View Full Version : MK Checkered Wood Grips Back in Stock @ Kahr

05-06-2017, 12:23 PM
Just a heads-up for anyone interested... I've been wanting a set of checkered wood grips for my MK9 like the ones I have on my K9, but they've been out of stock on Kahr's website for quite a while. I looked in today and they seem to be back in stock, so I ordered a set. At $58 plus a buck for the screws, they seem to be a pretty good deal. Here's what they look like on my K9:


05-06-2017, 02:33 PM
That's a heck of a good deal. I know what it takes to make a set. Course they got all kinds of machinery to make a set fast.
Takes me 2 or 3 days. They are tougher than most other hand gun grips for sure.

They look great though, worth twice that easy.

05-06-2017, 08:02 PM
Those are beautiful and thanks for the heads up
God Bless,John

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