View Full Version : CW9 First Range Report

08-21-2010, 10:41 PM
Today was a great day. Between my wife and I, 290 rounds flew down range; 200 of which were from my New CW9!
I need to start off by saying that the initial prep list that was compiled by Jocko worked great. Thank you.

Overall, the CW9 operated nearly perfectly. I pulled the trigger 200 times and it went bang 200 times! As far as accuracy, you guys were right, it will take some time to get used to. Being only familiar with Glock, shooting the CW9 was a bit different for me. I am not familiar with the “dot-the-eye” sight picture, the extremely long trigger pull length, or having to release the trigger fully for a reset. All of these “features” are going to take me some time to master.

I started off shooting free hand without a sandbag or any other aid. After getting a bit frustrated with the accuracy, I decided to use a sandbag. The attached picture is my accuracy at 10 yards WITH a sandbag. I won’t dare show pictures of my free hand shots! I will say that while shooting free hand, most of my shots were low and two the left, about 5 inches from point of aim. Any suggestions as to why this is, or how to fix it? I know I still have some practice to do.

I did however; a few issues that concerned me…

The first issue: At one point I had a problem with feeding a round into the chamber. The cause was two-fold, both being my fault. The first cause was because I did not fully insert the magazine until it “clicked” into place. The second was when inserting the slide into the gun; I did not have the slide locked to the rear. After I “thought” the magazine was inserted, I decided to rack the slide in order to load a round into the chamber. I know the manual says not to do this but it was just a habit I have from my Glock. Something I need to work on.

The second issue: The slide did not lock back when the magazine was empty. This only happened once. I am not 100% sure but I really don’t think it was me putting pressure on the slide release. Does anything else cause this to happen?

Even with the above frustrating issues, I really did enjoy shooting the CW9. Being so small, I expected it to kick more than my 40Cal Glock-23. This wasn’t the case. The CW9 had no kick and didn’t cause any blisters.

Now I just need to work on these issues so I am comfortable enough with the weapon to start carrying it. As always, any suggestions anyone may have to help improve my transition to a Kahr would be greatly appreciated. Thank you all for your help!

Back to field stripping and cleaning….


08-22-2010, 09:05 AM
Welcome to the forum! Wonderful photos and first look at the CW9. New eyes see differently and very welcome. I had a similar experience with my CW9. Great pistol!

-- Richard

08-22-2010, 11:23 AM
Low and left is heard commonly around here for NEW Kahr owners. I suspect you give it some more time, things will improve immensely. Your sand bag targets abviously show the gun shoots where it looks.
Also things seem to deteriorate when you get tired. You might not even know it or want to admit it. But commonly issues intensify towards the end of a range session. If your having issues this seems to make things even worse.
Give it some more time and it'll come around. You need to mate up in the words of Jocko.

08-22-2010, 01:02 PM
Thanks for the advice rkirk & Bawanna45cal. Glad to know that its common to new Kahr owners and practice should fix it.

Agreed, the longer I was at the range, the more tired I got. I will give it a fresh start the next time I am at the range.

Thank you both for the information!

08-22-2010, 01:37 PM
I bet your a right hand shooter also MJR, your groups are typical of a right hand shooter. The more you shoot the gun the better you willget a feel for the looooong but smooth trigger system. Trust me, you will get better, groupls will get tighter..

08-22-2010, 03:29 PM
Congrats, welcome...yep, jocko's the man around here... Bawanna, second in command. :)