View Full Version : new cw 45owner with question

08-14-2010, 11:07 PM
Greetings to all I just bought a cw45 to replace a g30 glock that was just too heavy for this old man to carry. I went to the range today to go through the 200 round break in and was very pleased with the gun except for the fact ,when I put in a new magazine and try the slide release like KAHR recommends it will not pick the top round in the mag.The only way to get the top round to load is to pull back on the slide maybe 1/4 of an inch and release it in effect slingshotting the first round, but in my firing this was my only problem so overall very happy once again.Now my little PM9 will not be so lonely and i believe I have found my ultimate carry pair and hope this is my only problem other than trying to find sights for my new friend. Thanks for any advice and have a great weekend all.

08-14-2010, 11:22 PM
My PM45 does very similar things with Gold Dot ammo but for some reason works fine with practice ball type ammo.
I suspect in your case and I know for sure in my case that your slide doesn't have enough of what we affectionately refer to as the bevel or gap.
If you lock the slide back and insert a mag you'll see that the follower, part of the slide right behind the cartride is staying on top of the rim of the case. It's actually rimless I know but play along. When you sling shot your pulling the slide back just enough to get that follower behind the case and all is good. Many have just filed or taken the dremel and created a little bevel or angle on that follower so that when you insert the mag you have the "GAP" between it and the case. I think your G30 will have a big bevel if I remember right. I know my G21 has a huge bevel.
Some send them back and let Kahr do it, I'd personally just do it myself and I intend to do mine. It's on my one of these days list to do. Maybe tomorrow? I think if you do a search here using the word GAP you'll see Wynn's fine post about the lack of his gap creating a crunch tcckk as the case slipped past the follower.
Clear as mud? Give it a whirl and let us know if you see it?

08-15-2010, 01:15 AM
Thanks bwana I think you got it right on the head, but I have had one too many rum and cokes tonight to do anything about it. I will try to remedy the situation when i have less rum in my system so I do not screw up a perfectly good gun. Once again thanks for the wisdom I seem to lack and have a good weekend.

08-15-2010, 04:30 AM
td', here's one post covering the bevel, or lack there of. It's easy to make the bevel with a file or stone and then polish it. Check for the "notch", too.



08-15-2010, 11:10 AM
Once again thanks bwana and wyn it only took about 5 min. with a stone and a little cleaning after and now you have my new edc working fine thanks much for the wisdom .

08-18-2010, 02:57 PM
Question, I'm not having any problems feeding Gold Dot or target ammo with my CW45, but should I do the bevel job anyway? Also, no scrapes on subsequent rounds or anything.

I mean if it was yours, would you bevel anyway for good measure?

08-18-2010, 03:00 PM
Question, I'm not having any problems feeding Gold Dot or target ammo with my CW45, but should I do the bevel job anyway? Also, no scrapes on subsequent rounds or anything.

I mean if it was yours, would you bevel anyway for good measure?

it ain't broke DON'T FIX IT..

08-18-2010, 03:08 PM
At the risk of scenting I agree. If it's not causing issues and everything works, no need to fix what ain't broken. Mine does hang up and I haven't got to it. I just know how to work around it. I'll get to it one day soon.

08-18-2010, 03:09 PM
Question, I'm not having any problems feeding Gold Dot or target ammo with my CW45, but should I do the bevel job anyway? Also, no scrapes on subsequent rounds or anything.

I mean if it was yours, would you bevel anyway for good measure?

Some already had a bevel on them also which might be why yours works good. Some for some reason don't need it also. Not sure whats up with that.

08-18-2010, 03:33 PM
At the risk of scenting I agree. If it's not causing issues and everything works, no need to fix what ain't broken. Mine does hang up and I haven't got to it. I just know how to work around it. I'll get to it one day soon.

a **** dog, that was not as good a scenter as u are:eek:

08-19-2010, 07:20 AM
Some already had a bevel on them also which might be why yours works good. Some for some reason don't need it also. Not sure whats up with that.

I took a look last night and there is a more of a radius than a bevel, a very slight one (1/32"). But as was said, not broke so I won't fix.

[Oh and a correction: "not having any problems feeding Golden Saber or target ammo"]