View Full Version : Another guy in the PNW

07-03-2017, 07:44 AM
And new to kahrs. Wanted something to carry in a pocket or aiwb and didn't like the idea of pointing a 5.5lb striker shield/glock 43 at arteries or...other important parts.

Kahr ran the CM9 sale with extra 7rd mag for 380ish and I jumped. I shot a few hundred rounds through it this weekend....and yeah at distance I'm low left. Close up though, no problem. Only one failure, the backup mag nosedived a round during a string of fire. After all the break it in talk I've read around here I expected worse. Lots of flashing on the frame and gunk in the gun during its preshoot clean...but no problems. The recoil spring really lightens up with some dry firing and break in.

I shoot a sig 226 more than any other gun, so no issues with 10 ringing a first DA shot on the sig...but this is another animal. Will see how it goes in the future. I still like my commander 1911 the best but carrying it in shorts is like a ships anchor on a row boat :yo:

07-03-2017, 04:11 PM
Welcome "aboard" castle545!
My sig 226 I bought new in 1986. It was my only handgun for many many years. Back then I couldn't afford to shoot it often, but loved it (and still do) when I took it out 3 or 4 times a year.
What year is your sig 226?

07-04-2017, 09:49 AM
Howdy from Texas!

07-04-2017, 10:22 PM
Welcome. There are a few of us in the upper western corner. Central WA for me. But some on the wet side too

07-05-2017, 05:22 AM
Welcome from New Hampshire.

07-05-2017, 05:28 PM
And new to kahrs. Wanted something to carry in a pocket or aiwb and didn't like the idea of pointing a 5.5lb striker shield/glock 43 at arteries or...other important parts.

Kahr ran the CM9 sale with extra 7rd mag for 380ish and I jumped. I shot a few hundred rounds through it this weekend....and yeah at distance I'm low left. Close up though, no problem. Only one failure, the backup mag nosedived a round during a string of fire. After all the break it in talk I've read around here I expected worse. Lots of flashing on the frame and gunk in the gun during its preshoot clean...but no problems. The recoil spring really lightens up with some dry firing and break in.

I shoot a sig 226 more than any other gun, so no issues with 10 ringing a first DA shot on the sig...but this is another animal. Will see how it goes in the future. I still like my commander 1911 the best but carrying it in shorts is like a ships anchor on a row boat :yo:Hello and welcome from Indiana! You will love your CM9....I do mine, and don't even mind taking it to the range. Sometimes, with the smaller guns, it gets to be a chore to shoot them, but not my CM9. I carried it the last three days, and it is one of my "go to" warm weather pistols for carry. ;)