View Full Version : New Member-First range day with Kahr CW30

King Rat
06-22-2017, 07:14 PM
I have been shooting the LCP for about 10 years. Went through three of them and on my fourth. I enjoy shooting the Pocket guns. I had always heard about the Pico. Finally bought one and was ecstatic over the quality and Mild shooting. Amazing better quality than I had seen in years and it is such a pleasure to shoot. Gone was that heavy recoil from the LCP, especially that slap.t Ended up getting a second on, just because I loved it so much. The first one has over 1200 rounds now without a Hiccup and the second around 4-600 without a flaw.
Regardless, I started hearing about the Kahr, another gun that had high quality, so invested in one. Bought it Sunday night From Sportsman's Guide and it arrived yesterday. I could see from just opening the gun up that it had great quality.
So I logged on to this forum and learned as much as I could about the gun in a few days. I spent last night just re cleaning the gun and racking the slide over and over for about 150 times. I loaded up the one mag I had to full capacity and let it "Set" over night. I also racked the Kahr slide and let it set.

I was busy today and did not have much time, but was interested to see how this gun shot.

Regardless, I came home, grabbed the Kahr and took off. I brought along a box of PMU and a box of cheap Fiocchi Lineia and had half a box of Freedom munitions reloads.
I had oiled the gun the night before and left it very wet. Mistake. I don't usually do this, but read somewhere where this gun like it.

My goal was too just break the gun in. See how it shoots.

Box 1--PMU 50 rounds-NICE-I like the way this gun shoots. NO Malfunctions.

Box 2--Fiocchi--Ok, this was a mistake. It took me only one round to know this gun will not take this ammo.
Ok, now what?-Told the range officer, I needed 5 min to buy a box of ammo and bought the cheapest stuff this over priced joint had. Aguila. I had never shot this stuff, was leary but I was in a hurry. $16.99 for a box of 50.

Good news this ammo ran flawless but was dirty as hell. I could tell the gun was in fact getting very dirty. On some of the loaded mags at last round I had to hit the receiver into action. I could feel the gritty dirt in the gun. But the gun ran and ran, despite the fact that this was the first time out and with the dirty ammo.

I then Shot the Freedom-25 rounds. This is a light charge ammo and yet the gun went through all 25 rounds. With One exception, the very first round I sent into the chamber. Not sure it was the gun or me at this point. I find the receiver harder to rack than the Pico. I am sure it will break in down the road.

So basically 125 rounds on first day out. With no flaws. Good Day.

Target below. All rounds shot quickly around 2 second delay. Bottom target was the PMU, the Middle the Aguila and the head the Freedom. Target about 1-2 yards pas 7 yd safety marker.

Got home and this gun was filfty. Pretty sure it was the Ammo, but could have been because I over lubed it.

This gun is going to be competition with the Pico. I like them both at this early stage. Trigger was very nice, Very Mild recoil and very similar to the Pico. I mostly point and shoot, but still use the sights as a reference. It will take a little time to get use to this gun, but once I do, I feel I can tighten these groups up considerably.
Have to say the Kahr is a real winner. "It made my day".
Will spend the next few weeks getting to know the gun and shoot more variety of ammo especially Carry Ammo.

The link below is the target from today. Not sure how to post a pic yet here, sorry for the link.

http://i981.photobucket.com/albums/ae293/airgundave/Kahr/20170622_181631-1_zpsdyclfwb1.jpg (http://s981.photobucket.com/user/airgundave/media/20170622_181631-1_zpsdyclfwb1.jpg.html)

06-22-2017, 08:07 PM
Congrats on your purchase and your successful first range visit.
My HP-carry ammo in the much bigger Kahr 45 is Hornady Critical Defense. It feeds excellent, so that's one for consideration on carry ammo.

King Rat
06-23-2017, 04:17 AM
Thank you Joe, good seems Hornady CD is a common denominator on this forum. That is good news as I have plenty in stock. I'm going to measure all the ammo I shoot now and use a case gauge to figure out what this gun likes. I still want to try out HST. I also want to go through a variety of range ammo. The Pico and the Kahr both seem to share many of the same qualities. The Trigger on both are great triggers, the Pico being a little stronger but still very pleasant. The LCP's that I shot were not even close in comfort the mild shooting of both of these guns and the build quality not even in the same league. I had tried out the new LCP ll and hated shooting it. Mostly the squirrelly trigger. A lot of crazy free play, then a shot take up and then a surprise Bam! I really thought that trigger to be unsafe in a pocket gun.. But the good news, that gun motivated me to find the Pico and the Kahr. I love both of these.
I think the secret to both the Pico and the Kahr is to understand that these guns are built with tight tolerances which means quality. Simply breaking them in at home is all that is required. And that is a simple process.

06-23-2017, 01:23 PM
I've read your similar posts on the Beretta messageboard. You membered with a Virginia-something screen name there.

I do not own a Beretta yet. Was considering the little 32 Tomcat a while back. Wife instead bought the Keltec P32 for half-the-price of the Tomcat. In our retirement years, we have become "thrifty" shoppers....lol:) I considered the Federal HSTs for my Kahr 45.

You will figure it out for sure. I had a rough time sorting-out the right HP ammo for my .380 Glock 42. That's one fussy handgun right there. Critical Defense to the rescue once again there too. I'm hearing the HSTs work real well in the Baby Glock also. Sometimes the stores we shop at has only one of the two we're interested in.

I always pick the wrong day and time of day to shop ammo. Not a good idea to find an assortment of ammo on Sunday evening. I should have looked early Friday morning, while the stores are still stocked well.

King Rat
06-23-2017, 02:58 PM
Yes, I have to say I love the Pico, and the Kahr is certainly a great contender. Had her out today and she ran off 100 rounds of Freedom munitions with no problems other than toward the end with a new 7 round Mag and getting dirty. No big deal, just had to hit her back into battery a little on the last round fired. I can see I really like the 6 round mags better.(and Ihave a size 9 glove with long fingers) Great that She likes the Freedom, as I can buy that very cheap on line. The more the gun breaks in, I don't even see any problems with any ammo that is just not too long or has a wide case. This gun is a very sweet shooter for sure.

Want a great Pocket gun trainer for Point and Shoot skills? I have two Phoenix Hpa 22.cals. The little suckers run like crazy on cheap ammo. I like to place about 6 or 7 three (3) inch target on one B27 target and quickly try and get a round in each one as fast as I can. I was lousy when I first started but Have really become pretty proficient. Really trains the mind and eyes to move fast. I also practice a lot with Air Pistols. Really helps me and I can shoot more frequently.

ps I also placed traction grips on the slid same as Pico and it really helped.

AND ON THIS GREAT DAY, LET NO MAN FORGET THAT HE IS FROM OLD VIRGINA!-- George Pickett-before charge at Gettysburg.

Ed M
06-23-2017, 05:23 PM
I have one of those Phoenix Arms HP22's - soooo much fun to shoot! Well worth the $120 or so that I paid for it brand new...

King Rat
06-24-2017, 05:53 PM
Day 2, 100 rounds of Freedom munition reloads, no problems. Total so far 225 rds. Great shooter. Ordered night sights, stainless steal guide rod, and set of extra recoil springs. The Kahr and the Pico will be going head to head in many future fighting matches this summer. Both great guns for sure.

06-24-2017, 06:55 PM
Nice to hear you're enjoying it. When I get mine out to the range in the next couple of weeks to test out the Federal Hydra Shok and Underwood Extreme Defender ammos, I'll be bringing my Pico along for some direct comparisons. I may even bring my Remington RM380, too. After a year of hits and misses with 380 micros, it's nice to have some viable carry options.

Ed M
06-24-2017, 06:57 PM
Was at one of the local gunshops yesterday, and they have the Pico marked down to $199. The owner says they can't give them away.

It has some good qualities - very well made, awesome takedown, some of the nicest mags you'll ever find on a semi-auto pistol, really good sights, modular construction...

Then there's the weak points - it's High Point ugly, the slide is even tougher to rack than the Kahr - next to no slide serrations, that slide release is just plain ignorant to operate (gotta use a thumbnail), and the mag release must be an acquired skill to operate. I had to use my weak hand to operate it. It feels like a toy in my hand, whereas the Kahr feels like a real gun.

If Beretta targeted the Pico for female shooters, they really screwed up. The ergonomics are just plain awful - and this was the opinion of the half dozen women that were looking for a small self defense 380 in the shop, not me. I could probably get used to it for that good price, but thankfully, I don't have to. I prefer the CW380, S&W Bodyguard 380, and the Ruger LCP II to the Pico, and those were what the women bought. 4 Kahrs, one Bodyguard, and one LCP II. If they had more Kahrs in stock, it might have been a clean sweep.

King Rat
06-26-2017, 03:19 PM
It is High point uglly?? LOL, HardlyH I doubt Beretta ever made a ugly gun. And it is TOP QUALITY. It is very similar appearance to the other guns you described. The Ergonomics looks like it was engineered in a wind tunnel. Designed for total concealment. I find it amazing you can even compare it to a LCP. Seems like a lot of women at that one counter. How many of them even had experience? It is a Pocket and yes the slide take release it takes a acquired skill to operate, which then becomes simple. No It is not a IDA gun. The owner said they cannot give them away. I wonder how many People that actually walk into a gun shop ever even heard of a Beretta? Like I said, I would have to say I have shot thousands of rounds more out of a LCP than you will in a lifetime. I will tell you in a second the LCP is NOT even close to the Beretta. I also have not only owned four LCP's but shot the new model the LCP ll. You really think that is a better shooting gun? Obviously you have never shot either gun.
You say that the gun was on sale for $200. Where is this and was this the first model or the 2nd generation with the new springs? I did intensive search and could not find them anywhere for that price. Really?
I liked the Pico so much, I bought a second one. Wish I had seen them for $200.00, that is a steal.

You know what? I heard these kind of comments toward the Kahr. Yes same kind of things. Jamamatic, prefer the LCP and on and on. Glad I did not listen to them. I would be out two great guns.
The Jury is still out for me on the preference of the Pico or the Khar. Too early to tell and not sure if either one will actually be a preference. They both have their Plus and Minuses. The Pico at the point shoots about the same, but seems to prefer any any. I have over 2000 rounds fired between both the Pico's with no failures. I only have about 225 rounds with the Kahr. I love the Kahr at this point. Love the Pico's. Would not trade anyh of them. Just too nice.

These are both beautiful well crafted guns. Sorry, I do not want another LCP. However I think they are right up your alley. Thanks for posting.

http://i981.photobucket.com/albums/ae293/airgundave/Pico-Beauty-Shot-F1_zpse3o5rcl9.jpg (http://s981.photobucket.com/user/airgundave/media/Pico-Beauty-Shot-F1_zpse3o5rcl9.jpg.html)

http://i981.photobucket.com/albums/ae293/airgundave/Pico/20170610_0652101_zpsf74yxca7.jpg (http://s981.photobucket.com/user/airgundave/media/Pico/20170608_2205571_zpsequj88fw.jpg.html)

Ed M
06-26-2017, 07:04 PM
King Rat - Out of respect for the shop owner, I was just a silent observer but thought I'd share what I witnessed.

I have an LCP, but not the LCP II, and that was what I wanted to look at. I'm still deciding, but the Pico is an option - especially at that price. With some break in, I'm guessing it'd get easier to operate....

I've shot the LCP II, but I'd like to shoot the Pico too. I like options, and at this point, another Kahr is looking like the best one for me. YMMV - obviously. :biggrin1:

06-26-2017, 08:12 PM
If it helps any in your decision-making, I owned not one but two LCP IIs...and not by choice. My first one was deemed unfixable by Ruger, and the replacement went back to the factory twice because it couldn't get through 2 or 3 rounds without a failure. Ruger, to their credit, did the right thing and offered me another model as a replacement, which I accepted and promptly sold to my LGS. Great customer service, lousy guns (and don't get me started on that ridiculous LCP II trigger).

I agree with you on the goofy ergonomics and funky looks of the Pico...but the darn things work. Once you give it a bit of time in your hand, it is a great point-and-shoot shooter. Mine, after a bit of trigger issues, is totally reliable, and not at all finicky with any and all ammo. And, as repeatedly mentioned, it exudes quality.

Regarding some of the criticisms (none of which I find inaccurate, btw): 1) The mag release is a bit unusual, but with practice a mag drop and reload is intuitive and quick. I pick up a mag with my weak hand's palm, use the thumb and pointing finger of that hand to activate the mag release, and then pop in the mag. A bit different than most pistols, but it is a very efficient method. And the upside is that this mag release won't accidentally activate when the gun is on your hip or in your pocket. 2) The slide release is, by design, tiny and not particularly tactical, but I've never found the downside in terms of intended use. I've always been trained to use gross (vs. fine) motor skills for self-defense application, so I always practice slingshotting pistols back into battery. The Pico is no different, and it works quite well.

King Rat - Out of respect for the shop owner, I was just a silent observer but thought I'd share what I witnessed.

I have an LCP, but not the LCP II, and that was what I wanted to look at. I'm still deciding, but the Pico is an option - especially at that price. With some break in, I'm guessing it'd get easier to operate....

I've shot the LCP II, but I'd like to shoot the Pico too. I like options, and at this point, another Kahr is looking like the best one for me. YMMV - obviously. :biggrin1:

King Rat
06-26-2017, 11:43 PM
If it helps any in your decision-making, I owned not one but two LCP IIs...and not by choice. My first one was deemed unfixable by Ruger, and the replacement went back to the factory twice because it couldn't get through 2 or 3 rounds without a failure. Ruger, to their credit, did the right thing and offered me another model as a replacement, which I accepted and promptly sold to my LGS. Great customer service, lousy guns (and don't get me started on that ridiculous LCP II trigger).

I agree with you on the goofy ergonomics and funky looks of the Pico...but the darn things work. Once you give it a bit of time in your hand, it is a great point-and-shoot shooter. Mine, after a bit of trigger issues, is totally reliable, and not at all finicky with any and all ammo. And, as repeatedly mentioned, it exudes quality.

Regarding some of the criticisms (none of which I find inaccurate, btw): 1) The mag release is a bit unusual, but with practice a mag drop and reload is intuitive and quick. I pick up a mag with my weak hand's palm, use the thumb and pointing finger of that hand to activate the mag release, and then pop in the mag. A bit different than most pistols, but it is a very efficient method. And the upside is that this mag release won't accidentally activate when the gun is on your hip or in your pocket. 2) The slide release is, by design, tiny and not particularly tactical, but I've never found the downside in terms of intended use. I've always been trained to use gross (vs. fine) motor skills for self-defense application, so I always practice slingshotting pistols back into battery. The Pico is no different, and it works quite well.

Well said Boscobarbell, I am loving both the Kahr, and the Pico. They both were a refreshing change for so many years with the LCP's. Ironically most Rugers are built tough, but in this case, it is the Pico and the Kahr that are walking the walk. Yes many do not like the slide release but I perform the same actions as you do and it works for me. The gun locks open and I can sling shot the Pico easily. Both have the capability of shooting Plus P ammo. While I do not shoot a lot of that, it signifies toughness and durability.
Regardless, I plan to have a great time in the next few months with the Kahr. As I said before, these guns make shooting a pocket pistols "Fun". Thanks for posting. I will, in the future limit my discussion's to the Kahr's on this forum. No disrespect intended. Just so delighted to have two great Pocket Pistols.

06-27-2017, 03:33 AM
There is one other 380 I have looked at but not shot, and that is the Remington RM380. It has great reviews, and shown on Youtube to be reliable. It's comfortable in the hand, and the slide is easy to operate. The trigger is a bit long and about 8lbs but still felt comfortable. I saw it at an online retailer, but can't remember which one for about 230.00. With the current 50.00 rebate it could very well be a steal. I don't need another 380, my Kahr CT380 is perfect for me, but I thought I would pass this on in case anyone wanted to check it out. I know Remington has a bad rap lately, especially with the R51 debacle, but I haven't heard anything but praise for the RM380.

King Rat
06-27-2017, 05:18 AM
King Rat - Out of respect for the shop owner, I was just a silent observer but thought I'd share what I witnessed.

I have an LCP, but not the LCP II, and that was what I wanted to look at. I'm still deciding, but the Pico is an option - especially at that price. With some break in, I'm guessing it'd get easier to operate....

I've shot the LCP II, but I'd like to shoot the Pico too. I like options, and at this point, another Kahr is looking like the best one for me. YMMV - obviously. :biggrin1:

Ed, I did not mean to jump down your throat, my bad. First of all I did not know the Pico was designed for women. Does make sense. The grip is small and narrow. I have a large size 9 hand almost a extra large and have long fingers. Ironically the Pico fits perfect in my hand and the end of the grip fits perfect in the third and forth finger. Actually anchors in their quite well. I prefer it without the grip extension magazine. When I shot my LCP's I placed a Hogue Handall grip, thinking I need it. Shot it this way and then after a few years just took it off. Found that the engineers knew what they were doing and wallah, actually started shooting it better. I like the thin design of the Pico, many will not like this. A newbie most likely will not like the small thin grip, but they will like the mild recoil. It is a gun you have to shoot for sure to get the full feel of the gun.
That said, the Khar should be the perfect choice. The gun feels great in the hand, easy, mild recoil, great trigger. You can't go wrong. It is a shame folks cannot really get a chance to shoot the guns they hear about. My LGS do not carry Beretta's and they do not carry Kahr's. Mostly Rugers and Sigs. I think they are easier to sell for the shop not necessary what is good for the perspective owner. The LCP Gen 2 has a very nice trigger, I have been a member of one Ruger forum for 10 years, and can say that many were really dismayed when the New LCP ll came out. They really did not like the new trigger, and felt it unsafe to carry. I am one of them. If someone wanted a Ruger, I would highly recommend the Gen 2. If you can handle the snappy recoil, and maybe do not shoot a lot, then you can get one at $179. At least at my local LGS. Reason, they said they are closing them out. I am not sure if Ruger really is, but people walking into a LGS would most like not know the difference and just want the latest model. Easier to sell.
I believe any woman that actually shot the Kahr or the Pico would choose either over the snappy recoil of the LCP. I like the sleek design of the Pico, many don't and that heavy receiver really does stop muzzle flip.
And because of the "Funky look", I think at this point the best overall high score for average shooter of pocket guns would go to the Kahr. Just about everything is there for them. Mild Recoil, strong, durable, nice smooth and safe trigger, ability to handle night sights and appealing looks. The Pico will remain as a "niche" gun for a few like myself who feel it is a diamond in the rough.
Thanks for your post. Hope you get the gun best suited for yourself. Not much to NOT like in the Kahr. And so far mine is running like a top. A real 5 star pocket gun.

I really do not focus so much on target shooting a pocket gun like I see so many do at the range. All my training is point and shoot, instinctive shooting like I showed in the Target my first day. It is also why I have no problem with the fast mag action in the Pico, or any Pocket gun for that matter. Here is a pic of what I believe real life data. (FBI)

http://i981.photobucket.com/albums/ae293/airgundave/Kahr/fbi_zpsqonjasen.jpg (http://s981.photobucket.com/user/airgundave/media/Kahr/fbi_zpsqonjasen.jpg.html)

06-27-2017, 07:58 AM
I'll probably be flamed.....................I have yet to hear a review on the new Taurus Spectrum. I have owned a few "pea" shooters and don't care for them. Curious if the Spectrum can be a better alternative to these other point and shoot firearms.

Ed M
06-27-2017, 09:12 AM
I thought about it all night at work, and came up with the only solution that works for me.

I pick up my new Kahr AND the Pico tomorrow. You guys talked me into it. :yo:

King Rat
06-27-2017, 10:28 AM
I thought about it all night at work, and came up with the only solution that works for me.

I pick up my new Kahr AND the Pico tomorrow. You guys talked me into it. :yo:

I wish you much success Ed. I hope you got the deals you wanted. Was the Pico at the Price you said? I am assuming it is the upgraded model with two just one recoil spring. Should say so on the box. Good shooting, take your time and I think you will enjoy both guns as much as I do. Congrats to you sir.

06-27-2017, 12:09 PM
I have the RM380 and 2 Kahr 9mm to compare. The RM380 is much easier to rack and 100% reliable out of the box. No 200 round break-in required. It is a great shooter and my 380 of choice. Shoots any ammo you feed it.

Ed M
06-27-2017, 12:26 PM
Thanks King Rat - I think I'm really gonna like the Pico. I got both for $500 including tax and transfer. I feel like a thief!

The Pico is the upgraded model - read it on the box. I'm gonna give the LCP to a friend, as she always liked it. She's gonna get her carry permit, and I'll feel better knowing she's armed.

I usually practice point and shoot with my "mouse guns" at 5 -7 yards, but sometimes I take the CW380 out on the IDPA range to rile up the regulars - lots of fun!

Thanks for your help - without your glowing endorsement, I would have missed out on this....

06-27-2017, 01:51 PM
I have the RM380 and 2 Kahr 9mm to compare. The RM380 is much easier to rack and 100% reliable out of the box. No 200 round break-in required. It is a great shooter and my 380 of choice. Shoots any ammo you feed it.

Same here. Great gun at a great price. Boringly reliable, with anything you feed it. My trigger smoothed out considerably after a few hundred rounds and lots of dry firing, and I swapped in the Galloway spring kit to make it a bit lighter still.

06-27-2017, 01:52 PM
Hip hip, hooray!!!

I thought about it all night at work, and came up with the only solution that works for me.

I pick up my new Kahr AND the Pico tomorrow. You guys talked me into it. :yo:

06-27-2017, 06:36 PM
The Pico is a quality gun, I had one, but did not like two things. The magazine release was awkward, and the barrel axis was "high" at best. I could not shoot it very well, but my LCP I can shoot just fine. Of all the pocket pistols I have or have had, my CM9 I can shoot the best.

06-27-2017, 06:41 PM
Same here. Great gun at a great price. Boringly reliable, with anything you feed it. My trigger smoothed out considerably after a few hundred rounds and lots of dry firing, and I swapped in the Galloway spring kit to make it a bit lighter still.

With the Galloway springs, how does the trigger compare to the Kahr?


06-27-2017, 07:24 PM
I just saw Buds Gun Shop has the RM380 for $212 with a 50 mail in rebate to Remington if purchased by June 30, 2017 After rebate only $162, cheaper than a kel-tec or a Taurus.

06-27-2017, 07:53 PM
I am biased...nothing compares to a Kahr.

But my Remington has a very smooth trigger. The pull is just a bit heavier than the Kahr after the springs and the break-in. The travel is a bit long, and the reset takes you all the way back to the beginning, but it is comparable to a nice DA revolver pull with no stacking or grittiness. And its second-strike capability is a great bonus.

Given its intended function (minute of bad guy within 10 yards), the RM380 is remarkable adept at its job. It is not a marksmanship gun (although it is very easy and pleasant to train with), but I know it will go bang and put several rounds on target in the blink of an eye without a hiccup. In the micro-380 market, that is a rare commodity, in my experience.

With the Galloway springs, how does the trigger compare to the Kahr?


King Rat
06-28-2017, 05:02 AM
Thanks King Rat - I think I'm really gonna like the Pico. I got both for $500 including tax and transfer. I feel like a thief!

The Pico is the upgraded model - read it on the box. I'm gonna give the LCP to a friend, as she always liked it. She's gonna get her carry permit, and I'll feel better knowing she's armed.

I usually practice point and shoot with my "mouse guns" at 5 -7 yards, but sometimes I take the CW380 out on the IDPA range to rile up the regulars - lots of fun!

Thanks for your help - without your glowing endorsement, I would have missed out on this....

Ed, sounds like you got a really good deal. Looks like you are set to have some serious fun this year. That was nice of you to think of a friend. My brother is getting my LCP. As the man say's "Life is Good"!

King Rat
06-28-2017, 05:09 AM
I am biased...nothing compares to a Kahr.

But my Remington has a very smooth trigger. The pull is just a bit heavier than the Kahr after the springs and the break-in. The travel is a bit long, and the reset takes you all the way back to the beginning, but it is comparable to a nice DA revolver pull with no stacking or grittiness. And its second-strike capability is a great bonus.

Given its intended function (minute of bad guy within 10 yards), the RM380 is remarkable adept at its job. It is not a marksmanship gun (although it is very easy and pleasant to train with), but I know it will go bang and put several rounds on target in the blink of an eye without a hiccup. In the micro-380 market, that is a rare commodity, in my experience.

I have heard nothing but good reviews on the Remington. I was able to handle one and try the trigger at a gun show, and really liked it. Trigger is just what you want in a Pocket Pistol. If you ever get a chance, could you post some pics? Congrats to you Sir. Gotta love those Pocket Pistols.

Had my Kahr out yesterday and another 100 flawless rounds fired. I was using Freedom Reloads. $9.02 for a box of 50. $7.99 shipping on anything purchased over $99.00 Round count now 325 and running strong.

06-28-2017, 05:50 AM
I just saw Buds Gun Shop has the RM380 for $212 with a 50 mail in rebate to Remington if purchased by June 30, 2017 After rebate only $162, cheaper than a kel-tec or a Taurus.

I think I'm going to go for this. Checked the Remington website and the rebate is actually good through the end of July.

EDIT: just placed the order
