View Full Version : Confessional

04-06-2017, 07:33 PM
I really like buying new-to-me guns. But, when I look in the safe, there are really only a couple that I really "need" or use regularly. I'm better off selling a few. I need an intervention? But I'm not sure what kind:

the kind of intervention that cures me of my gun buying addiction... or
the kind that cures me of my reservations about buying more guns and keeps the floodgates open so to speak

How about you? Have you all kept on accumulating beyond what you really need?

04-06-2017, 07:42 PM
I've started to settle on my current collection.
Not ever interested in selling anything.
And I'll still buy something I really want it.
But the rampant buying spree I've been on? It's over...
Hard to justify more guns when I've already got a great selection :cool:

If Kahr produces a K45...
All bets are off! :D

04-06-2017, 07:53 PM
Well you could think like this, When the SHTF guns will be like money in the bank. You can sell, trade or use them yourself to keep your family safe. Money will be secondary, it could lose its value, guns won't. Interest rates are so low that savings accounts hardly make anything. Guns increase in value and when things really get bad or new guns are finally banned it will be to late to buy and the market value of the ones you have will skyrocket. So if you can, load your safe with guns and ammo. That's what I recommend.

04-06-2017, 07:56 PM
There is no cure, put that idea out of your mind. Don't sell nothing. Your ok. Trust me on this.

I have exactly what you have, maybe even worse.

04-06-2017, 07:57 PM
^^^ dang Ikeo! That's some righteous thinking right there.

04-06-2017, 08:49 PM
I just sold one of my Kahrs. I finally looked at my cache and realized that this "collection" is a bit excessive or maybe compulsive. For me, again... for me, I am in a streamlining and simplifying stage in my life. If I think I have too many of something, I obviously do. Its my thought and feeling-- no one else's. Everyone has their own comfort level. You captain your ship. For some 1 gun is enough. Fo rmany here, if you can fit more in your safe, then it isn't enough and for some, if you still can find your TV, then there is room for more. If you have to ask, you know the answer.
Dr. Phil

04-06-2017, 09:49 PM
I went on all types of sprees in the past few years, guns/bikes/knives/motorcycles... but starting to consider a move and at the least, getting back to basics.. I'm looking at all my stuff and wondering what I really need.. I've started selling things I thought I wanted but never really utilized or just don't need. I'm still on gunquest, the search for the gun set that completes me emotionally and otherwise ;D.

After a few years of Glocks, I am out of them, for now. I don't want to carry .380 anymore, so all those are going bye bye too. The 'better than nothing' quotient will be, at minimum, 9mm for now on. I don't think I can part with any revolvers but other things are less dear to me and will be ushered towards the door. Getting rid of stuff is liberating, though some of the $ has gone back into other guns.. like my new-to-me MK9e. <3

04-06-2017, 09:59 PM
^^^I get what you are say'n

04-06-2017, 09:59 PM
^^^ truth. I'm not ready to quit buying but I've become more selective. And I've developed a sell one buy one strategy that's keeping a lid on the expense. That might be the greatest liberation in finally letting some guns go = liberating some funds to go buy more. :D

04-06-2017, 10:01 PM
yeah me too. Stop buy'n? Kill me. Got to have some fun.

04-06-2017, 10:11 PM
My problem is sell a gun, we need a new washing machine or a transmission rebuild an I don't get a new gun.

I'm way beyond they don't all nearly fit in the safe, the solution is a second or bigger safe right?


04-06-2017, 10:17 PM
I've never saved up enough for a new, bigger safe for my guns. I just zip tie them to the dog. Good luck getting them. That dog is MEAN! And FAST! :rolleyes::der::p

04-06-2017, 10:55 PM
I finally converted a cheap safe into an ammo cabinet. Why? To get the ammo out of the other safe to make room for more guns! It's a sickness, surely. Doesn't seem to affect my health though.

04-06-2017, 11:32 PM
I'm no help. I was done buying last year, then....
I found a XD .45 service model on sale and bought it. Wife took it and said I should get one.
Then found a XDm .45 compact on sale. Bought it (nice by the way,)
then I found a XD9 service model on sale and I was done buying....
till I saw a CZ PCR clone (again on sale) and bought it. I LOVE IT!
then traded my G30s for a CZ P-09
Then bought a Jericho 941 copy and its sweet,
then had to have the CZ P-07.
then sold a G19 gen 4 to pay for it, only.......
wife saw a LNIB Sig P226 and wanted it. I couldn't say no. There went my Glock sale cash.
then my gun safe is full so I pull out 3 to sell,
sold one and bought another one right away. Blaming Barth for that one HK P30sk. There went that sale money.

They were all on sale though, does that get me any redemption all? I didn't realize it was so many till just now.

I'm finding that I'm upgrading more than actually reducing. I'm liking the hammer fired guns better. Still like my Kahrs though. They are the only striker fired pistols I have left.

04-06-2017, 11:58 PM
All my hobbies aren't cheap so I try to divide my time and money as best as possible...but right now I've been on a knife kick

04-07-2017, 01:17 AM
...They were all on sale though, does that get me any redemption all? I didn't realize it was so many till just now...

Absolutely! Think of all the $$$ you saved!

04-07-2017, 09:22 AM
I only buy guns used anymore, unless it's at a significantly reduced price.. enter my burgeoning interest in 3-gun and fascination with the Canik TP9SFX ($499.00 how can it be this cheap and awesome?), the non-stop longing for a new matching VEPR 12/ VEPR 7.62x39/54 matched set, just to get in the 3-gun door. All I can say is, if you want to keep your monets in your pockets, don't watch 3-gun videos on Youtube..especially the ones with this lil' blonde Brownell's team gal w the nice waist and excitable smile.

Also, also, also-- that TP9 Gen 2 on the Kahr site?!?!? I already want one, at least the barrel, to put on a T9.. <--- hoping, praying that it will be compatible.:yo::confused::angel:

04-07-2017, 09:50 AM
Over the last couple years, I have paired myself down to nothing but defensive size/compact carry firearms. Sold off or traded all target/full size firearms. I have no family to leave any to, so why hang on to the non shooters? Personally, I like to make trades. Looking at a used K40, and a P40 for trade right now. I've gotten the opportunity to own/shoot many firearms that I normally wouldn't have had a chance to shoot this way.

04-07-2017, 11:10 AM
Absolutely! Think of all the $$$ you saved!
I save any more money, I'll be broke!

04-07-2017, 07:36 PM
Older, odd firearms tend to tickle my fancy. However, I see that Smith and Wesson have a new M&P 45 out that interests me. I'll have to go fondle one, errr, handle one to see if it fits. If so, that may be the first new firearm I will purchase in a few years now.

04-07-2017, 07:57 PM
That's me, the older and the odder the better.

04-07-2017, 08:36 PM
Hey, I just noticed there's a gun show this werkend. A guy can look can't he? :D

04-07-2017, 10:57 PM
Good luck with that. Actually that's all I usually can do. Wallets a might thin.

Like pretty girls, I can look but can't touch. Life isn't fair sometimes.

04-08-2017, 12:32 PM
Hey, I just noticed there's a gun show this werkend. A guy can look can't he? :D

The gun show turned out to be harmless. I got out of there with just a couple P-mags, this little trout knife and most of my hard-earned $$$ still in my pocket.

I did see a S&W model 58 in .44magnum that got my wheels turning. I think that qualifies as Bawanna-odd. But I passed. I'll probably regret that.

04-16-2017, 06:27 PM
I really like buying new-to-me guns. But, when I look in the safe, there are really only a couple that I really "need" or use regularly. I'm better off selling a few. I need an intervention? But I'm not sure what kind:

the kind of intervention that cures me of my gun buying addiction... or
the kind that cures me of my reservations about buying more guns and keeps the floodgates open so to speak

How about you? Have you all kept on accumulating beyond what you really need?

Yeppers....that's why I started posting "No New Guns" a few years ago. Then, a year and a half or so back, I started giving guns away...sister and BIL/cousin had their house burn down, took their guns with it, and I essentials restocked them. I have way too many/more than I can use in the rest of my lifetime....especially now.

I am buying new belts and carry leather for my 1911's, tho. Gonna give some Red Nichols stuff a try.