View Full Version : New MK9 First Range Visit -- Is This OK?

03-15-2017, 06:21 PM
Not new to Kahrs (I also own a PM9, a K9 Elite and a P380), I took my new MK9 Elite to the range today for the first time. I encountered the usual, expected errors for the first few mags, after which the pistol smoothed out and worked faultlessly. I fired American Eagle, Winchester White Box, Hornady Critical Defense and even some +P Underwood Extreme Defense, and the MK9 swallowed it all without a whimper.

My question arose after getting home and cleaning it. No matter how many times I broke it down and put it back together, the recoil spring protruded a tiny bit (see pic below) from the front of the pistol. I rotated it, prayed over it, and even swore at it, but that little bit would not stay flush with the frame no matter what. The pistol operates normally when I rack it and dry fire it.

Should I be concerned?


03-15-2017, 07:38 PM
Not new to Kahrs (I also own a PM9, a K9 Elite and a P380), I took my new MK9 Elite to the range today for the first time. I encountered the usual, expected errors for the first few mags, after which the pistol smoothed out and worked faultlessly. I fired American Eagle, Winchester White Box, Hornady Critical Defense and even some +P Underwood Extreme Defense, and the MK9 swallowed it all without a whimper.

My question arose after getting home and cleaning it. No matter how many times I broke it down and put it back together, the recoil spring protruded a tiny bit (see pic below) from the front of the pistol. I rotated it, prayed over it, and even swore at it, but that little bit would not stay flush with the frame no matter what. The pistol operates normally when I rack it and dry fire it.

Should I be concerned?

The OEM guide rod on my MK9 protrudes a bit (I've had no issue because of it).
Yours appears to do so sightly more, but, as your MK9 seems to be functioning correctly, I doubt it is an issue.
Still, it wouldn't hurt anything to email that photo to customer service; maybe ask if another recoil spring assembly might not protrude so far.

03-15-2017, 07:53 PM
My Wolff spring set up also protrudes slightly.................no issues.

03-15-2017, 07:57 PM
Thanks. I went ahead and ordered a Wolff steel guide rod and spring set from Midway ($33). It gave me an excuse to replace the stock plastic guide rod, which seemed a bit out of place on this pistol anyway. I understand that Wolff makes the stock springs, and I ordered the stock spring pressure. I must say I love this little pistol.

03-16-2017, 11:59 AM
It should be fine!

03-22-2017, 11:13 AM
Second range visit yesterday (about 450 rounds through pistol):

The good news: Fired five different types of ammunition from five different 6-round magazines (I don't mess with the 7-rounders), and the pistol ate it all without blinking. That included Winchester WB, American Eagle, Federal HST, Hornady Critical Defense and Underwood Xtreme Defense +p.

The not-so-good news: The trigger felt (how do I describe this?) scratchy halfway through the pull, as if a spring was catching or rubbing. It did not have the smooth-as-silk feel of my PM9 or my K9. In addition, the sight picture was off such that when the three dots (night sights) were aligned the pistol shot quite low. It's a little disconcerting when two pistols (the K9 and PM9) have one sight picture and the MK9 has a different one.

When I got home I sent the online request for an RMA to Kahr and received a pre-paid Fedex label within 30 minutes. I dropped the pistol off at Fedex near Los Angeles, and tracking number says it was delivered this morning. The email I received says that repairs are currently taking about 4 weeks. Based on past performance, I expect Kahr to do a great job. I really like that little pistol -- feels great in the hand and shoots like a dream.

03-27-2017, 06:06 PM
Well, this is interesting. I sent the MK9 last Tuesday, they received it on Thursday, and sent it back to me today, Monday, for a Wednesday delivery. That's a three business day turnaround. I was prepared for a four-week wait. Can't wait to see what they've done to it (if anything).

03-28-2017, 08:32 AM
It's just natural to shoot low with these firearms until you get used to them, and find the right hold. I don't like 3 dot sights personally. Too much stuff to line up and worry about. I also shot low with my MK for a while until I got better with the trigger and grip. With the stock dot the eye sights, I found that I have to hold the front sight higher than what was comfortable, and right on the bulls eye. Felt a bit unnatural for a while. Much different than other firearms I have, but not the compacts. The compacts always seem to have this lower shooting issue. I usually try to use 124 or 147 gr. ammo. Seems to help with the accuracy a bit. Tugging on the trigger doesn't help. I'm not saying that this is what you're doing, but it's one cause. The scratchiness could be the trigger bar rubbing. Just a guess.

03-29-2017, 04:29 PM
Good guess. Pistol returned today. They polished the trigger bar. Now it is as it should be. One week turnaround, to the day. Impressive!

03-30-2017, 04:33 PM
When they're good, they're really good............when they're bad, they're irritating at best. I have an older MK, and I can't think of a trigger that I have ever felt, that was as light and smooth as the one in my Kahr. My wife's revolver is close, but still isn't as smooth and consistent straight through. It's just one reason why we all come here.:o

03-30-2017, 09:42 PM
When they're good, they're really good............when they're bad, they're irritating at best. I have an older MK, and I can't think of a trigger that I have ever felt, that was as light and smooth as the one in my Kahr.

Ditto. Everything else is second place.