View Full Version : New CW380

07-12-2017, 01:07 AM
I picked my cw380 up at my FFL today. I then stopped at the range. I fired 50 Remington UMC through it with no malfunctions. Then I fired 14 Underwood 65 grain extreme Defenders through it, again, with no hiccups. This gun shoots very well. I am very pleased with its performance. I have a DeSantis Nemesis holster for it. And 5 extra magazines.

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07-12-2017, 02:43 PM
I bought a CW380 a week or so ago. I cleaned it and lubed it and went to the range and fired 200 rounds plus a few HP's that I will carry for defense. The gun functioned without any type of malfunction. I am very happy with the gun, much easier to carry and shoots like a dream. Hope you have the same experience with yours.

07-13-2017, 10:58 AM
Thanks Ken43. I run my guns pretty wet, and I'm not one that tries five or six different types of ammo. For the range I have the Remington UMC and for SD I have the Underwood Xtreme Defender. Good luck with yours too.

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07-14-2017, 07:42 AM
I picked up 500 rounds of Herters for my CW380. It is very dirty. I still put 100 rounds through it without any trouble. Back to PMC Bronze or Independance for the range. Cheaper isn't always worth the few pennies.

07-14-2017, 11:57 AM
I bought a CW380 about a month ago.

i cleaned it, put some rounds through it, cleaned it again, put more rounds through it.

240 rounds total, 54 "failure to return to battery" issues. 3 different brands of range ammo. Federal, Winchester, and the worst one, Remington.

i sent it back to Kahr. They polished the extractor. I was highly skeptical. However, I put 84 rounds through it today with no issues, even with the Remington.

What defensive ammo have you tried without any issues?

07-14-2017, 01:39 PM
What defensive ammo have you tried without any issues?

Hornady Critical Defense - seems to work flawlessly for everybody. Personally, I also like Ruger ARX.

07-14-2017, 07:03 PM
I picked up 500 rounds of Herters for my CW380. It is very dirty. I still put 100 rounds through it without any trouble. Back to PMC Bronze or Independance for the range. Cheaper isn't always worth the few pennies.

Herters isn't that dirty. If you really want to try some dirty ammo pick up a box or two of PPU. It also makes a pretty good flamethrower-sized flash.

07-14-2017, 07:39 PM
Monarch is a pretty good soot generator, but it has run very well in my LCP and CT380.

07-15-2017, 06:51 AM
By the way, I also noticed a few more things when cleaning my CW380 after the return to the factory.

it was much easier to remove and reinsert the takedown pin. Didn't need to use a tool, just my finger.

The slide spring was much easier to reinstall.

The magazine release button was easier to push. Originally, I had to use my left thumb while holding the gun in my right hand to engage.

No mention on the work-order on any of this.


07-15-2017, 08:42 AM
I use Hornady 90 gr. XTP for defense.

07-16-2017, 07:00 AM
Hornady Critical Defense - seems to work flawlessly for everybody. Personally, I also like Ruger ARX.
SlowBurn, not for everybody. My CW380 is just now a year old, and even after break-in, Hornady Critical Defense jammed constantly. Only after a lot of modifications did it smooth out for EDC with Hornady.

07-16-2017, 08:36 AM
Keep on shooting.

07-16-2017, 12:01 PM
SlowBurn, not for everybody. My CW380 is just now a year old, and even after break-in, Hornady Critical Defense jammed constantly. Only after a lot of modifications did it smooth out for EDC with Hornady.

I guess there's no perfect answer then. Just have to try.

I've had 2 prior Kahr mini 380s (1 CW and 1 P) Both rejected Winchester flat nose FMJ as well as some other odd size rounds like Fiocchi. Then they were stolen, and I just got a new CW380 and noticed some kind of roughness on the feed ramp right edge. I was going to take it back, but decided to try it at the range first. FLAWLESS. Out of curiosity gave the flat nose a try, shockingly worked fine, no problem.

So I'm not taking back, changing or fixing anything. As one immortal poster used to say, shoot it like you stole it.

07-17-2017, 12:50 AM
As one immortal poster used to say, shoot it like you stole it.

Well it sounds like the SOBs who took your first two are shooting them like they stole them. Hopefully he/they have shot themselves in the groin by now.