07-30-2017, 10:27 PM
Even though I live on the po side of the tracks, once in awhile the planets align and things work out and bawanna gets a brand new gun. Now I love old guns, weird guns, strange guns a LOT! If it goes bang I want one.
That being said now and then a shiny brand new one is a wonderful thing.
Here she be and let me be the first to say Magnum Research did it right.
I'm still new at directly loading pictures here so I'm not sure what order they will appear.
Things I love- They did away with the Billboard on the side that said Desert Eagle. It's smaller, classier and stylish.
I love front strap checkering that's not too course, this one is perfect.
The trigger is also perfect, don't have my gauge at home but my finger says 4# and a bit. Not too heavy, not too light.
The grips, forget the manufacture but very popular grip you, you don't have to grip it.
And I do love me some stainless steel.
Lets see if the pictures happen. Curse you photobucket after all these years.
Picture bawanna, one extremely happy camper and please join me in singing Happy New Gun to ME!
OK, I'll just hum, I can't sing for beans, fortunate to be near deaf as a stump.
That being said now and then a shiny brand new one is a wonderful thing.
Here she be and let me be the first to say Magnum Research did it right.
I'm still new at directly loading pictures here so I'm not sure what order they will appear.
Things I love- They did away with the Billboard on the side that said Desert Eagle. It's smaller, classier and stylish.
I love front strap checkering that's not too course, this one is perfect.
The trigger is also perfect, don't have my gauge at home but my finger says 4# and a bit. Not too heavy, not too light.
The grips, forget the manufacture but very popular grip you, you don't have to grip it.
And I do love me some stainless steel.
Lets see if the pictures happen. Curse you photobucket after all these years.
Picture bawanna, one extremely happy camper and please join me in singing Happy New Gun to ME!
OK, I'll just hum, I can't sing for beans, fortunate to be near deaf as a stump.