View Full Version : K9 Slide Stop (New)

03-22-2017, 04:15 PM
So, I was "forcibly" punching out my slide stop and managed to mar it enough that it needed to be replaced. I have the new one installed, but I cannot put the gun in battery with an empty mag in it. I have not tried it with a round in the mag. Anyway, the slide stop won't budge without some excessive force! Any thoughts about why?

03-22-2017, 04:20 PM
You can't push the slide stop down to release it? Is that what's happening.

It's designed to be very difficult to drop the slide with an empty mag in place. Put a round in it and it should release normally.

When removing the slide stop pin, I generally get it lined up and then tap it with a plastic faced hammer.

Usually one tap just to pop it loose and it will remove easily after that.

Give this a whirl and report back.

03-22-2017, 04:41 PM
There's a warning in the instructions included with my new MK9 to the effect that it is extremely difficult to release the slide stop with an empty magazine installed. It is by design. They say to simply remove the magazine; then it's a lot easier.

03-28-2017, 04:50 PM
what you are actually doing with an empty mag in the gun is now with the slide stop you are now pushing down on the mag follower and that is a real ***** to do. Most all guns will do the same. If you have even one round in the magazine then it release easily, and why is that??? cause you are now not pushig against the magazine follower in the magazine as with even one round in the magazine the follower plays zero part of anything. so now when you push down on the slide stop lever, you are mreely releasing the slide from that side cut in the slide frame, which is easy...