View Full Version : Arizona Renewal

03-13-2017, 10:07 PM
Since Kali sukz regarding CCW permits and guns in general, I have permits from many other States other than Kali. Its my retarded way of supporting the 2A.......with my wallet. I think that's what it really comes down to if we want to "keep" that right. That aside, I am so conditioned with the convoluted renewal process here in Kali that I am always refreshingly surprised when all I have to do is write a $40 dollar check. Amortize that over the term of the permit and its cheap.

Just sharing vibes

Ray C
03-14-2017, 01:17 AM
Thank you for the insights. How many out of state licenses do you have?

I am currently in the process of educating myself about obtaining an out of state license. In San Diego, I was able to find three local classes of various price ranges which met requirements for multi-state licenses.

Once I complete the break-in period of my P380 to where I'm confident in its reliability to make it through a training course, I plan to sign up for one of them.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

03-14-2017, 04:08 AM
I have a South Carolina permit (home state) but I travel a lot and needed something that Alabama and Georgia would accept. I got a Non-resident Utah permit, recognized by 30 something states. The original training was all classroom, no shooting required. Plus the state issued the permit in something like 3 weeks, renewal is cheap too.

If you travel a lot, this phone app has been very helpful. I don't remember the cost, less than 5.00. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ryan.ccw&hl=en

Every state is different, some places allow you to carry in food joints with booze, some don't. Some allow in banks, some don't, it's hard to comply sometimes.

At least this app, I can look and see what the major restrictions are very quick, and avoid major trouble.

03-14-2017, 05:00 AM
I have a South Carolina permit (home state) but I travel a lot and needed something that Alabama and Georgia would accept. I got a Non-resident Utah permit, recognized by 30 something states. The original training was all classroom, no shooting required. Plus the state issued the permit in something like 3 weeks, renewal is cheap too.

If you travel a lot, this phone app has been very helpful. I don't remember the cost, less than 5.00. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ryan.ccw&hl=en

Every state is different, some places allow you to carry in food joints with booze, some don't. Some allow in banks, some don't, it's hard to comply sometimes.

At least this app, I can look and see what the major restrictions are very quick, and avoid major trouble.

I second this suggestion, best $5.00 I've spent. In addition to NY resident, I have PA, FL, and UT non-resident permits (which gets me 38 states).....knowing the specifics for each state is critical in not getting yourself jammed up while traveling.

03-14-2017, 06:23 AM
Moved from Florida to Arizona.
AZ actually honors my non-resident CCW.
But like you I felt like getting an AZ one
also supports 2nd amendment.
Plus Nevada honors AZ :Amflag2:

03-14-2017, 08:23 AM
I have Utah, Florida, and Minnesota which cover most states. Reality check: If I go on vacation I have yet to bring checked luggage so unless the individual I am visiting wants me to bring one of his/her guns along to dinner, I am unarmed and uncomfortable. I did make sure my son living in Dallas has my (now his) beloved 3" Mod. 64 safely stored in his house for dad to fondle when he visits.

Sorry CA guys, there is no amount of money that would persuade me to deal with all you have to put up with even aside from their stupid gun laws.

03-14-2017, 09:43 AM
When I qualified for my CCL in my home state, I also fulfilled the requirements for Utah and Florida. At the time, Florida required a shoot qualifier. I eventually passed on the Florida license, since it was more than twice the cost of Utah, and was only good for 3 years. I did get an out of state Utah license. It came up for renewal last year, but I will not be renewing it. I like to support 2a when ever possible, and my state license is cheap, but any state(Utah) that wants to pass a law that does not allow you to carry a semi auto with one in the chamber, and carry a revolver with 2 open chambers will not get a penny more from me.

03-14-2017, 09:47 AM
I have a South Carolina permit (home state) but I travel a lot and needed something that Alabama and Georgia would accept. I got a Non-resident Utah permit, recognized by 30 something states. The original training was all classroom, no shooting required. Plus the state issued the permit in something like 3 weeks, renewal is cheap too.

If you travel a lot, this phone app has been very helpful. I don't remember the cost, less than 5.00. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ryan.ccw&hl=en

Every state is different, some places allow you to carry in food joints with booze, some don't. Some allow in banks, some don't, it's hard to comply sometimes.

At least this app, I can look and see what the major restrictions are very quick, and avoid major trouble.

Thanks for that link.

How about tell the SC legislators to get in gear and accept AL permits. What's up with that? They're the only SE state that doesn't recognize AL. Not too neighborly I'd say. I think AL recently passed a law recognizing ALL states permits.

03-14-2017, 09:50 AM
The site we use to check out gun laws while traveling is; http://www.handgunlaw.us.
So far it has proved the most reliable.
We also have the "Legal Heat" app. but I've found several errors some out dated information on the site, so don't bother with them.

Some States, like AZ will allow veterans to simply fill out the paper work, pay the fee and get their permit. No class required.
Although a good class can have the benefit of giving excellent information on State Laws and answering questions about gray areas.

03-14-2017, 10:01 AM
The site we use to check out gun laws while traveling is; http://www.handgunlaw.us.
So far it has proved the most reliable.
We also have the "Legal Heat" app. but I've found several errors some out dated information on the site, so don't bother with them.

Some States, like AZ will allow veterans to simply fill out the paper work, pay the fee and get their permit. No class required.
Although a good class can have the benefit of giving excellent information on State Laws and answering questions about gray areas.

AZ took my valid non-resident FL CCW as proof of training.
Easy Peasy

03-14-2017, 10:06 AM

03-14-2017, 12:10 PM
Thanks for that link.

How about tell the SC legislators to get in gear and accept AL permits. What's up with that? They're the only SE state that doesn't recognize AL. Not too neighborly I'd say. I think AL recently passed a law recognizing ALL states permits.

I'm working on it.:amflag:
But...there is a lot of resistance from the state cops, and Dems.
There was a bill submitted for all states, but it has been delayed. Not dead yet, but not kicking much either.

03-14-2017, 01:50 PM
I'm working on it.:amflag:
But...there is a lot of resistance from the state cops, and Dems.
There was a bill submitted for all states, but it has been delayed. Not dead yet, but not kicking much either.

The coastal areas haven't been invaded by the touchy feely hippie give peace a chance types, has it, thus starting to mess stuff up? LOL

03-14-2017, 02:42 PM
The whole world has been invaded by touch feely give peace a chance types. They teach it in college I think.

No first hand knowledge, never went myself which is why my common sense is still intact.