View Full Version : Word of warning about FFL transfers - check the numbers yourself.

07-09-2017, 08:58 PM
Ordered a handgun from Bud's, did the transfer at a local FFL store Saturday.

When the manager checked the clerk's paperwork and looked at the gun, he had trouble reading the serial #, even with his flashlight. He asked another clerk to check it, as what he read off was different than what the end label on the box said and also the sticker on the user manual. Clerk squinted & read off the correct number.

All good, so we complete the transfer & I go home. Last night while getting the rebate paperwork together, I noticed that the serial # on my cash receipt for the FFL transfer was incorrect - the 1st clerk had left off one digit from the number that was actually on the gun, box label, and proof of purchase sticker on the user manual.... and the manager missed it.

So, back I go to the FFL in the morning to get that screwup straightened out. I will be taking my vintage Sherlock Holmes style magnifying glass for them to use this time. The number on the gun's frame is really small & tough to read, but I'm an oldfart anyway.

Don't ya know the manufacturer would disallow the cash rebate because the numbers between the FFL invoice wouldn't jive with the proof of purchase sticker off the user manual.

My advice - check it all yourself prior to leaving your FFL

mr surveyor
07-09-2017, 09:01 PM
that'll learn ya to only buy guns with senior citizen print!


07-09-2017, 10:57 PM
I don't recall Kahr or S&W asking for or requiring a receipt.

07-09-2017, 11:24 PM
I don't know if it's part of the law here in CA, or if it's just common sense, but every time I buy a gun, the seller asks me to check the actual serial number against that on the paperwork. I trust my FFL, but the DOJ is picky. Double-checking just makes good sense.

07-10-2017, 08:53 AM
I don't recall Kahr or S&W asking for or requiring a receipt.

S&W asked for an invoice to go with the proof of purchase for their rebate, so does Remington. The email order confirmations from the dealers (Bud's, GrabAGun, PSA, Tombstone Tactical) I've bought from this year do not have the serial numbers on them. The only serial number on paper that I get from the FFL is on the transfer cash receipt. That receipt I got Saturday from the FFL is the one that had the incorrect serial number of that particular purchase.

07-10-2017, 10:35 AM
At our club, the firearm is logged in, serial number must be obtained from the firearm itself, cant use the paperwork or box(per ATF rules). When the buyer comes in I have him/her check the gun out and read me back the serial number. As long as both sets of eyes agree, we are good to go with the dros.

07-10-2017, 12:07 PM

07-10-2017, 12:48 PM
Missa Magloo....................Missa Magloo:p

07-10-2017, 01:43 PM
The S&W revolvers I've bought lately have teeny tiny serial numbers that I can barely read even with a genuine Sherlock Holmes magnifying glass. I totally sympathize!

07-10-2017, 06:57 PM
I don't know if it's part of the law here in CA, or if it's just common sense, but every time I buy a gun, the seller asks me to check the actual serial number against that on the paperwork. I trust my FFL, but the DOJ is picky. Double-checking just makes good sense.

I have this same damn problem with my chemo nurse team. They make me read and verify name and birth date on every friggin' bag before they hang it. Or at least they used to....we've kinda turned it into a game by now.

07-10-2017, 09:53 PM
I have but one word for all my friends here...


Don't ask old guys to build new jets without them! Well at least those electrical plugs with 64 pins of 22gage wire, all white, with the wire numbers inked on the side of each wire. YEASH!

http://www.micromark.com/Optivisor-Professional-Series-Set?gclid=Cj0KEQjwy4zLBRCOg6-4h6vs3cUBEiQAN-yzfqtxYjFmKZVCS_onL2bVvGg7vX7xxpvllgOHia_Rg_saAlLI 8P8HAQ

They come in handy for all your other old manly jobs too...