View Full Version : Cor-Bon Glaser Pow'R Ball .380 ACP 70 Grain JHP

08-05-2017, 05:37 PM
I have seen a lot of comments on different type of ammo to use or not to use in a CW380, but have not seen anything on Cor-Bon. Anyone one use this ammo? Also once the CW is broken in, anyone go back and find the ammo it would not shoot cycles and fires just fine....or still a no go?

08-05-2017, 06:47 PM
I use Cor-Bon in my Colt Officers .45ACP. Only expanding bullet I have found that feeds reliably in the 3.5 " barrel. Feeds hardball no problem.
Down side on .380 seems to be penetration. Hard to find sweet spot of expansion/penetration in short barrel. Penetration trumps expansion.

Ed M
08-05-2017, 07:56 PM
I've got 2 CW380s, and neither one likes Perfecta FMJ. One of my CW380s has over 1000 rounds through it and it still doesn't like it. The case rim is just too thick to fit under the extractor.

There's a couple of fixes for this, but the easiest one is just not feed them Perfecta. Every other ammo I've tried has run 100% out of both, so I'm not worried about changing anything.