View Full Version : why we need national carry permit

06-05-2017, 10:47 AM
After you watch this, I am sure that many here would have done more than throw a bottle at the attackers.

06-05-2017, 10:52 AM
guess my 17+1 s&w 9 is more in order than my 6+1 P45. But my guess is that when those pigs here bang bang bang they will scurry off.

06-05-2017, 11:10 AM
When they don't allow their citizens a means to defend themselves, this will happen over and over, and does, every day. I'm surprised that it even got as much attention as it did. They want to keep prescribing to the myth, that their country is safer without citizens being able to protect themselves. They usually don't show much of what happens every day. Just like Australia, you don't see much news from there either. They also believe the myth that they are safer without firearms. These countries also allow any loser from any sand pit to come live in their country. France is another example. Keep inviting them over, and they will oblige and keep coming over, and killing your citizens. They can't grasp the fact that this is what they do. To every one and anyone. My wife's sister married a guy from England. At one time, he was a police officer. He quit, because in EVERY situation he was out numbered and was not allowed a weapon, so he quit and moved here, where he loves his guns. Over there, he had a rifle and a shotgun, which had to be locked up and stored at a gun club. If you aren't someone with a bit of cash, this is way out of the average persons income. Seems like the French and the English are a bit slow to catch on. Whenever a bomb goes off, they can't figure out why.

06-05-2017, 11:16 AM
no argument here. Where is Piers Morgan when you need him?? Probably soiling his shorts at one of the establishments that was attacked.

06-06-2017, 11:26 AM
I prefer National Constitutional Carry!

06-06-2017, 12:53 PM
I prefer National Constitutional Carry!
Aw, but then the government can't control people. The overlords will go crazy.