good choices on ammo - except the Fiocchi.

FWIW - Cabela's has American Eagle 380 on sale for $13.34 per box of 50 rounds. If you buy $50 or more, it's free shipping too.

03-22-2018, 08:42 PM
I was just searching the forums for recommendations and I noted these down from others:-

Winchester white box
American Eagle

Not tried them yet. But based on my experience with their 9mm versions I'll try Blazer/Winchester then American Eagle then PMC.

For some reason I don’t understand, Winchester White Box 380 has a flat nose unlike Winchester white box 9 mm. I’d stick with the others.

03-23-2018, 08:53 AM
For some reason I don’t understand, Winchester White Box 380 has a flat nose unlike Winchester white box 9 mm. I’d stick with the others.

My $0.02, I have had a P380 for ~3+ yrs. My only initial non ammo related problem was it would not lock back after last round which is one of the main reason I purchased it. Numerous trips to Kahr did not solve problem. Some where along the way the P380 solved its own problem and locks back now.
Anyway to the ammo issue, with my P380, it eats everything but Flat Nose rounds no matter who makes them. As for most consistent I rate American Eagle, Remington and from an EDC standpoint, Hornady Critical Defense has been fantastic!

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03-23-2018, 01:05 PM
This is a good read. All good range ammo in one thread 👍

03-23-2018, 06:17 PM
My wife and I just got done shooting about 200 rounds of Fiocchi thru her cw380 and we had the same results as far as going into battery on about 30-40 % of the ammo. Also noticed the ammo was filthy with black soot on everything.

03-28-2018, 05:13 PM
An ammo report on a CW380 (and just for those searching for P380 CT380 380 etc which I believe has the same guts, more or less). The weapon was purchased new and has a highly polished feed ramp from the factory. The 6 round magazine has been modified using the MagGuts innards to enable it to contain 7 rounds. Leading up to this test it has so far fired (very painfully) 100 rounds of fiocchi ammo which I will not attempt to use again in this weapon and also 25 rounds of Hornady Critical Defense FTX which behaved perfectly.

I raided Jax and Cabellas for all their cheapest 380 ammo (I did not purchase Winchester white box as it was only available in bulk) and ended up with:

Browning Performance Target 95 FMJ
Remington UMC 95 FMJ
Sig Sauer Elite Performance 100FMJ
ArmsCor 95 FMJ
Herter's Selct Grade 95 FMJ
Sig Sauer V-Crown 90 JHP (on sale)
Blazer Brass 95 FMJ
HPR Hyper Clean 100 FMJ

and tested them in the following way:-

Each ammo was used to fill the magazine (7 rounds, see above). Magazine inserted and slide release pressed. The slide was cycled by hand through the chamber and ejected. There were a few issues of failure to go into battery but this was likely due to my not releasing the slide properly and easing it down a little. I will speak of this later.

At the range - live test.

Each ammo was used to fill the magazine (7 rounds) and inserted into the weapon. Slide release pressed. Weapon fired approximately every second until empty. Test was then repeated totaling 14 rounds of each ammo through the weapon.

There were NO failures at all during this live test. All ammo behaved perfectly. (only 14 rounds tried though).

Back to my hand cycling. A couple of the brands failed to go into battery as described. However, repeating the test being careful to fully release the slide resulted a test with zero failures.

I hope this is informative.

King Rat
04-08-2018, 05:25 PM
An ammo report on a CW380 (and just for those searching for P380 CT380 380 etc which I believe has the same guts, more or less). The weapon was purchased new and has a highly polished feed ramp from the factory. The 6 round magazine has been modified using the MagGuts innards to enable it to contain 7 rounds. Leading up to this test it has so far fired (very painfully) 100 rounds of fiocchi ammo which I will not attempt to use again in this weapon and also 25 rounds of Hornady Critical Defense FTX which behaved perfectly.

I raided Jax and Cabellas for all their cheapest 380 ammo (I did not purchase Winchester white box as it was only available in bulk) and ended up with:

Browning Performance Target 95 FMJ
Remington UMC 95 FMJ
Sig Sauer Elite Performance 100FMJ
ArmsCor 95 FMJ
Herter's Selct Grade 95 FMJ
Sig Sauer V-Crown 90 JHP (on sale)
Blazer Brass 95 FMJ
HPR Hyper Clean 100 FMJ

and tested them in the following way:-

Each ammo was used to fill the magazine (7 rounds, see above). Magazine inserted and slide release pressed. The slide was cycled by hand through the chamber and ejected. There were a few issues of failure to go into battery but this was likely due to my not releasing the slide properly and easing it down a little. I will speak of this later.

At the range - live test.

Each ammo was used to fill the magazine (7 rounds) and inserted into the weapon. Slide release pressed. Weapon fired approximately every second until empty. Test was then repeated totaling 14 rounds of each ammo through the weapon.

There were NO failures at all during this live test. All ammo behaved perfectly. (only 14 rounds tried though).

Back to my hand cycling. A couple of the brands failed to go into battery as described. However, repeating the test being careful to fully release the slide resulted a test with zero failures.

I hope this is informative.

Fiocchi is fantastic ammo and NOT dirty. What some are missing is the fact that Fiocchi makes different ammo. The Cheap Linea has a OAL that is too long for the Kahr, The Extrema works great. Should be some post on this, at least there use to be. For the most part Kahr's can be very finicky. Just find the right ammo and you should be ok.