View Full Version : Hello From CT

05-07-2017, 08:04 AM
Hi all. I'm new to Kahr but not new to firearms in the least. I have been eyeing Kahr's for quite some time and my LGS is running a deal on PM40's, I couldn't pass up, $299.95, you choice Stainless or Black. So now I am a Kahr owner.


05-07-2017, 08:50 AM
Welcome neighbor, nice pistol. I am from Middletown area and own a K9 Elite and recently purchased an used PM9 - no issues with either pistol. Brake yours in and let us know if you had any problems. Cheers!

05-07-2017, 09:09 AM
Howdy from Austin, Texas!

05-07-2017, 09:24 AM
Welcome neighbor, nice pistol. I am from Middletown area and own a K9 Elite and recently purchased an used PM9 - no issues with either pistol. Brake yours in and let us know if you had any problems. Cheers!

Hello and thank you for the welcome. I'm down around No. Haven/Hamden area. I have always wanted a PM9 but couldn't pass on the deal Hoffman's is running on the PM40. Maybe I'll keep and eye out for a P9, but I am very interested in the new SW9. I plan to get to the range this week and get it broken in. Everything appears great so far, except one 5 round mag refuses to hold the slide open. The follower appears to cant down just enough to not hold it open. I gotta go pick up my replacement this week. Meh, it happens. I don't lose sleep or get bent over such things.

05-08-2017, 11:10 AM
Great price on such a beautiful pistol. I couldn't have resisted either. Welcome!