View Full Version : Bought my second Kahr PM9

Ed L
07-22-2017, 01:48 AM
Hi, I am new to the forum but old to PM9s.

I like the PM9 for a pocket gun in a situation where a larger gun may not be practical.

I have an older PM9 that I bought in 2003ish that had one or two malfunctions during break-in then it was fine. I did not shoot it that often and when I did I only shot it at about 21-30 feet. Its night sights have since dimmed and it seems to have an old slide construction that night sights which from what I understand are hard to find. I looked at Kahr's websight and they only offer a front sight that is made by Trijicon. My older gun's nightsights do not have Trijicon listed on them, so I am afraid of getting a new front sight that will not match the rear sights which will result in the gun shooting way off from where the sights are.

I recently came across a second one with night sights for a good price and bought it. In practicing I discovered that I can keep a whole magazine in the head of a silhouette target at 50 feet away shooting offhand. The big thing is to concentrate on a smooth consistent trigger squeeze. I had never shot the other Kahr at that distance, so I tried and found out that I could do the same with the older one. These guns are way more accurate than I gave them credit for.

I did notice that different ammo impacted differently in each gun at distance. With some ammo at 50 feet I had to aim at neck level while other ammo was dead on. It even varied from gun to gun.

07-22-2017, 11:21 AM
Welcome to the forums Ed! :)

If your old night sights are of the three dot variety and factory installed, they are most likely Trijicon or Meprolight.

Meprolight sights have material, almost like a lens, that covers the tritium capsule and the white ring around it. This "lens" sits flush with the surface of the sight.

Trijicon sights have a tritium capsule with a white painted ring around it. These are setback from the sight's surface and in the right light you can see the shiny surface of the tritium capsule.

Here's a Meprolight on my Glock 27:
https://s9.postimg.org/eyqhy5ftb/image.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/acudpsua3/)
..and "enhanced" to show how the "lens" sits flush with the sight surface:
https://s13.postimg.org/52ifkoljb/ms_copy.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/wpv4ys6pv/)
Here's a Trijicon on my CW9, see how some dust/dirt has become trapped in the setback area (between the tritium capsule and the paint):
https://s2.postimg.org/i7by21jqh/image.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/twfxq0ap1/)

If your sights are Trijicon, they can can "replace the lamps for a nominal fee": https://www.trijicon.com/na_en/support/faq_BNTNS.php


Ed L
07-22-2017, 10:50 PM
Thanks. By your description I think they are Trijicons. But I don't see any marking on the top of the front sight like most Trijicons.

07-23-2017, 09:34 AM
Thanks. By your description I think they are Trijicons. But I don't see any marking on the top of the front sight like most Trijicons.
The markings were done with paint/ink on the Trijicons I have. Holster wear, cleaning solvents, lubricants, and cold bluing have removed the markings from all my front sights.

07-23-2017, 09:36 AM

07-24-2017, 10:15 AM
Now you have a couple of options.

Paint the front sight on the older PM9,
Have a complete set of new night sights installed,
Look into a set of Big Dot sights.

My PM9 is approaching ten years old and the night sights are still glowing but when they go I will strongly consider Big Dot sights as an replacement.

BTW, I have commented here many times as to how surprised I am at how easy it it to shoot the PM9 accurately. Although I am a snubbie lover and more often than not I will have one of them on my hip, whenever I return from the range after shooting my PM9, I question if the Kahr is the one that should really be my primary carry.

07-24-2017, 02:10 PM
Hey Ed L, welcome to the site! ;)