View Full Version : Range report PM9

08-20-2010, 07:54 PM
Took PM9 to range today for first time. Prepped last night as described in forums. 150 rounds Federal 115 FMJ....not one problem. No FTF, no FTE, no stoppage whatsoever. Rapid fire, slow fire, no problem. The only thing not perfect was my aim! But at 15 yards felt pretty good about how it aims and hits (that's as close as my range will allow). Recoil was very manageable.
Will break it in some more then to another range I can use where I can get a little closer/point and shoot (without the range master running me off).
Thanks to all for the great info here that 1) helped me decide to purchase, and 2) helped me prep the weapon well.

08-20-2010, 08:11 PM
Most range reports for the PM9 are pretty much like yours.Glad to hear you`re having good success with it.I`ve had a running love affair with mine for well over a year now with no problems even after 1700 rounds.You have made a fine purchase.

08-21-2010, 04:18 AM
AFDoc... Congrats on the PM9 . the only thing you need right now is to find a range that'll let you shoot from 5-10 yds. Kahr sights them in @ 10 yds and uses 124 gr loads. God forbid, that you had to use your pistol in self defense and it was past 5-7 yds which ended up in your attacker's death. Quite a few of our states have the juries under the impression that 5-7 yds. is like a mile and that you in no way were in a life threatening situation. As firearms owners,we need to EDUCATE. Sorry for starting to ramble on, but I don't see things getting better anytime soon.

08-21-2010, 06:26 AM
Took PM9 to range today for first time. Prepped last night as described in forums. 150 rounds Federal 115 FMJ....not one problem. No FTF, no FTE, no stoppage whatsoever. Rapid fire, slow fire, no problem. The only thing not perfect was my aim! But at 15 yards felt pretty good about how it aims and hits (that's as close as my range will allow). Recoil was very manageable.
Will break it in some more then to another range I can use where I can get a little closer/point and shoot (without the range master running me off).
Thanks to all for the great info here that 1) helped me decide to purchase, and 2) helped me prep the weapon well.

I won't say 15 yards is to far for these little guns to shoot dandy groups, but I will say 15 yards is to far for ol jocko. What GOOFA stated is basically true. Keep your defense shooting 7 yards and under. I know you might think that is childs play but in real life that is where the shots are going to come from . Also at 7 yards it is a real confidence builder to for your groups will tighten un alot and you will be able to see some of your shooting ills at this distance to. It is easier to analyze your groups at this distance, for as you probably already know at 15 yards your groups are probably all over the place.

Practice close, get good close, get fast close, then play around at 15 yards but always find your way back to around the 7 yard distance.

You have the best defense gun money can buy and they are truly reliable to. The loooooong trigger takes just more rounds downrange and you will see a big difference when you put rounds down range..

08-21-2010, 07:20 AM
I won't say 15 yards is to far for these little guns to shoot dandy groups, but I will say 15 yards is to far for ol jocko. What GOOFA stated is basically true. Keep your defense shooting 7 yards and under. I know you might think that is childs play but in real life that is where the shots are going to come from . Also at 7 yards it is a real confidence builder to for your groups will tighten un alot and you will be able to see some of your shooting ills at this distance to. It is easier to analyze your groups at this distance, for as you probably already know at 15 yards your groups are probably all over the place.

Practice close, get good close, get fast close, then play around at 15 yards but always find your way back to around the 7 yard distance.

You have the best defense gun money can buy and they are truly reliable to. The loooooong trigger takes just more rounds downrange and you will see a big difference when you put rounds down range..
At 15 yards with good ammo i get about 4 inch group with mine.
Here is the target i still had it....

08-21-2010, 05:31 PM
Great shooting, the PM9 is surprisingly accurate, I really like mine.

Shawn Dodson
08-21-2010, 07:03 PM
I think of 15 yards as 3 car lengths. The average auto is about 15ft long. If you're stopped on the side of the road changing a flat tire or dealing with some other problem then 15 yards is a reasonable defensive distance.

08-29-2010, 08:41 PM
Since it was new, did you find it difficult to lock the slide back by hand? Kahr sent me an updated recoil spring/guide rod assembly for my older PM9 and I could NOT manually lock it back. It locked back just fine when firing the last round in all of my six mags. After 100+ rounds and leaving it locked back for days on end in my safe, the spring(s) finally took enough of a set to allow locking back by hand easily. Before that (after a few mags), I had to REALLY "grip it and rip it" to get it to lock back on an empty mag. Forget about trying to manipulate the slide stop with no mag inserted. It was as if the spring(s) became fully coil bound. I just thought that was weird since my original spring/guide rod assembly never exhibited that "problem".

At first, I thought maybe they sent me a PM40 set, so I asked them for another one. They indeed sent the correct one (both times) and now I have two new spring/guide rod sets which were sent for free. I had the same "break in" issues with the second set. Both sets were absolutely 100% reliable at all times from the first shot.

Might not hurt to ask if you're needing a new one. I just emailed them and asked about a new one because I'd heard there was a redesign.