Old No7
02-28-2017, 02:51 PM
Oh man... I just LOST my flawless CW380...................
[Click HERE for an older posting I made about it, with all the upgrades done to it as well. (http://www.kahrtalk.com/showthread.php?29465-New-CW380-Runs-Flawless!!!-(with-Lakeline-amp-Other-Accessories-too-))]
Well, actually...
My son-in-law -- who I just learned is going to become a new Dad in September (which will make me, gulp -- a Grandfather!!!) -- had decided that HE needed it to protect my darling daughter more than I needed it.
So given the recent awesome news, I said OK...
Truth is, he is skinnier than me, so he'll carry the Kahr 380 in warm weather, and his PM9 (which, as it turns out, he also bought from me...) in colder weather.
I'm not as skinny as he is, so I'll carry my Kahr P9 Covert in warm weather and my SIG P239 in colder weather.
He shoots it well too, as he put 5 shots into 1 ragged hole from 10 yards while at the range the other day... Better than I could do.
So I lost a gun -- but will gain a grandchild!!!
Well OK, I did get some ca$h too... :Amflag2:
Tight groups!
Old No7
[Click HERE for an older posting I made about it, with all the upgrades done to it as well. (http://www.kahrtalk.com/showthread.php?29465-New-CW380-Runs-Flawless!!!-(with-Lakeline-amp-Other-Accessories-too-))]
Well, actually...
My son-in-law -- who I just learned is going to become a new Dad in September (which will make me, gulp -- a Grandfather!!!) -- had decided that HE needed it to protect my darling daughter more than I needed it.
So given the recent awesome news, I said OK...
Truth is, he is skinnier than me, so he'll carry the Kahr 380 in warm weather, and his PM9 (which, as it turns out, he also bought from me...) in colder weather.
I'm not as skinny as he is, so I'll carry my Kahr P9 Covert in warm weather and my SIG P239 in colder weather.
He shoots it well too, as he put 5 shots into 1 ragged hole from 10 yards while at the range the other day... Better than I could do.
So I lost a gun -- but will gain a grandchild!!!
Well OK, I did get some ca$h too... :Amflag2:
Tight groups!
Old No7