View Full Version : Noob in Little Rock > CW9 trigger reach?

07-13-2017, 05:38 PM
Hello forum gurus. Am considering testing the Kahr waters.
One of my "gotcha's" is trigger reach. I need something in
the 2.25" or shorter (trigger to back-strap).

Would appreciate your feedback :amflag:


07-13-2017, 09:00 PM
Welcome Equifan. I ain't any kind of guru, but can use a tape measure.

My Kahr CT380 measures right at 2.25" from the middle of the trigger to the backstrap.
My Kahr CW45 is 2&3/8".

Just for fun, the same measurement for the:
Ruger LCP is 2.5".
Remington RM380 is 2&5/8".

If you want to know much more than that, there are several real Kahr gurus around here who can help you out with their expertise in the appropriate forums.

07-13-2017, 11:06 PM
I can read a tape too up to 25 footer. The 30's always confused me, guess the numbers are too big or something.

Welcome Equifan, glad you found us.

07-14-2017, 06:35 AM
Thanks for checking - the CW9 is the one I'm trying to track down.

I found a pretty handy chart showing quite a few but sans CW9.

https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B22wLsyYEkTOMDU4MjJlNTktOTRlZi00NTJkLWE0MGMtZmEwN GFlMWE3ZDlm/view

IMHO This is something the mfg's should include in their list of specs/dimensions.

Thanks again!

Welcome Equifan. I ain't any kind of guru, but can use a tape measure.

My Kahr CT380 measures right at 2.25" from the middle of the trigger to the backstrap.
My Kahr CW45 is 2&3/8".

Just for fun, the same measurement for the:
Ruger LCP is 2.5".
Remington RM380 is 2&5/8".

If you want to know much more than that, there are several real Kahr gurus around here who can help you out with their expertise in the appropriate forums.