View Full Version : Battle of the Greasy grass Colt sold at Julia Auction

04-11-2017, 09:36 PM
SAA SN 5773 Sold Today

James Julia Auction. $400,000

"A large portion of the revolver has moderate to heavy blood pitting, especially on the cylinder, recoil shield and frame. This Colt SA Army is a true historic American treasure. It is the only documented, complete and original Colt SA Army that can be proven to have been part of one of the greatest military cavalry disasters of all time."

Details & pics:


Ken L
04-11-2017, 10:13 PM
It would be very cool to see and maybe even hold such a historical item as that, and it would certainly be nice to have $400K laying around to actually buy it. Unfortunately, neither will happen for me, but the auction write up is quite the education.

Thanks for sharing!

marshal kane
04-12-2017, 09:32 AM
Fascinating documentation. As I recall, Custer held a very low esteem of the Indians which led to the rash strategy of splitting his forces prior to the attack. He also had access to several Gattling guns which he left behind at the fort believing that they would only be an encumbrance bringing them along into the field. In this case, they may have saved his command and his life.