08-16-2010, 04:53 PM
i have a brand new dlc pm9, never carried with roughly 250 rounds, no malfunctions ever of any kind . i have one 6 round mag and two 7 rounders and a pierce grip sleeve. i love the pm9, but it is just a tad to big for pocket carry for me. i already have an m&p compact for IWB carry so i really need something smaller that fits my pockets. im asking $600 ftf in ohio, or a trade involving a p380 or a smith and wesson bodyguard 380, but may consider shipping to your ffl depending on costs and the right deal. please email me with any offers or interests at
p.s. before anyone starts in on me about how theyd never trade a pm9 for a 380 and how 380 is inferior and blah blah blah, just remember this, i still have a 13 rounds of 9mm in my waistband, and id rather have a 380 in my pocket than a gun sitting at home. i respect your opinions, but id respect them more if you kept them to yourself:D
p.s. before anyone starts in on me about how theyd never trade a pm9 for a 380 and how 380 is inferior and blah blah blah, just remember this, i still have a 13 rounds of 9mm in my waistband, and id rather have a 380 in my pocket than a gun sitting at home. i respect your opinions, but id respect them more if you kept them to yourself:D