View Full Version : Greetings from California

04-06-2017, 05:23 PM
hi from California, perfect weather to shoot, too many laws to buy a new gun these days

anyway, i am considering a Kahr P380 and wanted to come here to read up on it

not like i need another gun...:)


04-06-2017, 06:09 PM
Welcome from the other side of the country (NC). Don't think I could handle living in Commiefornia myself. Don't own a P380, but do have a CM9 and CW45 and both run slicker than goose sh*t. Lots of info on here concerning do's and dont's with the 380s. BTW there's always a reason to "need" another gun!

04-06-2017, 06:11 PM
Welcome. Saw your other thread. You'll like your new Kahr regardless which one you get. I got a friend who moved from LA to Grand Rapids, Michigan and never looked back. Just planting the seed. ;)

04-06-2017, 09:29 PM
Hiya and welcome to the forum! Some good folk here, tons of great information and good reading!

I lived in SD/ OC/ Bay for about 20 years, moved back to the Midwest a few years ago to be closer to family but still miss the fit gals and good surf.. the crowds, traffic, SWJ warriors.. you can keep.

The best parts of California, I've found, are the ones most 'locals' and tourists don't frequent, so there's a win in there somewhere. I also strongly believe there's a solid grey market conservative under current that will rear it's deplorable head during the next election and shock the eff out of folk. :D

04-18-2017, 10:13 PM

I am in California and just purchased a P380 recently. Of course, it is the California LCI version, the only model of Kahr 380 legal in this state. I am coming from a G19 and I really want to like this gun and find it trustworthy for EDC. So far I am having my doubts. The Kahr seems to be much more finicky about a lot of things like ammo and lubrication, for example. I think some of the parts are suspect as well as you will learn as you research this site. I have only been to the range twice with it with a fair bit of dry firing in between, and my striker has already failed. Broken in two as a matter of fact. Not an uncommon occurrence. I emailed Kahr and they were very quick to offer to ship me a new one. Still, not an encouraging experience for an almost new SD weapon that your life may depend on.

I love the design and concept of the P380. It is so damn compact and shootable. I really don't mind the trigger at all as other's have complained. I would prefer a glock trigger, but the P380 is what it is and I really do like it. My only issue and concern is the reliability.

04-19-2017, 09:58 AM
Hi XFlyboy,

Have you seen the improved, stronger (replacement) striker for the Kahr .380's offered by lakelinellc[dot]com?

Supposed to prevent the broken striker you mentioned. I agree I would be hesitant about SD too but with one of these stronger strikers and after x hundreds of rounds after the replacement you could be more confident it would be there for you when you need it.

Hope that helps! Bill

04-19-2017, 11:07 AM
Hello Markg,

Welcome. I too live in Calif***ya and when I see what the corrupt, socialist politicians have done to a state I once loved, it makes me want to cry. The problem with our state is it's a test bed for unconstitutional laws and a cultural petri dish to see how far a gullible, misguided public can be sucked into a gun control black hole from which there is no return. Make no mistake, the ultimate goal in CA is total handgun confiscation.

The 2ndA right to buy a handgun in our state is is shamelessly being taken away from you. Ask yourself, "will I be sorry I didn't buy one when I no longer can?" Other states are watching what is going on in CA and they are noticing that the CA voters are rolling over on this and hundreds of other prime examples of a nanny state running amok. What's happening here affects law abiding gun owners across the country.

I encourage you to go ahead and buy your Kahr if for no other reason but to defiantly exercise your right to do so (like I did last month). Did I need another gun? Hell no! Remember the old Joni Mitchell song lyric "Don't it always seem to go that you don't know what you've got till it's gone..."

Oh, and with Kahr's 200 round break-in period - and needing some bullets to practice and actually defend yourself, you may want to stock up on ammo now before our mandatory ($60?) background check for ammo purchases goes into effect next year. I rest my case.

04-19-2017, 07:51 PM
Thanks Bill,

I am aware of the Lakeline striker for $35 and considered buying one. But my gun is still under warranty so I should get free replacement parts, and second, I don't want to possibly invalidate my warranty by using unauthorized parts. So I am going to play it straight for a while longer as I remain sceptical about the reliability of the P380. I was surprised to read in the owners manual that Kahr recommends lubricating once a month even if you don't fire the weapon? In contrast, I am confident I could toss my Glock in drawer for five years and it would fire without fail if I needed it to.

I am going to take my time and keep an open mind about the P380. I know the miniaturization of everything, the steep feeding ramp and the tighter tolerances inherent in these tiny guns necessitates the finicky nature around lubrication and choice of ammo, etc. But it must be reliable at the end of the day to be a candidate for EDC.

Ray C
04-19-2017, 07:53 PM
Welcome from San Diego! After careful consideration, I picked up a CA Approved Kahr P380 just recently myself, and I’m halfway through the break in period. Other than from Kahr, the only other CA Approved option that I considered for a similar sized 380 was the Sig Sauer P238. The closest commonly available and similar sized 380 is the off roster Ruger LCP, but I wanted to buy brand new with warranty and not have to worry if it would not be allowed to be listed on a CA conceal carry permit. Between the P238 and P380, I went with the P380 because it was lighter and smaller. It is unfortunate how limited of a choice we have with the roster, but I’m still glad we do have options versus none at all while we work on restoring our constitutional rights.