View Full Version : Time for a Bobtailed Commander Kahr 45 Elite

03-29-2017, 07:24 PM
Totally love my MK40 Elite.
But I'm carrying my Dan Wesson SS V-Bob 45 lately.
Would kill for a Bobtailed Commander sized all stainless Kahr 45 Elite.
Please, Please, Please... :cool:

03-29-2017, 08:20 PM
We've been begging for years for a K45.

03-29-2017, 08:33 PM
Kill anybody or just somebody in particular? I have a list.

03-30-2017, 06:14 AM
Kill anybody or just somebody in particular? I have a list.

Not at liberty to confirm or deny any such list(s) :p

03-30-2017, 06:25 AM
I would love a K45, I would hug it, and squeeze it, and call it George!

03-30-2017, 10:00 AM
Aww, Damn, that was what I was gonna name mine. Now I'll have to think up a new name, don't want to be a copy cat.

I think I'll have plenty of time.

03-30-2017, 10:02 AM
Not at liberty to confirm or deny any such list(s) :p

And Barth, the Vbob isn't an HK? What's happened to you? Can we call you a convert now?

That's convert, not convict, don't want to confuse you with AirRet live in hubby don't cha know.

04-04-2017, 06:26 AM
And Barth, the Vbob isn't an HK? What's happened to you? Can we call you a convert now?

That's convert, not convict, don't want to confuse you with AirRet live in hubby don't cha know.

You guys are a bad influence on me.
All these years with all this 1911 talk.
And I finally had to find out what it's all about.
Have to say +1k rounds later and the V-Bob seems to have found a new home on my belt.

It's truly a dandy :D

04-04-2017, 08:13 AM
Try the bobtail before you buy. I have a Ed Brown Kobra Carry and the bobtail looks great but when I put it in the hands of die hard 1911 owners, at least half of them actually prefer the straight grip. I go either way (no comments please) but the straight grip seems to offer more control on followup shots when put in the hands of people that really know how to shoot quickly and accurately. Not being in that aforementioned select group I do find the bobtail tends to allow the gun's muzzle to roll upwards as opposed to staying on target. Something to do with the heel of my shooting hand I suspect.
My 2¢

04-04-2017, 09:38 AM
I love Bobtails. I think a lot depends on a persons hands. It's best on the commander size and would be nice on a compact if it was possible. Get a nose heavy 5''er and the bobtail looses some of it's appeal.

I have a Cbob and I've bobtailed a couple others. I might bobtail them all sooner or later. They work good for me.

The big plus is not printing under a shirt. That corner rounded off makes a big difference .

04-04-2017, 03:22 PM
Try the bobtail before you buy. I have a Ed Brown Kobra Carry and the bobtail looks great but when I put it in the hands of die hard 1911 owners, at lease half of them actually prefer the straight grip. I go either way (no comments please) but the straight grip seems to offer more control on followup shots when put in the hands of people that really know how to shoot quickly and accurately. Not being in that aforementioned select group I do find the bobtail tends to allow the gun's muzzle to roll upwards as opposed to staying on target. Something to do with the heel of my shooting hand I suspect.
My 2¢

I can see how that can happen with a bob-tailed grip in theory. I haven't noticed it myself, though. I have both straight-gripped 1911's and the bob-tailed S&W 1911 SC-e pictured below, which is one of my favorite carry guns in my fleet. That being said, I don't do much rapid fire, so I never really noticed a difference, but now that the issue has been raised, I'm going to be looking for it the next time I shoot them side-by-side....


04-04-2017, 04:04 PM

The smith is my favorite carry now also. So much lighter than the other 1911's.

04-04-2017, 04:54 PM
My son has one, lives in it's factory box instead of in my holster where it should be. Damn kids!

It's not quite as pleasant to shoot as my steel guns but it sure is light and nice to carry. Have to assume so anyhow, he don't let me carry it. Damn kids!

04-04-2017, 07:43 PM
Be careful what you wish for. I have a Dan Wesson Classic Commander Bobtail and a normally configured Commander. Both are stainless steel .45s with full checkering. The Bobtail conceals slightly better, but is slower to deliver subsequent shots quickly, because it has less shooting hand contact area as the grip curves away from the hand. The speed difference would likely be greater in lighter weight pistols. It would likely be less significant in 9mm chambering. If concealment is a concern, pistol is likely for defensive use and it is more important to be able to fire quickly. Anyone considering a bobtail 1911 should shoot it and compare it to a straight backstrap pistol. Rather than focus on the better concealment of a bobtailed grip, I think more focus should be on the holster and mode of carry.

04-04-2017, 07:47 PM
Be careful what you wish for. I have a Dan Wesson Classic Commander Bobtail and a normally configured Commander. Both are stainless steel .45s with full checkering. The Bobtail conceals slightly better, but is slower to deliver subsequent shots quickly, because it has less shooting hand contact area as the grip curves away from the hand. The speed difference would likely be greater in lighter weight pistols. It would likely be less significant in 9mm chambering. If concealment is a concern, pistol is likely for defensive use and it is more important to be able to fire quickly. Anyone considering a bobtail 1911 should shoot it and compare it to a straight backstrap pistol. Rather than focus on the better concealment of a bobtailed grip, I think more focus should be on the holster and mode of carry.

With all due respect.
I shoot Bobtails All Aces :cool:
We are all not the same...

IMHO focus should always be on what YOU shoot the best :D