View Full Version : New 9mm followers?

06-07-2017, 11:25 PM
I picked up a new PM9 this week and I was wondering when Kahr changed their 9mm followers?
I kept a unused 6 rd mag when I sold a CM9 back in 2013 and the PM9 followers are different..


06-08-2017, 12:18 AM
It was fairly recently. Like the last few months that I became aware of it. I don't have a 9 but rumor has it, it's a positive improvement.
Many have taken your old style follower and sanded it to look like the new style. A dowel and a little sandpaper and your there.

06-09-2017, 04:57 PM
Thanks for the info. Shot it today and couldn't tell any difference.

06-23-2017, 04:50 PM
my 21 cents on this: since kahr fixed their feed ramps so they were businting followers, this follower issue went away. Not sure how much of an improvement this new follower is but if one has a follower still getting busted, he best let kahr do the rampectomy on it or the problem will not go away, IMO Just sayin

I would post more but Bawanna only lets me posts 5 times a month...by the way I am up to over 38K rounds thru my PMJ9 and that fokker is smoother than a snakes belly. I still shoot it like **** but it is what it is. I bought my wife a G43 and had it tuned and grip stippled and installed green fiber optics on it and this gun is a shooter. Ported also just tames it down big time, I shoot it like **** to. Of the two I still carry the PMJU9 in my front pocket for it is still smaller than the G43 and lighter and the barrel is even a 1/2" longer. Hard to figure but it is. I went out yesterday and shoot my NYPD K9 with MMC adjustable sites on it, fired 200 rounds, never a hiccup, great gun, I also shoot it like **** to. Just sayin.

06-23-2017, 04:55 PM
Seems to be a pattern her you old coot. Maybe you need a bigger barn door to hang your targets on?

Put the sheep over in the south 40, don't want to hurt none of your friends.

I'm gonna send you some pictures of myself you can use for targets, might help your marksmenship.

I'd like to see 5 post a month from you, ain't happened in a long time, probably hanging out on the Kel Tec forum.

06-23-2017, 10:09 PM
Hey **** what **** do **** these **** mean **** in **** a **** post? Can ***** anyone **** tell *****me ***** exactly **** or ***** do ***** I **** have to ****keep **** guessing?

Sorry, I spaced out. I don't even own a 9mm.