View Full Version : Picked up CW9 - Found Issues???

08-20-2010, 10:12 PM
Hey everyone,

I picked up my new CW9 today and ran through the initial prep so I can be ready for the range tomorrow.

I found a few things that concerned me a bit and was wondering if the following issues were normal, and if not, is there anything I can do to fix them.

Here is what I found…

Issue 1: Barrel rubs bottom of slide. Picture one shows that the barrel seems to be rubbing the bottom of the slide. It seems to continue to rub as I move the slide backwards too. Is this normal?

Issue 2: Frame seems bowed. This is not as noticeable when the slide is on but when I remove the slide it is apparent that the frame is bowed where the metal rails are located. The metal rails seem straight but is it normal to have the plastic bowed? I have marked picture two to show the dimensions on how the plastic bows.

Issue 3: What is this panel on the top right side of the grip? I have never seen this before. Am I to periodically to remove this to better clean the gun? Picture three shows the panel.

Issue 4: As per the initial prep instructions on the KahrTalk forum, I tested to see if the bullets hit the slide lock lever. While they don’t, I did notice that the top round in the mag seems to be at a different angle than the rest of the bullets (see pic 4). Is this normal? Also, it is extremely easy to pivot the first round down to match the angle of the other bullets.

Issue 5: The mag seems to pinch on initial insertion into the grip. Picture 5 shows the area that is tight. Is this normal? Should I sand?

Issue 6: Plastic Shavings. There seemed to be a lot of plastic shavings on both the slide rails (see location on pic 6). Cleaned them off with no problem but is this normal? Should I expect more?

All and all, the cleaning went well. I am still a bit confused on how to clean the striker channel but I think I did it the way I was supposed to.

As always, I would appreciate any answers/advice anyone can give on my issues. These may be common issues you see in a Kahr but I am not sure. I am looking for this gun to be my everyday ccw gun and would appreciate any reassurance that my gun is “normal” and reliable.

I am really looking forward to taking the gun to the range tomorrow. I will let everyone know how it goes.

Here are the pics, just click to enlarge. I tried uploading pic 6 but forum would only allow 5 pics. please let me know if you are not clear about issue six and i will upload that pic later.

Thanks again!

Pic 1:


Pic 2:

Pic 3:

Pic 4:


Pic 5:

08-20-2010, 10:33 PM
1. Normal, that's the normal pressure point when the gun's in battery.
2. Normal, they all do that
3. Doesn't come off, I think it's a seam in casting of the grip (I think, I'm on the road)
4. All my Kahrs do that-NEVER had a failure of any kind. Did polish chamber and feed ramp to a shine before shooting. Note that cartridge is in line with lips of mag.
5. Lots of them do that. Not a prob to me as I won't be doing any speed loads. Helps keep mag from falling out of the pistol.
6. Maybe alittle more of that as the gun breaks in.

Just go shoot it and have fun-it's a normal stuff!

08-20-2010, 11:02 PM
When cleaning it after your trip to the range, you may want to "walk through the action" the gun takes when shooting. Just remove the recoil spring and reassemble the slide. You have to move the barrel along without the spring, but you will see how the locking breach mechanism works and why some parts rub and get comfortable with the goings on.

This process answered a lot of my questions and gave answers for questions I hadn't thought of. Let us know how things go for you.

BTW, the panel on the top right grip may be the safety blowout panel to keep any kabooms small by letting off steam at a designated point. Of course it's not supposed to go kaboom but it's like an auto airbag you hope you never need.

08-20-2010, 11:08 PM
That service panel on the right side should never be removed and hopefully the screw won't come loose. That's where the trigger slide and all are installed. The screw is probably a #6 Torx or Improved Torx. There's another holding the washer and the slide lock spring on the other side of the gun. You can check to see if they're loose, but don't add any torque. They are screwed into the plastic and stripping those, which is easy, means a new frame.:eek:
As for the leading edge of the magazine well, you could sand that a tad on the inside... medium to fine sandpaper wrapped around your finger, but things might loosen up and the mags may drop after break in at the range.
You can lubricate the rubbing or contact areas of the slide and barrel. I believe that's in the lubrication guide.
All of the Kahr mags do that tipping thing, but the 9mm seem to be the worst. That's why you shouldn't pocket carry without a good holder. The rounds "tipple" or wiggle out and someone said his mag emptied in his pocket. The same can happen in one of those loose, baggy, nylon pouches when it's jostled around.
And, you didn't mention the little gap or dent in the left metal rail of the frame. It's an alignment mark or something used in assembling the frame. Some people see that and think their gun is defective.:D
That's a great gun. Have fun shooting.
Good photography, too.

08-20-2010, 11:11 PM
The panel at the top right is the access panel to get to the trigger bar and related parts. There should never be a reason for you to get inside there. It's held in place by a tiny little screw that screws into polymer so the less it's messed with the better.
You can clean everything you have to without removing it. A little air and little spray cleaner or brake cleaner for the striker channel and you'll be good to go. All normal, no worries.

08-21-2010, 06:35 AM
MJR: all photos are perfectly normal, all are that way by design. Now get out and shoot it like you stole it

copterdrvr answered all your questions perfectly. You have a very nice kahr

What I will say is that you took excellent photos, you detailed your questions so that the guys here knew exactly what you were referring to.. Your post was excellent and one that a newbie can go to very easily to answer some questions they ight have to. Photos do wonders. Nice job..

welcome to the forum..if you don't ask, no one can help, no embarrassment in asking as far as I am concerned.

08-21-2010, 09:24 AM
Yup, as has been said, all normal. The one difference between that panel on your frame and the one on my P45 is that mine is held in with a polymer pin. Shoot it, shoot it more, rinse and repeat. Good choice, and good observations.

08-21-2010, 10:26 PM
Thank you all for your responses. They really helped re-assure me before I went to the range today. Please check out my latest thread for my first range report. Thread title: "CW9 First Range Report".