View Full Version : Hi from Glenn in Southwest Florida

03-14-2017, 07:53 PM
Hi gang! I've been enjoying reading the threads on here for a few weeks now. Recently got my first Kahr, a CT380. Been very happy with it thus far. Gathered a lot of great info from you all, much appreciated! Anyway I just wanted to say hi, and thanks!

03-14-2017, 08:17 PM
1stnamebassit, welcome!!! Great forum, and great guns. I have a pm9 and a tp45….love it.

Reading your moniker I assume that you are a musician??????

03-14-2017, 09:06 PM
Well I used to be but my Basses sit high and dry on the wall these days. My current occupation for the last 6 years has me working 3:30 pm to 2 am plus every weekend except one a month. I even played at churches but again I don't get home until 2:30am and being at Church Sunday morning at 7am to rehearse isn't happening! In fact I sold a bass and a small amp in order to buy the CT380. I try to limit spending because retirement isn't too far away. Want to save all we can. And thanks for the welcome!

03-15-2017, 09:31 AM
Howdy from Austin, Texas!