View Full Version : Great Day at the Range

07-11-2017, 08:22 PM
Today was "Stainless Day" at the range -- I brought my K9 Elite 03 and my MK9 Elite 03, along with Winchester White Box target ammo, Federal HST hollow points, and Underwood Xtreme Defense +p. I had three 7-round mags for the K9 and five 6-round mags for the MK9. (I don't care for or use the extended mags for either pistol. In my experience they've been unreliable and make concealment problematic.)

I fired a total of about 300 rounds of assorted ammo, making sure I used every type of ammo in each magazine. One of the 6-round mags failed, one time, to lock back after the last round was fired. That's it -- the sum total of all malfunctions for the day. Other than that: pure perfection.

I did learn a few things today. One is that I am more accurate with the MK9, and more comfortable shooting it than the K9. Less felt recoil, for some reason. I have no idea why, it just is what it is. I was firing at small metal targets at about 15 yards, and hit more with the MK9.

When I first got the MK9 I found it not comfortable to fire. I felt the stock grips were too thin (which is odd because the grips on my PM9 are just as thin and I find them just fine). I tried the Crimson Trace laser grips and the very beautiful Lakeline G10's, but they didn't help. However, the wood grips did the trick for me, filling my hand perfectly.

The K9 Elite is very close to the MK9 in comfort, at only one ounce heavier and supplying a full-finger grip, but there is something about the MK9's balance that suits me better. The K9 wears Crimson Trace laser grips. It serves as a nightstand gun, and in a dark house the laser is highly visible.

The PM9 is well run in and perhaps the most accurate of my Kahrs, so I tend to practice with it a bit less than with the others. Next range trip I'll be taking my P380, which I carry often and do need to practice with, and my brand spanking new, as yet unfired, Sig P220 Carry Equinox.

I have to say that in my opinion, there are few if any small pistols as perfect in looks and function as the steel-framed Kahrs.


07-12-2017, 03:53 PM
That's a good looking MK9 you have there :)

07-12-2017, 05:00 PM
Your eyes are still good Greg. That's a fine looking MK9.

07-13-2017, 08:20 PM
Nice pistol, and nice report. They are really, really excellent guns to shoot, and easy on the eyes, too.

07-18-2017, 03:07 AM
That is a beauty...please can u tell me more about the woos grips...i am having the same issues with the factory grips and i also have a brand new set of Crimson trace as well...i really like the look of the wood grips...are they factory?
God Bless,John

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07-18-2017, 04:15 PM
Awesome! Great looking pistol you have there.

07-18-2017, 05:01 PM
Thanks. Yes, the grips are factory. You can see them here (http://www.kahr.com/Grips/Kahr-Wood-Grips-Checkered-MK-Series-M143P.asp). Kahr was out of stock on these for a long time, but they seem to have some now. At $58, they're not terribly expensive, and they did solve a grip problem for me. Don't forget to order the longer screws at the same time. I'm curious where you got a brand new set of Crimson Trace grips, as they've been out of production for this model for quite a while. I got mine from someone on this forum. They were far from new, but Crimson Trace replaced the diode and they operate like new now. I just don't find them very comfortable (or necessary) for this type of pistol.

07-18-2017, 05:06 PM
Well written report.

07-27-2017, 05:38 PM
I would have to agree with the wood grips assessment. The wood grips on my MK9 Elite aid in my grip.

I'm rather partial to shooting the MK9.;) When I was taking my ccw class, that was the pistol I brought to practice/qualify. Nobody aside from my wife who was there getting her ccw had seen such a Kahr before, not even the instructor, so folks in our small group all got to try the Kahr out and liked how it handled for them.