View Full Version : Positive warranty experience!

03-15-2017, 02:20 PM
Was taking my Kahrs for a spin over the weekend, a PM40 and a K40... had a follower in one magazine lose part of the lower skirt that keeps the follower aligned. The gun still cycled flawlessly but it was a pain to load the first round because the follower tried to pop out the front as i pushed the cartridge in. Anyway, called Kahr today and after a lengthy wait on hold the guy was gracious and happy to help. I only needed 1 but he's sending me 3 new parts. he didn't even ask for the guns serial number just said "I'll get those in the mail today, no problem! nice to be helped without being run through the wringer! Though a minor problem and an easy fix, it was an even easier warranty claim! Grade A in my book.

Btw, as a heads up, apparently it's closing the slide on an empty magazine that can damage the followers, I'll try to refrain from doing that.

03-15-2017, 02:42 PM
When I had that issue with my CW9 and CM9 I just emailed them and they sent me a reply email saying they would send out the new followers, darn waiting on hold, glad you got your parts and all is well!

03-15-2017, 03:00 PM
Closing the slide on an empty magazine is a new wrinkle I hadn't heard of. Wonder if it has any merit.
Without more thought and pondering I'm not totally buying it, but needs to be considered.

03-15-2017, 03:27 PM
That's got me thinking. I've never had a broken follower on any of my half dozen Kahrs. But, on an empty mag, I always gently let the slide ride forward. Hmmm.

03-15-2017, 04:03 PM
That was kind of my thinking Al. Maybe they are onto something. I never drop the slide on an empty mag.

03-15-2017, 05:49 PM
I just checked with a fellow who was working on a PM40 that he bought that is about 10 years old. It had a broken follower when he got it and it is banging up aluminum followers pretty well.

I suppose if the pistol wasn't locking back on an empty magazine, it would certainly bang forward on an empty chamber/mag.

He, like you and I, says he never lets it drop on an empty chamber/mag. So, I dunno. Something to ponder I suppose.

03-15-2017, 07:55 PM
I wasn't thinking straight earlier. Must not have recovered from the time change yet. I have to think about what happens when in these pistolas. The barrel hits the follower after the last round is fired when the slide moves to the rear of the gun, not when it is let into battery from the slide stop. I'm thinking the guy at Kahr was confused.

03-15-2017, 08:04 PM

Btw, as a heads up, apparently it's closing the slide on an empty magazine that can damage the followers, I'll try to refrain from doing that.
While I think it's good practice to ease the slide home on an empty magazine or no magazine, color me doubtful if we are talking about the slide causing the front skirt of the follower to break off.
To my mind, I can only see that happening if the stripper/feed rail was striking the follower. I just checked this on my CW9 and it's stripper/feed rail doesn't touch a stock follower at all.

While I've never had a Kahr pistol break a follower skirt (I did break one reassembling a magazine:blushing:), I did see damage to the skirt of a Lakeline follower after I installed it my CW9. It was pretty apparent to me that the feed ramp caused this and removing some material from it prevented any further damage.

Regardless of this this, thanks for the feedback on CS Maht_g:)

I'd like to suggest you check out Lakeline LLC's products: https://lakelinellc.com/shop/metal-magazine-follower-for-40-sw-kahr-available-late-september-or-early-october/


03-15-2017, 08:06 PM
Closing the slide on an empty magazine is a new wrinkle I hadn't heard of. Wonder if it has any merit.
Without more thought and pondering I'm not totally buying it, but needs to be considered.

Not sure if I did or not, not really something I'd think is common for me, but I'm going to pay attn to it... there was one instance that the slide didn't lock back so the could've been it, didn't notice which mag came out that time. Going to order some lakeline followers to try too

03-29-2017, 03:27 PM
Hi guys. Sorry for taking so long to get back and say "thanks" for the help with my PM40. Thanks. At this point, it barely nicks Lakeline followers, hasn't broken anything lately, and still feeds everything I put in it and goes bang every time I pull the trigger. I do intend to take a little more off the long corner of the feed ramp to get complete clearance. But, for now, it's ok. And I don't think Kahr ever would have fixed it. In regard to the issue in this thread: If I don't hold the record for broken followers, I'm sure I must at least place among the finishers. I've never ever dropped the slide on an empty mag. Never occured to me to try. Until I read this. It's not an easy thing to do. Using a mag with a Lakeline follower, I had to pull back on the slide while pulling down hard on the slide stop lever. With a Kahr follower, it's not as difficult but still much more so than on a loaded mag or no mag. I think you guys have got this nailed with the feed ramp hitting the follower on the way back after the last round. Putting a new Lakeline follower in will positively diagnose it for you as the aluminum will imprint whereas plastic just rebounds until it breaks. My advice to anyone whose gun it doing this is to get it fixed asap. If Kahr won't do it and you like the gun, do it yourself because it's going to break more than just followers.