View Full Version : Which sights?

04-06-2017, 05:44 PM
i have decided to get my first Kahr, a P380 calfornia approved model

the models i can get are KP38233 or KP38233N, and i believe the difference between the two are just the night sight vs the bar dot.

So which one should i get? i want this gun for pocket carry if that matters.


04-06-2017, 05:46 PM
Personally I'd get the bar dot. It's a tiny defense gun. Many have no sights at all. I like the bar dot factory set up.

Well look at that 100 percent like the bar dot. I guess it's a winner.

04-06-2017, 06:08 PM
^^^ I'll second that. My first two Kahrs had night sights but I've since developed an appreciation for the bar-dots. No reason to spend extra $$$ IMHO. The Colonel is right...it's an up-close-personal gun after all. You can always get a night-time front sight later if you are so inclined. Finally, the rear bar-dot is a little sleeker too. That could be good for the pocket?

Ed M
04-06-2017, 06:49 PM
Recently put the night sights on my CM9 (front and rear). I can see the sights fine, but I liked the bar/dot setup better. It's just easier for me to align. I may put the stock rear sight back on....

04-06-2017, 07:25 PM
The California approved P380 has a loaded chamber indicator that pops up and blocks your sight alignment. I would just stick with the bar dot as its less expensive.

04-06-2017, 09:49 PM
Unless you expect to clear darkened warehouses or chase down dangerous animals at night with a pocket .380 you don't need night sights on it.

04-07-2017, 07:53 AM
Bar/dots for sure...................have that type of sights on all my firearms except one.....................................

marshal kane
04-08-2017, 08:16 AM
Night sights are great for shooting under poor light conditions assuming you can determine your target and have the time to use the sights. Many confrontations take place at short distances where sights aren't even used. It's spray and pray time.

04-08-2017, 09:04 AM
if your use to bar/dot then get bar/dot, if your use to 3 dot then get 3 dot.
As others said, your not going to have time to line up anything in self defense. If your being attacked, its going to be point and shoot.

04-08-2017, 01:10 PM
If your being attacked, its going to be point and shoot.

Night sights have their uses, but on a small pocket pistol if you're in a situation where you need them you're already in way over your head. If you're in a 7-11 late at night and two armed thugs walk in, one armed with a shotgun and the other with a hi-cap 9mm pistol you're more likely to be killed engaging them with your tiny little Kahr than saving your bacon. A pocket .380 is good for one or two lightly armed assailants, up close. If they're heavily armed or far enough away that you need to line up your sights then you're really pushing your luck. Because of that night sights on a pocket gun are not needed. If you've got $110 burning a hole in your pocket go ahead and buy them, but you won't be using them for what they were designed.

04-13-2017, 06:55 AM
Thanks for all the responses.

Checked the local shops, no one has a bar dot p380, and only one has the night sight version.

should i just wait and hope they get one in? is there any downside to the night sight (other than the extra $$)?

california is such a pain to buy guns....

04-13-2017, 07:01 AM
Save yourself some denaro and get some glow paint........................................more money for boolits.

04-13-2017, 09:36 AM
Thanks for all the responses.

Checked the local shops, no one has a bar dot p380, and only one has the night sight version.

should i just wait and hope they get one in? is there any downside to the night sight (other than the extra $$)?

california is such a pain to buy guns....

Many gun owners do not have night sights and are able to live perfectly satisfying lives. Still, I think that even though they are unlikely to be necessary, like the guns themselves, night sights on a defensive handgun make sense. They may be helpful in an uncertain world, like the difference between a .45 and a .380, or having a fire extinguisher or a first aid kit. Except for the cost, I cannot think of a disadvantage. One advantage that I was told of many years ago, when they were new and rare, was that they helped you locate the pistol in a dark room or drawer. Since learning of them decades ago, I have had them on every defensive handgun for which they were available. Within reason, I think defensive handguns, ammunition, etc. should be as capable as possible.
I would not obsess over getting a P380 without night sights, as they can always be added later. You may also want to consider adding only a front night sight, as some experts favor this.

04-13-2017, 10:06 AM
... night sights on a defensive handgun make sense. They may be helpful in an uncertain world, ...

Exactly. If one could predict the exact circumstances in which one would be deploying their self-defense pistol, then one would know exactly which accessories were necessary and which were not. But the world isn't nearly that predictable, which is why my defensive guns, including my P380, wear night sights AND Crimson Trace laser sights. I want every possible advantage should worse come to worst, and I don't mind paying for it up front. Better than paying later for NOT having it.

Oh, and spare me the "night sights/lasers are unnecessary on a defensive gun." You're entitled to your opinion, I just don't happen to share it.

04-13-2017, 12:31 PM
Your post reminds me of this expression: "If you know just how and where you would be attacked, do not go there."
I absolutely agree about laser sights for defensive handguns. I think a laser is preferable to night sights, if you must choose only one. A negative regarding laser sights is that they can change to feel of the gun, especially those that replace removable grips. My grip-replacing lasers are Crimson Traces and I have found that they make thin grips a lot thicker, which makes them point less effectively. Units that fit beneath dust covers require different holsters and different activation, but I find them less intrusive. In addition to allowing better hits, even from weird body positions like lying on your back, lasers allow aiming practice without shooting and, in a serious social situation, may add enough intimidation to cause a prospective attacker to rethink and change his mind, which is better for everyone. A display of a laser dot, even when a gun may be less visible, is likely to get someone's attention.

04-13-2017, 01:36 PM
100% agree on all counts. I have grip replacement lasers on my K9 Elite and on my MK9 Elite. On the K9, unfortunately, they replaced what may be the best stock grips I've had on any gun. But they're not bad by any means. On the MK9, they fattened up the thin stock grips somewhat, but not to excess. My PM9 and P380 both have the trigger guard-mounted lasers, which work fine but have one disadvantage: their lenses are close to the barrel end and easily become dirty from firing. So I clean them more frequently. All in all, I wouldn't be without them.

Unfortunately Crimson Trace have stopped making the lasers for the K9 and MK9. I snagged one of the last for the K9 before they sold out (Optics Planet mey still have a few on sale), and bought a used model for the MK9 from a member here.

04-24-2017, 09:36 PM
the local gun store decided for me; this time they only had the bar/dot

so now its in california 10 day jail, have to wait to see how it works. but it looked good at the store!

thanks for all the comments.

04-25-2017, 07:21 AM
I'm going to put a laser and night sights on my baseball bat. It will help me find it at night, and putting a laser light on a cracked up derelict will really scare them in to not attacking me. If people really want to spend their money, who are we to tell them otherwise? Personally, I don't know why people even ask whether they need them or not. They get them anyway, already have their minds made up. I'll stick to MY original answer. Save the money for practice boolits. You won't have time to line up night sights or a laser. Unless of course, they lay down in front of you. Then they'll work great. Practice point shooting, it's all you'll have time for. If you can't find your firearm at night without lights on it, you have more issues than just sights.

04-25-2017, 12:38 PM
For improbable events, such as criminal attacks, it is hard to judge just what will be useful. For most of us, guns, fire extinguishers, spare tires, laser-equipped Louisville Sluggers or chastity belts will not be needed. Fewer than 1% of police, whom we pay to look for trouble, will fire their guns, aside from training and practice, during their entire LEO career. (Part of this may be a reflection of SWAT team use which reduces shooting by non-SWAT LEOs.) Few of us face the risks that police face. That said, KahrTalkers likely feel that having lawful and effective means of self-defense is a reasonable precaution. As you note, it is our choice what sights, grips, bells, whistles, etc. meet our prospective needs.
Most home attacks by strangers occur at night and, for those who sleep in the dark, it seems reasonable that night sights might help in finding a gun. This may not be a huge advantage, but it is a factor that some might want to consider.