View Full Version : new holster review Tagua brand

06-02-2017, 11:24 AM
needed a holster asap for my p45. wanted a cheap universal type to get by but all the shop had that was close was a Tagua for the s&w shield. close enough I thought so I bought it on sale for $20. I have to say that it is the MOST comfortable holster I own. The P45 fits the model for the M&P Shield quite well. It has a high rise feel and a slight FBI cant to it which I like. Holds close to the body too. I am guessing the P45 specific model is possibly better if possible. It isn't a holster to train with meaning the pistol is a bit cumbersome to re holster during drills but for EDC, I think many guys here will like this holster. The link shows the design but not the actual holster. It doesn't look like a holster that will last a decade of EDC but for the $ no big deal.