View Full Version : Question on PM9 cocking cam reset / trigger disconnect

04-21-2017, 01:09 PM
Let me start by saying 1) I love my PM9; 2) it works perfect;

This is me being curious and picky about how my guns work.

So, simulating a just-fired position with trigger held to rear, slide would retract so that:

1) trigger bar is forced down to disconnect from cocking cam under-lug, and cocking cam snaps to ready position;
2) slide retracts further so that striker lug depresses cam as it rides over, cam snaps to ready position;
3) slide retracts fully, extracting and ejecting;
4) under RSA pressure slide advances forward, strips a round from magazine, striker lug comes to rest against cam, slide chambers round and returns to battery.
5) trigger is released fully allowing trigger bar to re-engage cocking cam under-lug (ready to fire chambered round).

The above sums up the firing cycle from the just-fired position.

When I slowly retract the slide on my empty PM9, if I am really slow and careful (so slow I take several seconds to move slide 1/4 inch) the trigger bar is forced down as usual, but just barely not enough down to completely disconnect. I can make this happen maybe 1 out of five tries, and if I barely move the gun in my hand the cam will snap to ready. Now mind you, this will never happen during live fire because even a primer-only load would have enough pop to complete the disconnect. And it never has, in over seven years and 1500 rounds down range of every type.

I also have a TP45, also excellent. It has the same firing cycle obviously, but it's impossible to make the TP45 do this because the trigger bar disconnect (visible in the frame's right-side slide groove) has only to drop down 1/2 the groove width to fully disconnect trigger bar from cam under-lug. In contrast, my PM9 disconnect must drop down pretty close to the very bottom of the slide groove for the disconnect to occur.

So do any of you fine folks with PM9 or CM9 show the same? If you have one of the larger models does your disconnect occur in the middle of the groove like my TP45, or down near the bottom like my PM9?

Thanks :)

04-25-2017, 06:58 AM
Bump. Anyone have thoughts on this? Inquiring minds want to know :)