View Full Version : Thank you to KahrTalk, Kahr #2 on the way and a holster recommendation request.

06-17-2017, 10:22 AM
Thanks to the helpful information available here I was able to decide on a PM9. I also found a selection of holsters in the Marketplace. I got to try out different holsters and get a feel for what worked best for me. Previously I had only carried open, not concealed so the recommendations here the package deal of 4 holsters, all left handed, was great.

I am very pleased with it. I like having a 9 for CC although I am ok with a 380 but given the option I will take the 9.

Occasionally though when I am wearing very lightweight slacks or shorts (Think Phoenix in August/September.) carrying the PM9 in a nice IWB tuck type holster, I find myself wishing for something a little lighter and smaller. After some reading here I have decided on a P380 which I will pick up when I get back to Phoenix in a few weeks.

I will check out the "Holsters and Gear" sub-forum but if anyone wants to throw a holster recommendation here, I would appreciate it.

I'm not liking pocket holsters, just not the right thing for very lightweight slacks of shorts, probably ok for jeans or khakis/Dockers but this is for slack/shorts that are much lighter weight.

I am thinking an Alien Gear Tuck 3 IWB although I would most likely wear a Tommy Bahama silk shirt so OWB might be ok if it pulled in real snug.



06-17-2017, 11:53 AM
I'm a pocket holster guy so no recommendation for IWB. But I do recommend you consider the cw380 instead of the p380. I've had both and the differences did not come close to making up the difference in cost. Cosmetic differences, an extra mag, and a polygonal barrel. Same size and weight, both shoot great. Neither is more reliable or durable than the other.

06-17-2017, 12:31 PM
Though I've not tried them myself, many folks speak highly of PJ Holster: http://pjholster.com/

The lightest IWB I have is from FIST holsters: http://www.fist-holsters.com/novoerfide/kydex/sampel-12h-159i-160l-167-3-192-224-225-226-227-detail.html
Mine is for my Kel-Tec P32 and I like it quite a bit.

I'd also recommend looking at Garrett Industries: http://www.giholsters.com/category-s/342.htm
I have one of their Silent Thunder models for my MK9 and find it an excellent holster.

OWB, I have a Hays Leather pancake style holster for my P380. It holds the pistol quite close to the body. I imagine any quality made pancake style holster would do the same.



06-17-2017, 02:59 PM
I also bought the CW380 instead of the P380 for my better half. I have 2 holsters in the Holsters and Gear section. One is the exact Fist pictured above, the second is a Clinger holster similar to the Garret.

06-17-2017, 04:39 PM
I've carried my PM9 in a Mitch Rosen IWB holster ever since the beginning...a goodly number of years now. Good leather. I like it a lot. Assuming he has one available for the P380....

06-18-2017, 09:09 AM
The only two IWB holsters I have ever owned for my PM9 are a PJ's (all Kydex) flat, thin, easy on and off and a original Garretts Silent Thunder (leather lined kydex) a bit thicker. Garrett's make a Silent Thunder Solo (http://www.giholsters.com/product-p/hh1100.htm) that I used when I owned my Shield and it was a really nice IWB that had all the features I needed. Sold the gun and the holster so no pics of that holster.


06-18-2017, 12:16 PM
I have a Clinger Stingrays for my 9mm and .380. I do tend to carry the .380 more more in this AZ heat

